Upshot.ai Team
Upshot.ai Team December 15, 2020

The app market has become more competitive over the years, and businesses are finding it challenging to get their app into the limelight and position their app in the go-to-market. Having a comprehensive app launch strategy in place is crucial for paving the way for a successful app launch and strategically positioning the app marketplace.

App Launch - Upshot.ai

source : Freepik

Leveraging our ‘helping enterprises’ experience for over a decade, we have compiled the top five strategies you can adopt for a successful and seamless launch.

Determine high-level goals and KPIs for your app

It’s essential to define and create a high-level framework to create a quality product, achieve goals, position the app right, and establish a great user experience.

User Engagement KPIs - Upshot.ai
source: Freepik

Here are some of the strategic questions you need to ask yourself, which will help create a successful framework to follow for your app:

  • Who is your target audience? 
  • Who is this app for, and listing a few sample user personas? 
  • What is the app’s key USP and value proposition?
  • What will users achieve with your app?
  • Your competitor offering in this space?

Answering these questions will help you make informed decisions throughout the product development and app engagement process.

Monitor your App metrics

Based on your app’s business/industry, you need to define a benchmark for your metrics, as this is entirely different for each app, given the category of the application.

App metrics - Upshot.ai
Source : Freepik

Here are some common metrics to watch:

  • Retention rate / churn rate
  • Daily Active Users
  • Session length
  • NPS
  • Customer acquisition rate
  • Crash logs
  • Playstore / App Store Ratings
  • Nudge response rates

While determining the benchmark of any of the above metrics, you need to figure out what is “normal” for an app like yours in your app category and whether the user behavior is in line with those expectations. This will help you understand how your app is doing out there against the competition and quickly list out improvement areas.

Another crucial step here is to make sure you have the correct analytics and engagement tool in place to track these metrics, such as Upshot.ai. Click here to know more about how you can benefit from a powerful tool like Upshot.

Create a mobile app marketing strategy

There will be many things to discuss as part of creating an effective app marketing strategy, But we will be focusing on narrowing down the list concerning the app launch.

Marketing strategy - Upshot.ai
source: Freepik

Here are some points to consider

  • Firstly, Create a website or a landing page that clearly states the app’s USP and how it can differ from the existing competition. 
  • Secondly, Have dedicated buttons for play and app stores to help direct users to the install screen.
  • Thirdly, Add campaigns and posts on social media channels about the launch.
  • Later, Create a PR with a personalized pitch and highlights of the app.
  • Set up email campaigns for your marketing list
  • Lastly, Organize a business event with industry influencers

Collect feedback post launch

Once the app is launched successfully, it’s time to listen to your users. Be it the user experience or about the app features and functionality, it’s vital to seek feedback so you can understand their pain points and release updates to address them, resulting in a great user experience. 

User Rating - Upshot.ai
source : Freepik

Another effective way to collect in-app feedback is to use a versatile tool. You can visit Upshot.ai to know how seamless feedback collection mechanisms make things easier for you.

Prompt users for app ratings & reviews

App store ratings are among the most influential aspects that determine the mindset while downloading an app. But still, most business owners and developers often neglect this aspect.

Ratings will act as social proof for users, helping potential customers evaluate the app based on positive & negative reviews.

User Ratings - Upshot.ai
source : Freepik

Therefore, the right engagement tool can do wonders for your app ratings within no time. Tools like Upshot.ai have an intelligent recommendation on redirecting the users to the play store based on the users’ ratings. Users providing low ratings will be asked for feedback, while those giving higher ratings will be redirected to the app store, garnering positive feedback and helping traction.

Closing thoughts

If you plan to launch an app, these pro tips will help you achieve your product goals better.

Also read : The Ultimate guide to decode customer loyalty

About Upshot.ai :

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve their product adoption and conversions. Fortune 1000 companies such as GE, UHG, Puma, Sony, ITC, Tenet healthcare are using Upshot.ai and observed a massive increase in product adoption YoY increment in revenues.

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