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Voice of Customer Tool Enables Companies to –

Know your customers

Know your customers

Upshot.ai allows you to capture the voice of your customer on any device, in any language, at every touchpoint. Provide customers the power to express opinions in quick and efficient formats.

Build loyalty

Build loyalty

Identify where brand loyalty is gained or lost with powerful real-time analysis, transform feedback into insights, and put customers at the center of your business.

Engage and empower

Engage and empower

Identify opportunities to capture customers’ voices using upshot.ai and turn your customers into your brand advocates leveraging direct access to feedback and insights from costumes.

Upshot.ai Voice of Customer ToolKit


Surveys provide a crucial source of data and insights from your target audience. With Upshot.ai, you can scale your survey significantly. You can send surveys to tens of thousands of people with a click of a button, even in multiple languages. You can analyze the results quickly and more accurately across different channels.

Choose the right survey types from various options such as conditional surveys, multiple-choice, open-ended, text only, slider, multi-select, and so on to capture customer feedback.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Upshot.ai allows you to capture Net Promoter Score (NPS) and focuses on uncovering customer loyalty by asking a simple question:

“On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?”

Each time a customer responds, the answer is segmented based on the criteria:

Promoters (9-10): These customers love your product or service and are likely to refer you to potential buyers. The customers are generally repeated customers and have high customer lifetime value.

Passives (7-8): These customers rate your product or services either 7 or 8 and are content with being your customer but may switch to a competitor should they find a new or better product.

Detractors (1-6): These customers are not happy with your product or service and are likely to damage your brand reputation by sharing their negative experiences with their friends, family, and connections.


Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

CSAT is measured to track how satisfied customers are with your products and services. It usually appears at the end of a customer feedback survey:

“How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the [goods/service] you received?”

(Number of satisfied customers (4 and 5) / Number of survey responses) x 100 = % of satisfied customers

Measure customer satisfaction with upshot.ai and get insights into your customer satisfaction.

Rating Requests

Build your brand reputation, credibility to your company, and provide the social proof needed to influence consumer behavior. Trigger in-app rating requests using upshot.ai and reward customers for sharing the rating and review.

App Store Optimization

Optimize app store and play store ratings. Upshot.ai prompts users to provide ratings, identifies negative ratings, and asks users for feedback. It enables you to redirect users who give positive ratings to the app/play stores, resulting in higher optimized ratings and more downloads.

6 Quick Steps and Gather Voice of Customer to Improve Overall Customer Experience

Design the survey for your brand

Customize your surveys and follow your company’s branding to preserve overall brand consistency.

A/B test

A/B test your surveys and reduce the chance that respondents may interpret the meaning of questions differently

Trigger automatic actions

Automatic triggers save you time and help you scale your voice for customer programs.

Distribute survey through the right channels

You can distribute surveys through multiple channels— web, email, app, SMS, etc., your target audience is most likely on.

Collect customer feedback

Upshot.ai allows you to collect and aggregate surveys across the customer journeys to monitor and improve your customer experience in real-time.

Make data-driven decisions

We provide real-time analytics and insights into customer feedback to help you make data-driven decisions.

What Top Brands Say About Us

Capture Voice of Customer from Every Customer
Interaction, in One Platform

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