Srinivas Gurram
Srinivas Gurram January 12, 2023

Communication is essential to any business, especially for marketers who need to communicate with their users while delivering value. By using communication mediums, marketers can create a more vivid and engaging narrative of their product or service. This narrative helps users get a deeper understanding of the product or service and how they can derive value from it. 

Currently, apps account for 85% of consumer mobile online time. For brands with mobile apps, in-app messages are the best communication medium to engage users and drive specific actions.

In-app messaging can help engage users with just-in-time support, ensuring that products retain users at higher levels. This communication medium can keep users happy and loyal by providing information throughout the user journey with small contextual nudges.

This article will outline the importance of in-app messages and the best in-app message strategies and templates for 2023. so, let’s get started! 

What is an In-App Message?

An in-app message is a well-targeted communication form users receive when using an app. These messages are typically triggered by events or actions within the app and can be used to provide updates or announcements.

In-app messages are pop-up windows that appear on the screen, similar to push notifications. However, there’s more room for rich content and longer copies. It is a great way to keep your users updated on what’s happening on your app. 

In-app messages can be images, text, and links to tell an update or provide extra information. 

The most common type of in-app message is the pop-up window at the top of the screen. And other types of in-app messages appear in the middle and bottom of the window. 

Why are In-App Messages Important?

In-app messages are important because it allows you to communicate with your app’s users while they are using your app. These can provide them with information about new features, updates, or special offers. 

It gets triggered based on user interactions, such as clicking on a link or past behavior. This way, you can deliver tailored content and information to your users seamlessly, leading to better conversions and deeper insights into their needs and preferences.

When an app sends notifications to its users, these notifications are generally a quick way to remind the user of something important happening in the app. However, in the case of push notifications, users need to opt-in to receive the notifications. In-app messages, on the other hand, are sent directly to the user’s device without any need for them to opt-in.

Also Read: Web Personalization: The Key to Boosting User Engagement in 2023

Best In-App Message Strategies for 2023

1) Have Clear Campaign Objectives

Having a clear objective implies having a view of the desired outcome. Objectives are essential because they convert visions into clear-cut measurable targets.

For example, if you want to increase your app installs. In that case, you need to create an in-app message “promo campaign” that provides valuable and helpful content they can share with their family, friends, and colleagues.

2) Segment your Users

It would be best to segment your users based on their behaviors and attributes to target them effectively. Segmenting will help you deliver the right message to the right person at the right time resulting in increased engagement and conversion rates.

Segmentation helps businesses understand their user base better/ It helps you tailor and personalize your marketing efforts to the needs of specific groups. You can segment your users based on age, gender, location, interests, device type, and app usage patterns

3) Trigger In-App Messages contextually.

Contextual messages are a great way to increase engagement and retention. In-app messages contextualizing the user’s current activity can add value and increase engagement. Keep track of user actions and behaviors, then send an appropriate message that appears at the right time.

For example, if a user is browsing for a mobile to purchase, an in-app message about the latest mobile or discount appears relevant and helpful.

4) Use Headlines Wisely

Creating concise headlines can be challenging, but it’s essential for effective online marketing. Below are some suggestions for writing headlines that will grab user attention and help you promote your content effectively.

  • Write eye-catching headlines
  • Make sure your headlines are easy to read
  • Use words that are relevant to your topic.
  • The font should be larger than the rest of the text to grab the attention
  • The subheading should be smaller but more significant than the message text.

5) Get your business noticed with the CTA button

Create a powerful call to action button to attract your customers’ attention. Make sure to pick a color that pops and use descriptive language to help explain the main idea of your CTA.

Bright, eye-catching colors will ensure your customers notice the call to action button.

6) Measure and Analyze the Campaign

After you’ve launched your campaigns and collected sufficient data, it’s time to analyze the results. Start by looking at your engagement and other key metrics to see how your campaign performs.

Measuring and analyzing in-app message campaigns helps you understand what’s working. To do this, you can use the in-app message campaign reports to analyze the campaign’s effectiveness.

Best In-App Message Templates for 2023

1. Welcome Onboard Messages

The first screen your users see when they launch your app is the welcome message. Use an In-app messaging template to describe your product clearly, and provide an opportunity for them to see why they will love using it.

Also Read: 9 Customer Onboarding Metrics to prioritize in 2023

MessageHello [Name], we are super excited to have you on board!
CTALet’s Start 🚀

2. Personalized Recommendation

Promote the perks of a completed profile and encourage users to take a minute to personalize their experience for higher customer engagement and retention.

MessageHey [Name], Congratulations on becoming a member 🙌 Before we move forward, could you please complete your profile to get personalized offers? 
CTAComplete now!

3. Feature Announcements

In-app announcements are a great way to share product updates and newly released features. This will help improve user engagement and drive feature adoption, which will, in turn, promote retention.

MessageGood news! ✨We just launched a new feature: [add feature]. Now you can easily access the records. Click the button below for more information. 
CTAExplore Now! 

4. Demos or Tutorials

If a user doesn’t understand the value of your product, they won’t be able to appreciate it. Demo videos allow you to explain each feature or option in a highly visual way and show how they can be used. A product demo is the quickest way to get users to understand your product better and the value you’re offering them.

MessageGet to know all you can do with the product and unlock maximum benefits.
CTAGet a demo

5. Alerts or Discounts

If you have a promotion that users can take advantage of at any time, such as a discount, an in-app message serves as a convenient reminder. You can use customized alerts or discounts to encourage users to explore your app and promote your brand. These in-app messaging templates are suitable for brand marketing.

MessageHappy Birthday, [Name]! We’ve got a special surprise just for you. Use code [Name20] and get a 20% discount on upgrading your account.🎉
CTARedeem now

6. Subscription Purchase

Use the subscription model to offer a higher level of user engagement. It helps brands in engaging users and bring more revenue. The subscription model eliminates the hurdles involved with bringing users back to your store.

Message[Watch/Listen] offline with a Premium SubscriptionUpgrade now to enjoy your favorite [movies/TV/music] anywhere, any time.

7. Promo Code

Promotional codes are a great way to keep your users engaged and excited about your app. Use promo codes to engage and retain your users. Provide a short description and clear title that highlights your promo code. These In-app messaging templates are a great way to encourage users to make purchases or conversions. 

MessageToday only: [$] off your order! Use [Discount Code] at the checkout by midnight! 
CTAAvail Now

8. Referral Program

Use referral programs to attract new users and keep them coming back. This in-app message template helps you spread the word about your app among friends, family, and co-workers. This nurturing user base is what will help your business grow.

MessageRefer a friend and earn $10 when they make their first purchase
CTATap to share [custom referral link]

9. Share to Social

Many people are influenced by what others do and what they say on social media channels. Share to social in-app message template helps you to display their achievements. It acts as a free marketing promotion for your app.

These in-app message templates dramatically boost the app’s visibility by catering to a large user base. Since social media sites are high-action places with significantly more clicks, they bring a higher return on the total number of visitors.

MessageWoohoo! You’ve conquered the milestone of [user goal]. Let’s share the achievement!
CTAShare on Facebook

10. Feedback Surveys

Feedback surveys are a great way to gather feedback from your current users and provide insights about what areas you may need to improve upon for your users to have the best experience possible. Prompt users to rate your app using in-app messages.

You can also use NPS to gather feedback from active users without making them leave your product. 

Message✨On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague? 0️⃣1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣5️⃣6️⃣7️⃣8️⃣9️⃣🔟0-Very unlikely      10-Very likely


In-app messaging is a powerful tool that product managers can use to communicate and drive product adoption effectively. It is a great way to keep users engaged and keep them from switching to your competitors. 

Above mentioned strategies and templates is the surefire way to boost user engagement and keep them for a long time. Messages must be personal, targeted, and unique to each user to create a strong connection. This helps businesses to improve conversions and user engagement, which in turn keeps users coming back.

If you’re interested in hearing more about how Upshot.ai helps our customers implement in-app messaging, book a demo now!

The Upshot.ai Advantage

If you need help with customer retention and managing your relationships with your current customers, consider using Upshot.ai.

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, customer engagement, and gamification platform. It offers product teams a powerful behavioral analytics platform that automatically captures everything that users are doing with your product. You can look at multiple metrics, iterate on them over time, and run experiments to improve different parts of your business.

Armed with this information, you can make intelligent product decisions, create effective campaigns across the customer journey and build strong relationships with your customers.

Interested in a demo of the Upshot.ai platform? We’d love to chat with you!

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