Srinivas Gurram
Srinivas Gurram June 28, 2023

Did you know that there are an estimated 12 million – 24 million eCommerce sites across the globe? And the numbers keep growing, with more being created every single day. 

The success of eCommerce stores is tied to their ability to engage and retain customers. In this fast-paced digital landscape, where countless options are a few clicks away, capturing customer attention is paramount. That is where push notifications shine!

This blog discusses eCommerce push notifications and templates specifically designed for eCommerce businesses to deliver exceptional results.

What are eCommerce Push Notifications?

eCommerce push notifications are specifically designed for eCommerce businesses. These are short messages delivered directly to the users’ smartphones, even when they are not actively using your eCommerce app or website. 

Push notifications serve as a means to re-engage users, drive them back to the platform, and provide personalized offers or updates. In the case of ecommerce, push notifications serve as a means to reach out to your customers instantly and notify them about various updates, offers, promotions, order statuses, personalized recommendations, and more.

Ready-to-use eCommerce Push Notification Templates

1. Welcome Notifications

This notification is sent to new users who have recently installed your eCommerce app or registered on your website. It aims to greet and welcome them to your platform, creating a positive first impression. 

It can also include a brief introduction to your store. You can include a CTA that leads to tutorials or splash screens to highlight unique features and encourage users to explore your eCommerce app.

TitleWelcome to  [App name] [Username]!
MessageWe are glad to have you on board! Tap here to discover the app.

Welcome notification eCommer push notification template

2. Limited-Time Offer Notifications

This notification creates a sense of urgency and excitement among users. It informs them about a time-sensitive discount or offer available for a limited duration. 

Providing a discount percentage and a unique promo code incentivizes users to purchase quickly and take advantage of the exclusive deal.

TitleOnly 2 Days left! 50% Off on [Product Name]!
MessageHero deals on [Product Name]! Up to Rs. 5000* off on [Bank Cards]
CTAShop Now!

Also Read: 5 tips to reduce Customer Acquisition Costs for D2C eCommerce Brands

3. New Product Announcement

This notification is sent when introducing a new product to your eCommerce store. It informs users about the latest addition to your inventory and highlights the unique features or benefits of the product. 

Creating excitement and exclusivity around the new product encourages users to explore and make a purchase.

TitleYour favorite [Product Name] is available now!
MessageShop Before They’re Gone!

eCommerce push notification templates

4. Price Drop Alerts

This is one of the most common eCommerce push notification templates and is sent to users to inform them about a price decrease for specific products. The purpose of this notification is to generate excitement and urge customers to take advantage of the discounted prices. 

It emphasizes that the offer is for a limited time only, encouraging customers to act quickly and make a purchase. 

TitleHey [User name]! Grab them now before they run out of stock!
MessageThe [product name] you had your eyes on is now available at [discount percentage] off.

5. Order Update Notifications

Order update push notifications provide customers with timely and relevant purchase information. Whether it’s confirmation of a successful transaction, updates on shipping and delivery status, or notifications regarding any changes or delays. 

These notifications keep customers informed and engaged throughout the order process with real-time updates.

TitleOrder Shipped
MessageHi [Username], Your Order is Shipped and is on its Way!
CTATrack the Status Here!

Order update push notification for eCommerce

eCommerce Push Notification Templates that Actually Work!

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6. Flash Sale Notifications

Flash sales are short-term promotions with significant discounts. Push notifications are the most effective medium to notify your users about flash sales. 

By emphasizing the limited duration and enticing discounts, you can create a sense of urgency, prompting users to take advantage of the sale before it ends.

Title60% off on [Product] in our sale!
MessageEnds at Midnight. Grab or Gone!
CTAShop Now!

Flash sale eCommerce push notification template

7. Abandoned Cart Reminder

These eCommerce push notification templates act as a gentle reminder for users who have added items to their cart but left without completing the purchase. It notifies the users by delivering a short, crisp, personalized message to encourage them to complete the purchase. 

The aim is to recover potentially lost sales and prompt the user to finalize their order.

TitleHey [name], you left something behind! 🛒
MessageNo need to worry – we’ve saved your [product] for easy checkout. Shop Now!

Abandoned cart reminder push notifications

8. Trivia Notifications

Trivia notifications add a touch of fun and engagement to your app by delivering interesting and interactive trivia questions directly to your users’ devices.

These notifications create anticipation and encourage regular user interaction. Whether it’s daily challenges, themed quizzes, or random facts, trivia notifications enhance user enjoyment and enrich user experience.

TitlePut Your Knowledge to the Test!
MessageWhich team won the ICC World Test Championship 2023? Tap here to answer!

Benefits of eCommerce Push Notifications

Increased Customer Engagement

Push notifications effectively engage customers by informing them about new products, discounts, promotions, and updates. With a 90% open rate, push notifications outperform other marketing channels. They instantly reach users and grab their attention, boosting app engagement by 88%.

Personalized notifications encourage action, like purchasing, exploring new products, or revisiting abandoned carts. 

Improved Conversion Rates

eCommerce push notifications have the potential to drive immediate actions from users. Well-crafted push notifications can drive conversions by offering discounts, limited-time offers, and reminders about abandoned carts. 

On average, mobile push notifications achieve a 40% click-through rate. Reminder push notifications are effective in recovering abandoned carts by reminding customers about the items they left behind and offering incentives like discounts or free shipping.

You can also send personalized product recommendations tailored to the customer’s preferences and browsing history. These push notifications motivate users to purchase, thus improving conversion rates. 

Improved Customer Retention

Keeping existing customers is as important as acquiring new ones. This is because it costs five times more than retaining an existing customer. Moreover, a slight increase of 5% in customer retention can substantially impact profits, ranging from 25% to an impressive 95%.

Push notifications can help you stay connected with your shoppers, provide them with valuable content, and encourage repeat purchases. Nurturing customer relationships can increase customer loyalty and retention.


eCommerce push notifications are highly effective in engaging customers and driving actions. However, it’s vital to recognize that every aspect, from the content of the notifications to the precise timing of their delivery, plays a pivotal role in influencing their performance.

The mentioned templates give you an idea of how and when to use push notifications to maximize engagement and conversions in the competitive online marketplace. At Upshot.ai, we not only understand the power of push notifications but also provide comprehensive support to help you achieve your desired results.

In line with this, we offer an extensive range of mobile marketing campaigns and push notification templates specifically designed for eCommerce businesses. Get in touch with our experts to learn more.

The Upshot.ai Advantage

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve product adoption and conversions.

With Upshot.ai, FinTech, HealthTech, Insurance, and EdTech firms can enhance their digital experiences with pre-built gamification features. It can provide personalized insights, actionable recommendations, and contextual nudges designed to deepen its relationship with its users.

Book a demo of the most comprehensive user engagement and gamification platform to achieve your digital product goals. Join our communities for more insights, guides, and best practices that keep you updated with proven strategies and tips to supercharge your campaigns.

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