Ravi Vaka July 15, 2021

Visitors looking for SaaS products are the ideal audience that visits your website or demo as part of sales or marketing efforts. SaaS is a crowded space; a single customer explores multiple SaaS companies before they finalize the deal. With low switching costs, switching to a new vendor is as simple as plug-and-play. So, how to make sure that your prospects don’t lean towards your competitors or put it the other way – how to convert your SaaS visitors into customers?

Converting SaaS visitors into customers

Know your product

Every SaaS product is built to fill the void by addressing a need to ease running a business for business owners. The need might be real, but it may not fit everywhere. Knowing your product and knowing who might be interested in your product is the first step toward setting up a sales funnel or business process that converts. 

Find your USP

What’s your unique selling point or proposition?

What is that one thing that you bring to the table like nobody else?

What differentiates your product or service from the crowd?

Every business needs to answer these questions before jumping into pitching the product. A clear understanding of your product and your offerings with a SWOT analysis can open doors for many opportunities focused on your strengths. It also defines the product roadmap and GTM strategy.

Define a strategy

Every company and product has its Go To Market (GTM) strategy. However, only some can create a buzz in the market by differentiating their approach. Aligning the sales, customer success and marketing teams towards a particular subject matter works wonders for a customer-centric experience. 

Defining a common language across all departments eases information spread and helps to win the customer’s confidence. 

Never miss your CTA

Millions, if not thousands, of dollars, are spent on marketing and outreach programs for a bunch of people lined up in the sales pipeline. Include “Call To Action” buttons wherever possible to make the most out of marketing. For a SaaS company, “Book a Demo” CTA is most effective to be included in campaigns.

Seek Advocacy

If you have a tested product with the right product-market fit, there is a high chance that you will find a few customers who love your product in no time. Use those delighted customers with your services and ask them to advocate your product. Ask them to give some positive reviews about your product in SaaS review portals. 

Nurture them to convert

Most SaaS companies offer trial periods or freemium options for potential customers. This initial phase is very crucial to set the momentum and make some rightful first impressions. 

Hence, nurture them to complete a few actions/features on your product with more stickiness via product nurturing widgets like tutorials, screen tips, and splash screens.

Send them timely emails to showcase the platform’s true potential with how-to guides and a few success stories. Give compelling reasons for your SaaS visitors to convert and experience the platform and pay for it in the long run. 

Be quick and be gentle

Nobody likes waiting. Especially when buying something, the prospect’s mind may change in seconds. So, be proactive in reaching out to the customers who signed up and understand their needs.

Set up that one critical conversation before your competitors move in. Help the customers realize how you are better than everyone else in the market with robust data and information. This reduces the parallel conversations between your prospect and your competitors. 

During this whole process, be gentle and show empathy. Try to explain clearly and in detail. Extended help is never going off the rails. 

Reasonable automation

Automate your sales funnel to a reasonable limit. Try to add human touch and personalization to every interaction you plan for your potential customers. Categorize the leads and create different strategies based on the audience, company profile, pain points, and annual goals. Address their needs with the subtle art of storytelling and be unique with your approach.

Wrapping up

SaaS marketing is unique. It’s not like the big bang sale with constant notifications that invade our smartphones. Finding the right SaaS tool for any business is as daunting as converting that ideal prospect into a customer for product owners. It’s a quest to be solved from both ends. With SaaS sales, it’s strategy and research that win. You must convert SaaS visitors into customers.

Being elaborative on what problems your product solves and guiding the customers through your product to figure out some use cases themselves is quite an achievement. Everything else is more like an add-on.

About Upshot.ai

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve their product adoption and conversions. Fortune 1000 companies such as GE, UHG, Puma, Sony, ITC, and Tenet Healthcare are using Upshot.ai and observed a massive increase in product adoption and YoY increment in revenues.

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