Architaa Pandey
Architaa Pandey May 25, 2023

Mobile apps have become integral to the travel and hospitality industry. From booking flights and hotels to exploring local attractions, travelers rely heavily on mobile apps to enhance their travel experiences. In-App Messages (IAMs) play a crucial role in engaging users and providing them with relevant information and personalized experiences. 

In this blog, we will explore the importance of IAMs in travel and hospitality apps and provide some best practices and top-performing templates to help you design effective IAMs for your platform.

To understand in-app messages in-depth, read Best In-App Message Strategies and Templates for 2023

Are In-App Messages Required for Travel and Hospitality Apps?

In-App Messages serve as a powerful communication tool in travel and hospitality apps. They allow businesses to connect with their users in real-time, delivering important updates, promotions, personalized recommendations, and other relevant information. 

Here are a few reasons why IAMs are essential for travel and hospitality apps:

1. Enhancing the User Experience

IAMs can enhance the user experience by providing timely and personalized information. For example, sending a welcome message to a new user upon registration or a message with flight status updates can greatly improve user satisfaction and engagement.

2. Driving Conversions

IAMs can be used strategically to drive conversions. For instance, a limited-time offer sent through an IAM can encourage users to make a booking or upgrade their accommodation. By leveraging IAMs, travel and hospitality businesses can effectively promote their services and boost sales.

IAM template for hospitality apps

3. Delivering Targeted Content

AMs enable businesses to deliver targeted content based on user preferences and behavior. By analyzing user data, such as past bookings or search history, travel and hospitality apps can send personalized recommendations, exclusive discounts, or relevant travel tips, increasing user engagement and satisfaction.

Read more on the topic: In-App Messages vs. Push Notifications 

In-app message for travel apps

Things to Remember When Designing Travel and Hospitality IAM Templates

Designing effective IAM templates requires careful consideration of various factors. Here are some key points to remember when creating IAM templates for travel and hospitality apps:

1. Keep it Concise

IAMs should be brief and to the point. Users often have limited attention spans, so delivering the message quickly and clearly is important. Use concise and compelling language to grab users’ attention and convey essential information.

2. Use Visuals Wisely

Visual elements can make IAMs more appealing and engaging. Incorporate eye-catching images or icons that align with your brand and the message you want to convey. However, be mindful of file size to ensure quick loading times.

3. Personalization is Key

Customizing IAMs based on user preferences and behavior can significantly improve their effectiveness. Incorporate user’s names, past booking details, or relevant location-specific information to create a personalized experience. Personalization shows that you understand and value your users, increasing their connection with your brand.

4. Clear Call-to-Action

Every IAM should have a clear, actionable call-to-action (CTA). Whether a “Book Now” button or a “View Offers” link, the CTA should be prominently displayed and easily clickable, leading users to the desired action.

Download for Free: Industry-wise In-App Messaging Templates

Top-performing IAM Templates for Travel and Hospitality platforms

Here are some In-App Messaging Templates for Travel and Hospitality apps:

Message Cheapest Price Alert! Lowest price alert for your LA-NY flight 
CTABook now

IAM messages can offer exciting offers in travel and hospitality apps

Message Extend your stay by 1 more night and enjoy a special discount at your favorite hotel
CTA1 Night

IAM messages for travel & hospitality

MessageYou have successfully checked in for your stay at The Marriott!
CTAExplore all Add-ons

Message Can’t decide what to visit next? Read our next blog on the Top Travel Destinations in Europe
CTATake me to the blog

Message Rate your latest stay at Hyatt Barcelona to help others decide!
CTALeave a review

Download for Free: Industry-wise In-App Messaging Templates


In-App Messages play a crucial role in engaging users and enhancing their travel experiences in the travel and hospitality industry. By utilizing well-designed IAM templates, businesses can effectively communicate with their users, deliver personalized content, drive conversions, and provide a seamless user experience.

When designing IAM templates for travel and hospitality apps, it is important to keep the messages concise, visually appealing, and personalized. Clear call-to-action buttons and relevant content based on user preferences and behavior are essential to achieving higher engagement and conversion rates.

Why is Upshot.ai a good fit for sending In-App Messages for Travel and Hospitality apps?

– Seamless Integration

Upshot.ai offers seamless integration with travel and hospitality apps, allowing businesses to effortlessly incorporate In-App Messages into their existing infrastructure. This ensures a smooth implementation process without disrupting the user experience.

– Personalization Capabilities

Upshot.ai provides advanced personalization capabilities, enabling travel and hospitality businesses to deliver highly targeted and relevant In-App Messages to their users. With Upshot.ai, you can leverage user data, such as past bookings and preferences, to create personalized messages that resonate with your audience and increase engagement.

– Automation and Triggered Messaging

Upshot.ai offers automation and triggered messaging features, allowing businesses to send timely and contextually relevant In-App Messages. Whether it’s sending flight status updates, booking reminders, or loyalty program updates, Upshot.ai enables automated messaging based on predefined triggers, ensuring users receive the right message at the right time.

– A/B Testing and Optimization

Upshot.ai provides A/B testing capabilities, allowing businesses to experiment with different variations of In-App Messages to optimize their effectiveness. By testing different layouts, content, and call-to-actions, travel and hospitality apps can identify the most impactful message formats and refine their communication strategies.

– Real-time Analytics and Insights

With Upshot.ai, travel and hospitality businesses gain access to real-time analytics and insights about their In-App Messages. This valuable data helps measure the performance of messages, track user engagement, and make data-driven decisions to improve the overall effectiveness of their messaging campaigns.

– Customer Segmentation

Upshot.ai enables travel and hospitality businesses to segment their user base based on various criteria such as demographics, preferences, or booking history. This segmentation capability allows for highly targeted messaging, ensuring each user receives relevant and personalized In-App Messages.

– Omnichannel Communication

In addition to In-App Messages, Upshot.ai supports omnichannel communication, including push notifications and email. This allows travel and hospitality businesses to engage with their users across different touchpoints, providing a consistent and cohesive messaging experience.

– User-friendly Interface

Upshot.ai offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of creating and managing In-App Messages. With its intuitive design and easy-to-use features, businesses can quickly design and deploy engaging messages without requiring extensive technical expertise.

– Dedicated Customer Support

Upshot.ai provides dedicated customer support to assist travel and hospitality businesses every step of the way. Whether it’s troubleshooting, campaign optimization, or strategic guidance, their support team is readily available to ensure a smooth and successful implementation of In-App Messages.

In summary, Upshot.ai offers a comprehensive and powerful platform for sending In-App Messages for travel and hospitality apps. With its seamless integration, personalization capabilities, automation features, and robust analytics, Upshot.ai empowers businesses to deliver targeted, timely and engaging messages that enhance the user experience and drive business success.

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