Shehnaz Abdul Jabbar
Shehnaz Abdul Jabbar December 15, 2022

One of the greatest advances of technology today is the invention of mobile apps which made our lives incredibly simple and hassle-free. Whether it’s for work or play, we all rely on our phones to take care of various day-to-day tasks and other activities. Businesses, too, are increasingly using mobile apps to engage with customers and drive sales but the biggest challenge they face is app monetization.

It has been found that around 54% of the total traffic on mobile devices comes from apps. With this growing trend, companies must have a monetization strategy in place so they can make the most out of their investment and improve their bottom line by increasing their revenue. 

For these reasons, it’s no surprise that more and more companies are investing in mobile app monetization strategies today. 

In 2023, mobile app monetization strategies will be more focused on the user experience and less on making money from ads.

The reason for this shift is twofold: first, the cost of developing a high-quality app is decreasing rapidly, so it’s becoming easier to develop a good-looking app that does what it needs to do without costing a fortune. Second, there are now many ways to make money from apps and developers are becoming more aware of them.

This article will cover some of the most important app monetization strategies that can help you earn revenue from your apps in 2023.

Effective Strategies to Generate Revenue in 2023

#1 In-App Purchases

In-app purchases (IAPs) are a great way to make money from your mobile apps. IAPs include “free” games, paid subscriptions, and virtual goods. You can earn revenue by selling these items within your app or offering them up as rewards for users who complete tasks within your app. 

For example, if you have a game that allows users to earn points by playing it, you can offer those points as an incentive for people who make purchases within your app.

In-app purchases are the most popular form of mobile app monetization strategy, but not everyone knows how they work or how they should be used. 

In-app purchases allow users to purchase additional content inside your app without having to leave the interface—allowing them to engage with your content without having to pay for it directly from their bills or bank accounts.

This can help keep users engaged with your product longer and increase their trust in it, leading them to spend more time using it and become more loyal customers over time. 

Headspace in-app purchases screen
Headspace in-app purchase screen

#2 In-App Advertising

In-app advertisements are the newest trend in mobile app monetization. With the rise of freemium apps and the availability of large user bases, these ads can be extremely effective at generating revenue.

In-app advertisements are easy to implement. They’re just an image or video that shows up in your app when someone taps on them.

You can also use them to promote your brand or product, or even provide users with free content by paying for ads that pop up near the content they’re reading.

Here’s how it works: when someone sees an advertisement and taps “X” to dismiss it, you’ll receive a small fee from advertisers for each engagement action taken by them (such as viewing more content or clicking through to buy something). 

In-app advertisements are a great way to monetize your app, and they can be integrated into almost any type of game or app. 

Hellofresh in-app advertising screen
Hellofresh in-app advertising screen

#3 In-App Subscriptions

In-app subscriptions are the most common type of mobile app monetization strategy.

This method of offering users access to premium content within your app is quite popular and offers the best ROI for your business.

The process goes like this:

  • You allow users to download an app with a free version.
  • You then offer a paid version of the same app with ad-supported content or a paid version of your creation.
  • Users pay the subscription fee to access premium features within the app.

This is one of the most effective ways to make money from mobile apps because it allows you to retain users and keep them loyal to your brand.

In-app subscriptions
In-app Subscriptions

Here are some tried and tested tips:

  1. Identify your top features and add-ons, and then create a user experience that will appeal to your target audience.
  1. Make sure your plan is something that people will want and pay for, not just something they’re willing to try out for free or at least at a discount.
  1. Create an in-app purchase (IAP) system that makes sense for your app, as well as your business model and payment terms (for example 30 days free trial; monthly billing).
  1. Make sure there are no hidden fees or taxes associated with the purchase or subscription process — or at least make them clear upfront, so users know what they are signing up for before they get started with their purchase (for example, no hidden costs; monthly billing).

#4 Location-based Services

Location-based services are a great way to monetize your mobile app. They allow users to search for local services, businesses, and products based on location. The most popular location-based apps include Google Maps, Yelp, Foursquare, and Uber.

The popularity of location-based services is due to their ability to provide users with a more convenient and personal experience with their smartphones. 

For example, if someone is going out to dinner with friends and wants to find a place that serves good food, they can use their smartphone to locate restaurants near their current location. 

In addition, some location-based services offer incentives for consumers who use their services frequently by rewarding them with discounts or loyalty points after making purchases or visiting specific locations (e.g., Starbucks Rewards). 

This motivates consumers to continue using these services even when they aren’t directly interested in a particular product or service at that time (i.e., when they’re not necessarily looking for something specific).

With the right technology and analytics tools, you can easily track your user’s movements across different locations and generate insights that can help you better understand how your app performs in different areas around the world.

#5 Data Monetization

If your app allows users to save the information or make purchases, then it can be used as a marketing tool. Think of it this way: if someone is looking for a new job or wants to book an appointment with a doctor, they are probably going to go online and search on LinkedIn, Google, or Facebook first. 

If you’ve built an app that makes it easy for them to do that or if you’ve built an app that adds value beyond the functionality of its core purpose, then you have another option here: offer those things in exchange for data.

This is especially true if your app has been downloaded by others outside of its target audience because then there’s no limit on how much money you can make from these transactions.

Final Thoughts

The mobile app market is competitive, and it can be difficult to make money. In 2023, the strategies that app store owners use will be dictated by three main factors: the number of apps available, the audience size of each app, and the need to monetize more effectively to keep up with the competition.

As more platforms emerge and more users engage with their content, different monetization strategies will be utilized to increase revenue. What is interesting though, is that while emerging apps are experimenting with existing strategies and new ones, businesses within existing mobile ecosystems will begin utilizing their current and future technologies to develop more advanced monetization strategies that the industry hasn’t even considered yet.

So, with the right strategies and a little bit of creativity, you will be able to turn your app into a sustainable and profitable enterprise.

The Upshot.ai Advantage 

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve product adoption and conversions.

With Upshot.ai, banks, Insurance, and FinTech firms can enhance their digital experiences with pre-built gamification features. It can provide personalized insights, actionable recommendations, and contextual nudges designed to deepen its relationship with its users. 

Book a demo of the most comprehensive user engagement and gamification platform to achieve your digital product goals. Join our communities for more insights, guides, and best practices that keep you updated with proven strategies and tips to supercharge your campaigns.

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