

Why Insurance Companies are leveraging a ML-driven, Omnichannel Customer Engagement Platform

Today, customer behavior is gradually changing; they expect an “Amazon” experience in all their transactions, whether buying a car, planning a holiday, or getting insurance. The influence of digital channels is on the rise across all types of the financial insurance sector, whether it be gathering information during the pre-purchase stage, comparing alternatives, or even the final purchase of insurance.

Insurers have embarked on the digital journey to provide a superior customer and agent experience. Still, there are critical gaps that need to be addressed to deliver a rich, personalized, and contextual experience.

  • Touchpoints without engagement: Inconsistent engagement across touchpoints leads to weak relationships with customers and ultimately leads to customer churn.
  • Interactions without human touch: Customers detest generic, robotic tone conversations or lack of clarity when they encounter any issue in the app or transactions. Smart digital humanized connect delight customers and help retain for long term.
  • Lack of trustworthiness: Build customer’s trust by telling about your compliance and security efforts. Share customer reviews and ratings to build credibility.
  • Inadequate smart agent training and performance: Digital tools to aid selling are limited to recording prospect information and transactions, but what about the salesperson’s timely and contextual empowerment?

Our Platform Helps You Stay Ahead in a Competitive Landscape

Upshot.ai is a 360-degree customer engagement and gamification platform that allows you to-

Achieve personalized communication:

Personalize your target audience’s interactions to build more profound and meaningful relationships with them.

Retain users with follow-ups and reminders:

Leverage ML-driven insights to predict customers who are likely to lapse their policies and proactively interact with them.

Skyrocket sales and agent performance:

Create competitions among agents to encourage sales and performance with rewards such as points, badges, coins to create a sense of accomplishment and grow your revenue.

Practical insurance sales training:

Train your agents effectively and systematically by gamifying their learning experience to ensure top-of-the-mind recall about the insurance product features and benefits.

Upsell-cross sell your insurance products:

Upsell/ cross-sell and recommend products based on your customer’s demographic, behavior, and transactional data.

Improve your NPS score and app ratings:

Garner customer insights using our NPS tool and optimize your play store and app store ratings.

Retarget lapsed policyholders:

A/B test your retargeting strategies and create win-campaigns to engage lapsed policyholders.

Airtight Data Security:

Enjoy the ease, privacy, and reliability on a global scale with our GDPR and HIPAA compliant platform.

Bridge the gap between physical and digital:

Send relevant messages based on the customer’s current location. Point them to the nearest branch and deliver an actual engaging omnichannel experience.

Centralized View:

Get a complete view into your customer’s and agent’s interactions across touchpoints, interests, preferred channels and products, and resistance points in their journey with our analytics dashboard.

Deliver Personalized Customer Experience Across Customer Journey

Leverage our ML-driven customer engagement and retention platform to refine customer experience throughout the life cycle.



Send relevant messages to prompt them to signup for your app or website.



Create relevant tutorials, screen tips, and splash screens to help customers navigate your product and understand your product’s value.



Create an effective omnichannel engagement strategy based on their in-app behavior, location, and demographics using our engagement and analytics tools.



Minimize app uninstalls and churns using our predictive analytics and ML-driven insights to predict churn/ conversion and find hidden usage patterns to increase CLTV.



Upsell and Cross-sell higher premium policies using our in-app ads feature to targeted policyholders with the highest propensity to purchase the products.



Segment customers who lapsed their policies and send targeted and highly contextual messages.

Our Approach


We begin with understanding your user’s expectations and interests thoroughly. We identify the right strategy and features to be leveraged that would make the most sense for your business.


After researching the basics, we begin setting clear business goals and objectives and plan the engagement and growth strategy accordingly.


We make sure to design a user-focused and engaging strategy that is easy to use and delivers maximum results.


We test our critical assumptions by making data-driven decisions, conducting A/B tests, and measuring user behavior to validate the learning.

Why choose Upshot.ai

Get started with quick and integration

Get started with quick and integration

Upshot.ai is easy to integrate, which requires minimal investment of resources, and connects seamlessly to your platform.

Post-deployment Support, anytime

Post-deployment support, anytime

Our customer success team will be ready to help you navigate the process and achieve results.

Master your strategy with our experts

Master your strategy with our experts

We have an enthusiastic and experienced customer success team equipped with the right tools and skills to help you build a customer-focused strategy.

Ready to Get Started?

The era of smart consumer engagement in insurance is booming, and now is the time to seize this exciting opportunity for your business. Schedule a demo and know how you can supercharge your insurance business using the usphot.ai

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