


Mobile Push Notifications

Reach your app users with real-time, high impact, mobile push notifications. Choose from 4 different mobile push notification layouts to engage your users and customize it according to your marketing campaign. Add call to action, images, video, GIFs to create personalized push notifications.


Simple Text: Engage with simple text notifications for something as exciting as an app update or order confirmation.


Contextual Banner : Send banner notifications to send alerts for events like sales or rewarding in-app user behavior.


Interactive Carousel: Share visually enticing image-based slideshow notification to deliver a more meaningful message.


Engaging Video : Quickly grab user attention with video or GIFs push notifications and increase engagement.

Web Push Notifications

Welcome users to your website and send powerful web push notifications to create a conducive user experience even if they’re not on your website—leverage direct text or vibrant banner layout to motivate users to opt-in for push notification. Create customized messages using dynamic content, call to action buttons, page links, or images.


Direct Text: Remind users or launch marketing campaigns using text push notifications.


Vibrant Banner : Send high-impact personalized offers using creative banner notifications.

In-app Messages

In-app messaging provides enhanced one to one conversation, leading to improved engagement. Our capability to segment users based on behavior, demographics, and preferences drives product adoption and improves conversion rate. It supports different message sizes, background images, colored text, and a call to action.


Classic Text Message: Use simple text to share a feature update, send humble reminders, best for informative messages.


Center Pop-up : Share promotional offers or announcements of events pop up in the center of the app screen.


Interstitial: Engage users with a full-screen message with flexible design and interactivity to share important information.


Custom Template : Create a customizable in-app message template that matches the look and feel of your app.


Craft a compelling text message to share essential information with users. Personalize it according to your use case and launch the SMS campaign for maximum reach and engagement.


Promotional Message: Send exciting personalized promotional offers to keep users coming back for more—segment users based on their behavior, location, and user journey.


Transactional Message: Share personalized order confirmation, delivery updates, or a sale reminder with users at scale to keep them engaged and informed.


Hyper personalized conversational messages based on user behavior create high impact user engagement. Share reminders, alerts, and crucial information and delight users with exceptional real-time response.


Customer Service: Provide exceptional customer service by managing and resolving customer queries in a timely fashion.


Promotional Campaigns : Deliver the right promotional message and updates with advanced segmentation and personalization.


Choose from a list of pre-configured templates and craft compelling email drafts using the drag and drop editor. Schedule the email delivery according to your marketing campaigns. Real-time triggered emails get good results because they respond to subscriber actions and are relevant to them.


Standard: This template is suitable for a promotional campaign directing users to one link location. It consists of a small text, image, and call to action.


Topical : Topical email features, the main heading, important topics, images, or a video. Each collateral will have a customizable link redirecting to a set location.


Custom: Create your templates using any of these templates. You can edit colors, text font, and other features and support 3rd party integrations.



Personalization at Scale

Personalized messages work better than general messages. Including a user's name can deliver 4 times higher open rates than generic content. Upshot.ai facilitates personalization at scale based on user behavior, geolocation, psychographics, and time.

A/B Testing

A/B Testing

A/B testing allows you to test multiple variants of your campaign with smaller groups for greater effectiveness. Upshot.ai tracks various goals and metrics for you to compare and determine which variant works best to give maximum ROI.


Track Conversions

Measure the campaign traction, reach, conversions, and overall effectiveness, Analyze the result, and take relevant actions for your success. Upshot.ai offers more than 50 reports to track your goals and metric



Experienced Resources

At Upshot.ai, we have enthusiastic and experienced customer success teams with the best in industry user engagement platforms. Together, we help you build a product that offers a highly engaging user experience.


Quality Control

Get immediate access to the team that ensures your glitch-free user experience. We’ll make sure that your product is working smoothly on all platforms.


Post-Deployment Support

Launching an app is just beginning; there might be unexpected issues or feedback from users. Our customer success team will be ready to get you through all the time.

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