Likitha A
Likitha A January 5, 2023

Do you remember the saying “Everyone is in Sales”? It is true for you and the members of your business, but it’s doubly true for your customers. Whether sharing the latest purchase from your site, leaving a great review, or even referring your site to a friend, they are your greatest brand advocates of all time (truly G.O.A.T). But this only happens if you deliver an excellent customer experience.

Speaking of customer experience, how do you elevate your web experience from just a mere transaction to a long-term ongoing engagement with each individual? Well, If you are still wondering how, Web Personalization is your answer!

According to McKinsey’s report, 71% of consumers expect companies to understand their preferences and deliver a contextual experience.

In this article, we will discuss what web personalization is all about, how to get started, and use it to deliver a delightful customer experience!

What is Website Personalization?

Website Personalization is creating an exclusive and customized experience for your visitors when they land on your site—in simple terms, giving your website visitors a unique experience that fits their requirements and desires. 

This can be achieved by collecting and analyzing their past purchases, behaviors, and demographics that serve various business purposes, such as:

  • Extended visit duration 
  • Higher customer satisfaction 
  • Better conversion rates 
  • Improved brand awareness.
  • Increased engagement

“Web personalization is the key to any marketing strategy that places the customer at its heart- tailoring your website to each visitor based on the information you know about them.” 

Web personalization could be used across different industries. For example, eCommerce websites can recommend products that users might like based on previous choices or purchases; EdTech platforms can offer the most relevant courses based on the user’s profession or educational background, and Banking websites can offer personalized loan offers based on their calculator history or ad clicks, etc. 

Why is Web Personalization relevant now more than ever?

In this digital era, we are all spoilt for choice. Companies are competing each minute to grab our attention, and personalization is their holy grail.

With so much going on, customers expect an excellent experience they will remember. So delivering value is more important than your product or service itself. 

Rather than paying attention to your sales, pay attention to ongoing engagement and building lasting relationships with your customers. To create such relationships, you need to connect with your users as deeply and directly as possible at every phase of the funnel.

“Even when you are marketing to your whole audience or customer base, you are still simply speaking to a single human at any given time” ~ Ann Handley.

How to get started with Web Personalization? 

Dealing with data can be tricky and confusing as it is not just about collecting valuable user data but also being able to use it effectively. To deliver an ultimate personalized experience, here are the four basic frameworks to get started!

#1 Lay a Strong Foundation with the Right Data

Data is a core requirement for personalization. Without relevant data, you can neither understand your users nor personalize their experience. 

You may be capturing the user data, but are you capturing every piece of data that you can? Don’t just collect data like name, email, or location; rather, focus on advanced metrics such as lifestyle, online purchases, behaviors, etc. 

As a brand, if you wish to stand out from your competitors, track every single interaction with your customer from each and every touch point across all your channels. This will help you understand your customers in-depth and help deliver a customer experience they can never forget. 

#2 Understand your Target Audience

Well, again, everyone is in sales. We are all trying to sell some product or service, but whom to sell to and finding the right target audience can be a clincher. 

To understand your target audience, look at your present visitors, analyze what people are expecting/buying/likely to buy from you, and figure out the ones that bring maximum sales.

By understanding these aspects and your most important visitors, you can further segment them based on their past purchases, website visits, geographies, etc. 

#3 Finding out Customer Intent is Essential too!

The majority of work gets done after finding the target audience. But the next step is to know why they are on your site and what it is their actual intent. 

  • Contextual intent: The most common method by which you can look at the keywords, ads, and other relevant methods visitors use to land on your website. 
  • Behavior-based intent: Find out what your customers like or dislike with the help of their browsing history, past purchases, spending habits, and other behaviors.
  • Stated intent: This includes asking basic questions to the customer directly to personalize their experience further. 

#4 Segmentation is the Key

Your job just doesn’t end at finding the target audience and their intent. To target your customers accurately, you need to segment them into smaller groups.  

The best way to do this is by shifting from the available data to find predictive patterns in user engagement or behavior across all the touch points. Then, you can divide the users into segmented groups/cohorts based on the pattern of behavior they represent.

Deliver a Memorable Customer Experience with Web Personalization 

What does the email in your inbox or your favorite Starbucks Coffee have in common? If you guessed they are personalized, then you are correct! 

Personalization has become a part of our lives. Moreover, we expect it in almost all interactions, especially digital ones!

With that being said, to deliver a delightful experience to your customers, addressing all their needs is essential to turn them from mere website visitors to customers and eventually into your brand advocates.

#1 Entice Users with Better-Converting CTAs

A well-thought and carefully crafted call-to-action can attract your visitors and get them to take action on your site. CTAs are the best way to encourage visitors to start a free trial, add an item to their cart, download your resources, subscribe to your newsletter, or even book a demo. 

Research by HubSpot shows that personalizing CTAs can make websites perform 202% better than generic CTAs. 

Personalizing CTAs can be a bit tricky, but if done right, they can earn you great engagement and conversions. Some minor contextual changes can go a long way!

#2 Recommend Relevant Products for Upselling and Cross-selling

Irrelevant product recommendations without any prior data analysis will only drive your site visitors away or annoy them. Imagine someone trying to sell/display to you something that you are not interested in.

Instead, collate that little-to-basic info about your visitors to deliver a personalized experience by recommending products that might interest them. Upselling and Cross-Selling are the best way forward here.

Based on your user’s data, make timely product recommendations, and use retargeting ads to predict users’ future purchases. Like how Google generates precise data based on your previous search history and behaviors to show you the content that matches your preferences.

Google's personalized recommendations
Source: Google

#3 Create an Optimized Landing Page

We all care about first impressions in real life and also digitally. They can make or break the potential relationship of a visitor with your site! 

Communicating your value to your users as quickly as possible is essential. But it doesn’t mean you keep showing them all the irrelevant information and features when they land on your website at once, which will only lead to them closing your site in milliseconds. 

Personalizing can be as simple as addressing your visitors with their names or greeting them in their native language based on the location data. These small efforts will make them feel special and give you a few more seconds to have them on the site.

Very.co.uk, a UK-based fashion brand, showcases items to logged-in users based on previous search history and promotes weather-based recommendations on its landing page. 

Very's landing page
Source: Very

#4 Increased Time on Site

We are dealing with humans. Establishing a relevant and sensible conversation is vital; hence, personalization is essential to increase users’ time on your website. 

We don’t think twice before abandoning something that does not interest us because we know we can find a better solution elsewhere. Again, because of the abundance of choice!

Monitoring time spent on your website is essential as it indicates user engagement. The simple way to grab user attention is by mirroring their habits, behaviors, and themes of their buying or searching history back to them. And it gets better when they convert by landing on a specific page or a CTA. 

How Can Upshot.ai help you with Web Personalization?

Upshot.ai’s website personalization is a top-notch award-winning solution that has been specifically designed to solve customer engagement and retention challenges faced by product owners and marketers. With this solution, you can provide highly relevant content and make your website stand out.

  1. With Upshot.ai, integrate Customer Data from different sources into a single source of truth.
  2. Through personalized text, visuals, ads, and more, you can curate website content that is highly contextual to each user. 
  3. Personalize any element on the website based on the user’s demographic, behavioral, transactional, and behavioral data.
  4. With Upshot.ai Campaigns and Journeys, you can automate most of your web personalization use cases that require minimal ongoing intervention.
  5. Using deep Customer Segmentation, deliver highly targeted campaigns to users and create hyper-personalized website experiences.

Here are a few case studies to help you understand Upshot.ai’s personalization capabilities better.

Case Study 1: ITC: Deep Personalization boosted App User Engagement
Case Study 2: Personalized Onboarding resulted in increased paying User Counts – Wasel


Web Personalization is no more a good-to-have option. Personalized Marketing is a must-have. It is a sure-shot way to build strong relationships with your users and entice them to stick around for longer. In this competitive landscape, you can stand out only by efficiently using data to your advantage and delivering the right product/service or showcasing the right message to the right person at the right time.

Website personalization is an empowering solution to effectively connect with your visitors, engage them, and turn them into loyal customers, leading to increased sales, retention, and revenue. 

With Upshot.ai’s web personalization capabilities, you can deliver experiences to your users like never before. Get started now!

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