Akshay Deogiri January 25, 2022

Undeniably targeted cohort-based lead nurturing followed by lead nurturing is of utmost importance for any business. The practice brings more visibility to your brand, making it credible in the consumer market.  Usually, businesses use Google Analytics to track their leads to know which channels generate the most leads. But the question is, which channels are… Read More »

Kaustuv Dwivedi
Kaustuv Dwivedi January 17, 2022

The term gamification had come a long way since 2003, when it had a mere presence. And as we all can see, years later, gamification is everywhere. And the future of gamification looks bright! Gamification has a variety of titles, ranging from behavioral design to engagement-focused experience. It is the practice of applying game design… Read More »

Kaustuv Dwivedi
Kaustuv Dwivedi December 21, 2021

Companies have been increasing customer engagement through loyalty programs for many years now. However, statistical data shows that 40 percent of loyalty program participants quit at least one program, indicating that addressing motivation is now more critical than ever. Trust us, using Gamification to boost customer loyalty is the game-changer for your brand. With recent… Read More »

Shehnaz Abdul Jabbar
Shehnaz Abdul Jabbar December 16, 2021

Octalysis is an award-winning gamification framework created by the Gamification guru, Yu-kai Chou. This framework lays out the structure for analyzing the driving forces behind human motivation. It is the process of applying the core behavior drives that motivate a user to complete a task efficiently through an interactive experience.
The Octalysis framework is used in various industries to increase user engagement, ROI and motivation.

Likitha A
Likitha A November 25, 2021

Can we imagine our lives without mobile phones or applications? How many apps do you have on your phone that you almost forgot about? Approximately 1000 new app releases and billions of app downloads every day. So how does one’s mobile app stand out and make a difference? Well, the answer is Gamification in mobile apps! … Read More »

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                                                                                                              Redefining Prime Time: Engagement Strategies for OTT Success

                                                                                                                From Chats to Conversions: The Ultimate Guide to WhatsApp Marketing

                                                                                                                  The Modern Marketer's Guide: Omnichannel Strategies for 2023

                                                                                                                    Segmenting for Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Customer Segmentation

                                                                                                                      Shine Bright with Diwali Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide

                                                                                                                        A Complete Guide to Thanksgiving Marketing: 2023 Edition

                                                                                                                          A Complete Guide to Black Friday Marketing: 2023 Edition

                                                                                                                            A Complete Guide to Cyber Monday Marketing: 2023 Edition

                                                                                                                              A Complete Guide to Thanksgiving Marketing: 2023 Edition

                                                                                                                                A Complete Guide to Cyber Monday Marketing: 2023 Edition
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                                                                                                                                A Complete Guide to Christmas Marketing: 2023 Edition

                                                                                                                                  The Beginner’s Guide to Personalization

                                                                                                                                    The In-Depth Guide to Personalization

                                                                                                                                      The Marketer’s Guide to Winning Ramadan

                                                                                                                                        Cracking the Code of Customer Onboarding

                                                                                                                                          The Ultimate Guide to Mobile App Analytics

                                                                                                                                            The Marketer's Guide for the Cricket Season

                                                                                                                                              The Ultimate Guide to Travel & Hospitality Marketing

                                                                                                                                                Gamification Pocket Guide
