Srinivas Gurram
Srinivas Gurram August 18, 2022

Today in 2022, businesses of all sizes and types are creatively utilizing mobile apps as a way to mobile app engagement. The unprecedented global pandemic has highlighted the significance of quick decision-making and market volatility adaptation for businesses. 

Due to the rise in smartphone usage, businesses are concentrating on mobile app engagement. According to Statista, there are currently 6.648 billion smartphone users worldwide, which translates to 83.37 percent of the world’s population. This number has increased significantly since 2016, when just 3.668 billion users, or 49.40 percent of the world’s population.

Keep reading to learn the importance of mobile app engagement and how businesses can drive mobile app engagement in 2022.

What is Mobile App Engagement?

App engagement is a term used to describe the level of user interaction with your app that demonstrates how frequently and how users interact with your app. These engagement metrics often include the frequency with which users access your app; you can make more informed marketing decisions by gathering data on user behavior concerning your app.

Additionally, app marketers and product managers can control the user engagement process with the help of mobile app engagement platforms. These app engagement techniques, such as gamification, push notification, and personalization, have become crucial for app marketing. 

Why it is Important to Drive Mobile App Engagement for Business

Today’s app market is highly competitive for marketers due to the multitude of mobile apps available to customers on two major app stores (Google Play and the Apple App Store). To grow your business, app engagement is essential. Since users’ expectations are so high, churn and uninstall rates also tend to be very high. 

It produces word-of-mouth marketing: Users will likely promote your app to their contacts if you keep them happy and engaged.

App engagement improves customer experience: It focuses on retaining users and providing them with a positive user experience. As a result, if your app has high engagement, your users will have a positive experience.

Increases Brand Value: With ongoing interactions, customers develop a sense of trust in your brand. As a result, more users will be attracted to make additional purchases from your company.

Boost Sales and contribute to business growth: Apps can impact your sales figures whether your company sells products or services. Your user base will grow due to improved app engagement, which could also enhance sales. Mobile app engagement also impacts the business’s value and health. Most customers seek a simple way to stay informed about the newest trends, particularly in the digital realm.

Seven Ways Businesses Can Drive Mobile App Engagement in 2022

1. Engage Users with the Seamless Onboarding Process

Users interact with your app for the first time during the onboarding process, so creating a lasting impression and maintaining it throughout their journey is important. It should be simple and easy for the customers to start with.

Explain to your users how the app will help them solve a particular problem or make their lives easier. Businesses can utilize this phase to learn more about their customers. Providing them with tutorials or screen tips on creating an account and navigating through the app builds a positive relationship between customers and the app.

Notably, the signing-up process and login procedure should not overwhelm customers uninstalling the app.

For example, 

LinkedIn has a standardized mobile app onboarding process for users across various devices. These imply that for any mobile device you choose to use, you will get the same experience.

After downloading the LinkedIn app, you will get a helpful message that reads, “Make the most of your professional life.” It gives many details regarding the platform functionality and goal by swiping through the screens and guiding you through setting up your profile.

upshot.ai linkedin onboarding image
Source: LinkedIn

2. Use Gamification to Engage Users

Gamification can be an excellent way for businesses that drive mobile app engagement. These include incorporating fun and engaging elements into an app to encourage users to interact with it. 

Incorporating gamification elements like trivia, badges, leaderboards, and spinning wheels encourages app users to engage with the platform. It creates a sense of achievement and drives them to accomplish tasks. They enjoy competing with their friends or people throughout the world. You can include a variety of tasks and accomplishments that contribute to the various incentives. Give your users extra points or rewards if they sign up or refer a friend.

Also Read: How Gamification can Improve User Engagement in Healthcare Apps

For example,

Byjus implements gamification by letting students participate in games, get points for completing tasks, and compete against one another. Student competition inspires them to learn frequently and produce a better outcome. 

Upshot.ai Byjus gamification image
Source: Byjus

3. Segment Customers and Customize the Communication

Segment the customer data based on their demographics, context, and behavior. You can design targeted campaigns with more engaging interactions and transactions by segmenting your customers and breaking them up into smaller groups.

Demographic data refers to customers’ gender, age, interests, and preferences. Contextual data refers to the customer’s location, time, and device. Lastly, behavioral data refers to what the customer is looking forward to buying; this behavioral data can help us create more personalization as we know what the customer wants.

The degree of customization you provide can make or break the deal regarding getting potential users hooked on your app. Personalized content and suggestions can increase user engagement and drive sales further. 

For example, 

HDFC is considered one of the largest Indian banks. Its mobile banking application allows all customers to check their account summary, make credit card payments, transfer funds, and pay utility bills. The application enables customization of the ‘My Menu’ tap on the app where the most commonly used services are available.

Upshot.ai HDFC customization image
Source: HDFC

4. Engage them with Push and In-app Notifications

Push and in-app notifications are critical tactics for growing mobile app engagement. It would be best if you optimize push and in-app notifications to remind users of the features and advantages of your app to maintain engagement with users who have already downloaded and installed your app.

Informative push and in-app notifications can attract customers to open the app. Incorporating the appropriate messaging and delivering it to users as a pop-up notification at the right time can significantly increase app engagement by reinforcing the worth and significance of your products/services to them.

For example

Amazon, an American multinational technology company, uses push and in-app to increase app engagement to boost conversions.

Upshot.ai Amazon push notification image
Source: Amazon

5. Capture and Predict the User Journey

The user journey is the series of activities between the app and customers; it’s like a journal of activities recorded from time to time of how the customer interacts in the app.

This journal helps us to understand what the customer wants from his point of view, and their touchpoints can help us to know user behavior. By analyzing their journey with the help of analytics, you can learn about their goals and expectations and remove problems the customer is facing. 

Upshot.ai analytics help with mobile app engagement
Source: Upshot.ai

6. Make Social Sharing Easy

Today, most people use social media and love sharing their achievements. Businesses can take advantage of this to make their app more engaging. 

Social media increases the likelihood that someone will find the connection to your app. You can encourage long-term engagement by making it quicker and easier for users to tell their friends about your app. Users should find it convenient to share, and sharing should enhance their experience. 

For example, 

Nike+ running app enables users to share new accomplishments, records broken, and calories burned. Such apps have an emotional value, and users want to share their “accomplishments” with their friends as soon as possible.

Upshot.ai Nike+ social sharing improve mobile app engagement
Source: Nike+

7. Offer Rewards

Exclusive rewards and offers significantly engage customers as people tend to like when they get rewards, as it is basic human behavior. If your users realize that loyal users are rewarded, they will keep using your app.

One of the best methods for brand marketing is through rewards. Giving your loyal users something worthwhile in exchange for their involvement is the basic idea behind rewards. Offering rewards is one of the best-boosting app engagement strategies to encourage customers to stick with the app. Businesses can promote interaction with their mobile app specifically by providing mobile-specific prizes.

For example

Starbucks is one of the major players that has the best loyalty programs. The loyalty program encourages users to collect starts as they earn; customers can receive free coffee and products.

Upshot.ai Starbucks rewards boosts mobile app engagement
Source: Starbucks


Since mobile app engagement is the primary factor in determining customer loyalty and lifetime value growth, one should focus on creating a better engagement strategy that drives business conversions.

Your mobile engagement strategy determines the amount of money you make from your app, and it supports your brand exposure. The ways mentioned above are the most important ones you should consider while creating your mobile app engagement strategy. 

The Upshot.ai Advantage 

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve product adoption and conversions.

With Upshot.ai, eCommerce, finance, ed-tech, and healthcare firms can drive mobile app engagement. It can provide personalized insights, actionable recommendations, and contextual nudges designed to deepen its relationship with its users. 

Book a demo of the most comprehensive user engagement and gamification platform to achieve your digital product goals. Join our communities for more insights, guides, and best practices that keep you updated with proven strategies and tips to supercharge your campaigns.

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