Shehnaz Abdul Jabbar
Shehnaz Abdul Jabbar December 13, 2022

Push notifications are something we see every day. Any time you pick up your mobile device, you have at least five push notifications waiting for you. It’s the same way with web platforms. Digital marketers are just beginning to realize the potential that push notifications have and are looking at ways to harness it to boost engagement by devising push notification strategies.

The importance of push notifications in increasing user engagement can not be emphasized enough. In fact, it’s becoming so popular that many mobile apps regularly nudge their users with push notifications. 

Push notifications are sent directly to a device’s mobile operating system when new content is available for that app. They have multifold purposes, including 

  • Notifications about new content or update

  • Reminders regarding upcoming events or deadlines.

  • A way to provide extra feedback and encouragement from the app developer

Push notifications are a powerful way to get your user’s attention, so it makes sense to integrate them into your marketing strategies.

In this article, we will cover strategies that you can use to maximize the effectiveness of your push notification campaigns to supercharge your app engagement. 

1. Personalization: Use Custom Notifications

Personalization is a powerful way to increase app engagement. Custom push notifications let you create a unique experience for each individual user. You can personalize these messages based on what the user has done, likes, or dislikes in your app.

Users receive push notifications based on their devices. If they have an Android phone, it will be a different push notification than if they have an iPhone.

You can also create different types of push notifications depending on how much content you want to give your users. 

For example, if you want to send out an email with a link to an article about your product or service, you can send this out as a push notification instead of sending it as an email. 

This will be more personalized since the user has already opened your app and has the most relevant information available to them. This can help you keep users engaged longer by providing them with content that’s tailored just for them.

Personalization is an excellent push notification strategy.

Custom push notifications don’t just increase the likelihood of users opening your push notification but also ensure that they are more likely to respond favorably. In addition, personalization can be used to target specific audiences based on their behaviors and interests.

2. Use Reminders and Contextual Linking

You can use push notifications as reminders for your users about specific events or tasks that are important to them, such as when their order/package might arrive or when their subscription is about to expire. 

Push notifications reminders

This can help keep users engaged longer because they’ll see reminders pop up at times that are relevant to them rather than having everything appear at once.

3. User Geolocation

Geolocation is one of the most effective push notification strategies to increase app engagement. Since the user’s location is already stored in the device, it will be automatically sent to the user’s mobile phone when they open the app. It also allows you to send relevant messages based on an individual user’s location. 

For example, if you want to send a coupon to a customer who visited your store last week, you can use this strategy. If you want to send an alert about a sale or an announcement about a new product launch, geolocation is definitely going to be helpful for your business.

Here are some examples of how you can use geolocation push notifications:

  • Alerts about nearby events (concerts, sporting events)

  • Sale notices

  • Notifications about nearby discounts at local stores

  • Weather updates

4. Use Deep Links

Deep links are more than just a URL. They include a call to action (CTA) that takes your users directly to the relevant content on your website or app. It is one of the best ways to capture your users’ attention and increase engagement.

Deep links allow users to go directly into specific locations within your app without navigating away from the notification itself. By adding these deep links to your notifications, you can create a seamless transition between where they are and where they want to go in your app. This will give them a better sense of what content is available within their preferred section of your app and encourage them to continue using it more often.

5. Timing

It’s important to use push notifications wisely, though. If you send too many out at once, it can cause an overload for users and potentially decrease engagement levels.

To avoid spamming users, try timing the delivery of your push notifications. 

One of the best times to send push notifications is during times of peak activity. If you’re sending out a lot of push notifications, don’t send all of them at once, as this will make users feel like they’re being spammed. 

Instead, break up your push notifications into chunks so that they don’t feel overwhelmed with too much information at once (and also so that there’s less chance that they’ll ignore the whole thing). 

When you send a push notification, check your analytics dashboard to see when people open it. Devising a time schedule for sending out push notifications is one of the most underrated push notifications strategies.

6. Limited-Time Offers

The use of limited-time offers is an effective way to increase app engagement. It can help you to engage your users and make them more likely to make purchases or other actions.

Limited-time push notifications work on the game dynamic of adding an element of FOMO, i.e., the Feeling of Missing Out. It makes the users feel like they are missing out on good offers or deals, and if they don’t make a purchase or perform a desired action during the limited time period, they won’t get a good enough offer again.

Push notification strategies of using Limited time offers

In order to use this strategy, you need to create a special Push Notification that will display after a certain amount of time has passed. This is called a “limited-time offer” or “limited availability” push notification. The idea behind this is that the user needs to act quickly; otherwise, they will miss out on this opportunity.

For example, if you have a limited-time offer that says, “Win a free trip to Maldives,” then you could send out an announcement with your app’s push notification.

This strategy is helpful to keep users engaged with your brand. You’ll be able to bring in new customers who otherwise wouldn’t have known about your offer otherwise. It’s also good for retention because it keeps people coming back for more information about the deal or promotion that they want to participate in.

7. Rich Content

Different types of content are used in push notifications to increase app engagement. Rich content is one such type of content. Rich content is any text, image, video, or audio file that you want to show in your push notification. It can be anything from a customer testimonial to a product demo. There are many push notification templates to choose from.

Rich push notifications are the best way to communicate with users as it helps users engage more deeply with your application. Moreover, people might not read the text if they’re in a hurry, but they’ll see an image. A well-written messaging infused with rich content in your push notifications can make people more likely to click on them. 

8. Tracking the success of your push notifications

When you set up push notification strategies, you’ll provide information about how often users interact with it and what actions they take as a result of receiving it. For example, if someone clicks on a link within your push notification, then you want to know which sites they went to and what they did there (if anything).

If someone opens your app, then you want to know which screens they go through and how long it took them before doing so.

By tracking these metrics, you can determine whether or not your push notifications are effective at engaging users. You may find that some users respond better than others, depending on their behavior or location.


We hope you’ve enjoyed this list of push notification strategies to increase app user engagement. Using push notifications with the right marketing strategies will help you keep your audience up to date on significant product/service changes. 

Care should be taken to keep the message short and to the point and not spam your users with irrelevant information. By understanding how your audience interacts with push notifications, you can increase user engagement by building them into part of your marketing strategy!

When used correctly, push notifications can be a very valuable tool for increasing engagement and retention in mobile app users.

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