Likitha A
Likitha A February 15, 2022

At Upshot.ai, we never stop improving our product. Hence, after every update, we go back to our drawing boards, add new features, and enhance existing ones.

So, here we are, bringing a brand new update to one of the most popular gamification features – Trivia.

What is Trivia?

A trivia game includes asking participants questions about exciting facts in many subjects. The goal of Trivia is to get as many correct answers as possible, and players can either play individually or in teams.

Trivia will engage users in a fun and entertaining way. Interactive quizzes boost engagement and deliver personalized experiences in real time.

Why is Trivia Important?

One of the first interactive tools we think of is our quizzes. In a quiz, you ask questions, and your audience replies. You can even take it a step further and give them a score or personalized feedback at the end of the quiz. As such, you have started an indicative conversation with your audience. Most of the websites are already seeing the benefits of quizzes.

Trivia Functionality on Upshot.ai

Trivia is one of the gamification tools of Upshot.ai, which can reward users based on their responses and score earned to keep the users engaged. 

It is a set of questions that can be created on the dashboard to be displayed to the end user. The users are asked to answer the trivia questionnaire presented by the application. The user would be given a grade and rewarded using an In-App message or a Badge based on the correct options chosen.

How to create Trivia on Upshot.ai

There are five steps to create Trivia in Upshot.ai, they are:

  1. Trivia title
  2. Trivia question
  3. Leader-board
  4. Message
  5. Save Trivia

1. Trivia Title

  • The user needs to give a Title for the Trivia. It is mandatory and appears at the top of every question. The title must contain a Maximum of 40 characters.

  • The trivia description is optional. If the description is omitted, this screen will not be shown to the user. The description must contain max 500 characters. IOS 1.5.6 and Android 1.5.14 SDK versions, the character limit is 200 for Description.

  • The trivia image is optional. If the image is omitted, this screen will not be shown to the user.

Trivia title image

2. Trivia Question

  • The user needs to type a question and give a few options.

  • The character limit is 500 for question(s) and 150 for options. Below IOS 1.5.6 and Android 1.5.14 SDK versions, the character limit is 100 for Question(s) and 27 for Options.

  •  Here there will be questions settings in which there are four different question types, are.,

  1. Test-Based Questions: The question will be in text format.

Trivia test based questions image

  1. Image-Based Questions: The question will be in image format.

trivia image based questions

  1. Answer Contains Image: The answer will be in image format.

Answer Contains Image

  1. Image contains both Question and Answer: The question and answer will be in image format.

Image contains both Question and Answer

  • There is a small bar at the right panel of the dashboard this contains:

  1. Choose color indicators: Choose colors for correct answer and wrong answer indicators. 

Choose color indicators

  1. Choose the correct answer and give points: The user needs to choose the right answer, then give points for the correct one and 0 for the wrong answer.

Choose the correct answer and give points

  1. Add New Question: If the user wants to add another question, he must click on the “Add New Question” button and create the query.
  2. Delete this Question: The user can delete the created question if it is unnecessary.

Add New Question or Delete this Question

  • Then finally, he needs to click on the Finish button to complete the step.

3. Leaderboard

  • The user needs to select the way he wants to show the leaderboard. There are three ways in upshot.ai, they are:

  1. Tabular form
  2. Bar graph
  3. Pie chart

  • He can also choose whether he wants to reward the user or not.

  • The user must give a grade- grade limit is A-E, enter minimum points, maximum points, reward type, and choose a reward. Click on the Continue button.

leaderboard image

4. Trivia Message

  • Trivia Message is optional. The user needs to enter the thanks message in this section and click on the “submit” button. If there is no text in the message, the screen will not be shown.

Trivia message image

5. Save Trivia

  • Before saving the Trivia, the user must choose the tag(on which page the trivia questions need to be displayed) and finally click on the “Create” button.

Save trivia image

  • A pop-up will appear at the end saying “Created Successfully.”

Trivia 2.0 Major Enhancements in 30 secs:

Dashboard Changes

  1. Trivia Timer

It is possible to choose if a user decides to set a time limit for Trivia, it is possible to choose. If yes, he can select a timer at the question level or overall trivia level and set a timer in an Input field in seconds.

  1. Option Selection type

Once a user selects the question and types in the questions settings, he must choose another selection type option. It contains:

  1. Single selection
  2. Multi-selection
  3. Score type

Once a user selects the selection type, he must choose another option called score type. It contains:

  1. Question level
  2. Option level
  3. Validations for multiple selections to decide the correct answer

  • At Least one selected option is correct 
  • All selected options are correct 
  • All correct options have to be selected with no wrong option
  • All right options chosen may include the wrong answer

Final thoughts

At Upshot.ai, we are always committed to the success of our customers and keep improving the product so you can engage your users in innovative ways. We hope you enjoy this update and all the benefits it offers!

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