Likitha A
Likitha A August 30, 2022

Agritech app adoption has evolved tremendously over the years. With the emergence of technology in the agricultural sector in the last few years, there has been an increase in the number of agritech apps. However, the adoption of these apps remained relatively low. 

According to a study by Standish Group, only 20% of app features are used, while 50% are barely ever or never used. It means most app users might not use all features, leading to poor app adoption and engagement.

The main goal of the agritech app adoption is to help farmers realize the best potential from their farms, execute modern farming methods, and provide optimal agriculture services with the features they offer. 

This article will explain the essential techniques to drive app adoption, improve engagement, and boost revenue. 

1. Provide an Interactive Onboarding experience. 

Creating a great first impression is essential as it is the user’s first interaction with the application. Onboarding is more than just welcoming users with a push or an email. It is about building trust and delivering the right value at the right time. Guided walkthroughs can help them understand the app and how to go about it.

Farmers need awareness and knowledge to understand the app and to use it for their benefit. That is when guided tutorials, splash screen messaging, and screen tips are handy.

A simple carousel of images with deep links at each stage will also work wonders. Overall, the goal is to ensure the farmer understands the basic flow of the app, feature usage, and value realization during the first or the successive two sessions.

2. Remove Installation and Sign-Up barriers.

Remember that the farmers are not tech-savvy and might find these apps complex and confusing.

Ensure the experience is as easy and seamless as possible; begin by asking for simple and vital information. Save all the permissions, personal information, and sign-ups for a later stage.

The best approach is to ease the onboarding process and help them understand how your product can help them widen their business and how they can benefit from your offerings. 

Once you build trust and demonstrate the value of your product, you can ask for other information that will help deliver a personalized journey for them.

3. Use Push Notifications to Trigger

Farmer engagement is a critical component of digital agri-tech adoption and requires a tailored approach. Push notifications are a great way to establish communication between your app and the farmer. They allow you to constantly engage with them by sending helpful and relevant messages. 

This also acts as an external trigger that routes to opening an app, promoting specific category products, and at times helps boost conversion. You can send personalized messages with the help of user behavior analysis.

4. Leverage Personalization and Localization to boost Agritech app adoption

Many players in the market provide a plethora of information to the farmers with a lot of technical jargon and generic content. 

Farmers like a mix of human and digital interactions. Personalization in agri-tech apps does not just mean sending personalized content but also sending localized content. It is not right to assume that every user speaks the same language. You can increase click-through rates and engagement by localizing your content on the app.

In agri-tech, personalization also means human interactions. Farmers turn to their friends, peer farmers, or experts while researching products. Hence, human interactions play a vital role. Making expert knowledge available by connecting with them over calls, hosting radio shows, and voice assistants can be of more significant help. 

Also Read: Farmer Enagagement in Agritech

5. Surveys to Optimize the Journey

It is a good practice to know what the user feels about your app from them. Hence, it is essential to ask questions about what interests them, how satisfied they are with the product and service, and, most importantly, what they expect from the product. It is as simple as having them answer simple yes or no questions.

Conducting surveys and opinion polls is an effective way to collect information and feedback from farmers. Micro surveys are the advanced version of routine surveys, where the subsequent survey question is based on the user’s answer to the previous question.

Thus the survey is conditional and depends on the user response. Micro surveys are way more potent in understanding your farmers in-depth and aiding business decisions. This will give a clear understanding of various friction points during app adoption. 

6. Understand better with Analytics and Segmentation.

Identify and analyze your target market’s demographics, psychographics, and preferred response actions and segment them accordingly. It is much easier to raise their interest and elicit your desired response by targeting them with different messages.

Analyzing this data will help you understand your users and segment them effectively. You can segment users into cohorts based on the collected behavioral, demographic, or transactional data. 

For example, you could divide farmers by their crop specialization, farm size, and farming sophistication. Different messages could be sent to small and large farmers, even in the same geographical area.  

7. Engage better with Gamification.

Gamification is not just about incorporating games into users’ experiences but using game-like elements to improve behavior change. It awakens curiosity, fosters competition, and creates a sense of achievement which motivates the user to keep coming back for more, leading to better engagement and retention.

Using gamification techniques in combination with user experience design can help increase engagement and retention rates on your app.

You can use elements like progress bars, badges, and rewards to represent users’ accomplishments as they move to the subsequent levels. Quizzes and trivia to increase awareness of various topics without making them less complex and engaging. 


Agri-tech apps are revolutionizing traditional agriculture by combining technology with agriculture, resulting in more innovative, efficient, and sustainable production methods. The transparency and efficiency technology brings to agriculture benefit everyone, from the farmer to the end consumer.

The only way to improve your app adoption is by focusing on how to improve their tools, how to help farmers address their challenges, and how to quickly and understandably convey that digital agriculture helps solve real struggles. 

At the end of it all, the question to ask isn’t whose problem we are solving with technology in agriculture and agritech app adoption but understanding what we stand to lose by the lack of it. Because, let’s face it, humanity’s survival pretty much depends on it.

The Upshot.ai Advantage

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve product adoption and conversions.

With Upshot.ai, HealthTech, EdTech, and FinTech, firms can enhance their digital experiences with pre-built gamification features. It can provide personalized insights, actionable recommendations, and contextual nudges designed to deepen its relationship with its users. 

Book a demo of the most comprehensive user engagement and gamification platform to achieve your digital product goals. Join our communities for more insights, guides, and best practices that keep you updated with proven strategies and tips to supercharge your campaigns.

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