Fostering, Converting and Expanding Relationships

Go Beyond Convenience - Redefining financial apps and websites for exceptional user experiences and to become intelligent digital financial assistants.

Trusted by Top Brands | Trusted by Fortune 1000 Companies | Trusted by Fortune 1000 Companies | Trusted by Fortune 1000 Companies | Trusted by Fortune 1000 Companies | Trusted by Fortune 1000 Companies | Trusted by Fortune 1000 Companies | Trusted by Fortune 1000 Companies | Trusted by Fortune 1000 Companies | Trusted by Fortune 1000 Companies | Trusted by Fortune 1000 Companies | Trusted by Fortune 1000 Companies | Trusted by Fortune 1000 Companies

Our Results

  • 2%

    Increase in Insurance Sales

  • 28%

    Raise in Mobile Banking Transactions

  • 17%

    Increase in Banking Products | Banking and Insurance

What’s Wrong with Digital User Engagement in Most Financial Institutions Today?

Most banks built mobile apps for users but left user engagement to chance and paid the price. Apart from transaction alerts, at best, they send a few notifications over Push, Email, and (occasionally) Text. This is why bank users love Fintech Apps and move to them in droves! | Banking and Insurance
  • Lack of Convenience

    Build an easy, on-the-go solution(mobile app)

  • smart adoption

    Teach each user at their pace, not yours

  • Watch, React

    Respond to user behavior in real time with in-app tips or nudges to try something new & relevant

  • Progressive user profiles

    Build six-dimensional (6D) user profiles incrementally to serve as a highly accurate & useful data foundation for effective user engagement


    Seek in-the-moment feedback from every user to improve features & evolve roadmap

  • Human Friendly

    Use gamification to work with, rather than against, human nature to seed & nurture desirable user behavior.

How Sophisticated User Engagement Looks in Banking & Insurance

It takes a LOT of capabilities to create knock-out user engagement. These capabilities are spread across multiple tools, causing a tool sprawl and expensive management overheads. brings them all under one umbrella.

Transactions, Demographics, Digital Behavior, Preferences, Attitude, Feedback

Segmentation, Funnels, ML Predictions, Reports, Customized Dashboards

Leverage a user’s 6-D profile to personalize the channel, message & timing for them

Use drag-and-drop canvas to define multi-step engagement like a flowchart without any IT support

Trigger 100% personalized, unobtrusive, and friendly nudges in-app - with zero delay!

Hard-coding user engagement into the app is ineffective, as engagement needs to be responsive to user behavior as well as bank goals and has to stay ever-fresh and not one-size-fits-all | Banking and Insurance

Effective User Engagement Needs Iterative Experimentation

Biases kill the truth, waste opportunities, and exhaust resources. The best digital companies use science in a loop: keep running experiments to learn what’s real, true, and effective.


Look through user analytics and frame your experiment.

Define User Segment

Who would be the right user segment for this experiment? Define & create the segment.

Create Messaging

Build out the creative & copy, even A/B variations, and decide the channel of engagement.


Run the experiment and use statistics to find out if the hypothesis is true.

The Ideal Bank Digital User Journey & Relevance of

Journey Stage
Signup For Digital Banking
User Questions
  • Why should I sign up?
  • Is it really secure?
Potential Answers

Communication that is

  • Persona-based
  • Clear & simple
  • Social proof driven
  • Triggered post transactions Tools

Emails, SMS, and Gamification Tools.

Transact Online
User Questions
  • How fast, secure & easy is it to transact?
  • Do I have to learn a lot?
Potential Answers
  • Guided tutorials
  • Contextual advice
  • Confidence boosters
  • Videos Testimonials Tools

Image/Videos Tutorials, Real-Time Screen Tips, and In-App Messages

Online Beats Offline
User Questions
  • What else can I do here?
  • Can I avoid visiting a branch or ATM?
Potential Answers
  • Detect offline activity
  • Teach how to do it online, along with its benefits Tools

APIs, Push Notifications, In-App, Emails, SMS, and Gamification Tools.

User Questions
  • What are interest rates?
  • What else for me?
Potential Answers
  • Build profiles, gather preferences and goals
  • Suggest personalized opportunities Tools

Micro Surveys, Opinion Polls, Trivia, Push Notifications, and In-App messages.

Stay enables
User Questions
  • XYZ Bank is my banking & investment partner of choice
Potential Answers
  • Gamify for long-term retention
  • Engage via fun & usefulness every step of the way Tools

Badges, Behavioral Reward Points, and Mini Games

How can help you with
Engagement on your Insurance Apps

A few powerful use cases you can achieve using
  1. Ensure the customer really understands, remembers and appreciates your policy - its name, details, what’s covered and what’s not, etc.
  2. Teach your customers the DOs & DON’Ts so that they do the right thing and file a claim that will be approved without rejection using Coachmarks, Tips, Video testimonials, etc.
  3. Share useful and interesting content with the customer - articles, blogs, etc. - using Flash Cards, Quizzes, etc. Go beyond policy-related communications.
  4. Increase app adoption and feature awareness—make sure your customers know how to use every part of your app. This can save you a lot on contact center expenses!
  5. Improve your app ratings - use the Smart App Ratings Feature.
  6. Find creative ways to deliver all possible kinds of value of your app to your customer - for example, free preventive doctor check-ups and wearable sync for benefits.
  7. Gamify and boost customer engagement using Badges, Poll, Quizzes, Reward Points and Mini-games.
  8. Capture voice-of-customer instantly - at just the right time, with no delayed feedback!
  9. Send renewal reminders, policy terms & conditions change alerts, via Push Notifications, Emails, Text, and WhatsApp. | Banking and Insurance Offering Unmatched Capabilities Competitors
Custom Analytics, Dashboard and Funnels
Segmentation (Basic)
Segmentation (Advanced)
Notification (Push, Email, SMS, In-app)
Basic Surveys

The biggest challenge with older, push-based capabilities has been low user response rates. Overuse causes users to turn off notifications, harming marketing and business objectives.

Beyond notifications, clients have not been equipped with more human-friendly engagement options.

Zero Day Contextual Campaign
  • Opinion Polls For Progressive Profiling
  • Games of Luck (Scratch Cards, Spin The Wheel, etc.)
  • Edugames
  • Badges
  • Reward Point Engine
  • Personalized Offers
Fresh Feedback
  • Contextual in-app Micro Surveys
  • Usage triggered App & Feature Ratings
  • App Store & Play Store Ratings Control
User Awareness Building
  • Tutorials
  • Screen Tips
Personalized in-app ads for self & partner
Build your own engagement activity

These capabilities create a PULL factor for users using human behavior & motivational psychology techniques.


A Quick Guide to eCommerce Gamification

Enhance your eCommerce journey with the exciting world of gamification. Understand the essence of gamification and its implementation..

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