Kaustuv Dwivedi
Kaustuv Dwivedi December 21, 2021

Gamification to boost loyalty program

Companies have been increasing customer engagement through loyalty programs for many years now. However, statistical data shows that 40 percent of loyalty program participants quit at least one program, indicating that addressing motivation is now more critical than ever. Trust us, using Gamification to boost customer loyalty is the game-changer for your brand.

With recent advancements in tech, newer methods of boosting customer loyalty and engagement have been seen in the last decade. One of them is gamification to boost loyalty, which means using game elements in non-gaming contexts. 

Humans love games, from kids to adults. The possibility of obtaining a reward for an activity is something we all instinctively are tempted to do. In the consumer products world, primarily with apps and games, gamification is an essential tool to keep users committed and continue using the product.

According to Forbes, 80% of smartphone users play mobile games on their devices, and nearly 50% play games every day. Also, mobile game apps are used equally by both men and women. While more teens play mobile games than adults, 62% of adults do use these apps. These statistics actually contribute towards mobile games being the most significant contributor in the video game industry.

It’s no surprise, then, that advertisers picked up on the marketing prospect of gamification campaigns. Here we list three unmatched gamification techniques to boost your customer loyalty program. 

Gamification Use Cases with ROI Stats


Starbucks launched ‘My Starbuck Rewards’- a loyalty program where customers earn points whenever they make purchases. This reward system is a way for them to increase loyalty and learn more about their customers.

The Starbucks rewards app was designed to bring more people into the program by providing innovative, unique experiences, just like the Starbucks store itself. This Starbucks rewards program helped them earn more than 16.8 million active members in the U.S.


Nike understands that the primary blocker to consistent training for many people is a lack of motivation. So, the Nike fitness app- NikeFuel leveraged social sharing to engage over 5,000,000 users to beat their personal fitness goals every day.

User tendencies to share their fitness achievements on social media for validation and compete with each other based on their progress bar result in user engagement and retention.


Deloitte is one of the world’s largest consulting firms that leveraged game mechanics for their training application. Leveraging badges, rewards, and rank leads to a massive increase of 46.6% increase in daily active users and an average of 3 achievements unlocked per active user daily.

Also Read : 3 Ways Gamification in Social Media can Increase User Engagement

Leverage the power of gamification to boost loyalty

Gamification includes game dynamics and mechanics in a non-game context. For example, rewarding customers for participation, spin-to-win wheel, and so on. Check out these hacks to boost your customer loyalty today! 

Hack #1: Reward customers as they go! 

In this type of program, the customer’s rewards are based on their level. You can set the milestone based on how much they have spent in the year or how many purchases they have completed. Since the customer progresses on their level or tier, it will motivate them to stick to the brand and engage more with its benefits structure.

customer’s rewards are based on their level

Hack #2: Making it Easy to earn rewards by tailoring loyalty offers around purchases

The quicker you provide loyalty points or benefits after a purchase, the more significant and positive its impact on customer behavior. The more relevant your offers, the better your customers will respond. Ideally, this should be quick. By postponing gratification, your brand runs the risk of losing that customer completely.

Your customers might no longer wish to hear from your brand if they’re constantly bombarded with irrelevant communication. Be sure to leverage your customers’ behavior through the first-party data you collect to provide a unique experience.

Gamification to boost loyalty program

Hack #3: Experience-based rewards

Having an emotional association creates a long-lasting connection with your customers. To do that, channeling experiences can help brands create long-term loyalty with their customers. 

For example, Reebok transforms customers into brand advocates by giving them personalized workout programs and exclusive events.

Brands are working on being more creative. They understand that monetary perks such as coupons or free shipping cannot drive customer engagement overall. This is where experiential rewards come in for sales enablement gamification.

Experience-based rewards


Everything considered, gamification can be a game-changer for any mobile or web application. All you need to do is to proceed with sustainable operations. It is crucial to engage users by employing tailored gamification techniques. It is not only about increasing engagement but also about monitoring and analyzing users’ participation. The real secret of gamification to boost loyalty lies in thinking about motivating human beings and crafting a winning strategy to achieve your goals.

Partner with us to handle your gamification needs

Gamification might sound like a straightforward tactic to engage your users, but the strategy might backfire severely without proper planning and implementation.

A successful gamified solution may require extensive knowledge of gaming principles, powerful UI/UX skills, and sound development experience. While your in-house development team may have the skills to gamify apps, you’ll need more specific skill sets to integrate a creative gamification strategy into your product successfully.

With the help of upshot.ai, unlock all the benefits of world-class talents and technology capabilities to develop a gamified product.

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