Architaa Pandey
Architaa Pandey March 21, 2023

Covid-19 brought about a shift in people’s digital experiences, where in-person health visits presented more risks than benefits to patients. People turned to online consultations and health check-ups, and the HealthTech industry saw an unprecedented boom. 

Even after vaccines became available, people depended on digital healthcare for various preventative and lifestyle-related services, chronic disease management, and outpatient care. 

The Global Digital Health Market, valued at $84.08 Billion in 2019, is now growing at a compound rate of 14.8% and is expected to reach $220.94 Billion by 2026.

One of the biggest contributors to this immense growth is improved patient communication, which leads to lower patient readmission rates and better compliance with medical regimes.

Health apps improve the patient experience by providing easier access to correct medical information, transparent health charges, and better patient-provider communication.

Push notifications are an indispensable part of the digital healthcare experience as they connect the patient and the healthcare provider at every stage of the patient journey. They help in bridging communication gaps that immensely help patients.

In this blog, we discuss HealthTech push notifications and also outline some HealthTech push notification templates that are proven to work.

What are HealthTech Push Notifications?

Push notifications are short, crisp, to-the-point pieces of information that appear in the notification tray on your mobile device. They are considered safer than traditional SMS because they are delivered only to users who have downloaded and used the app.

HealthTech Push Notification Templates from HealthifyMe

HealthTech apps use push notifications to engage patients at each stage of their journey. They are vital in the digital health matrix, allowing patients access to resources. 

These notifications improve patient-care continuity and overcome physical and geographical barriers. Patients feel more connected to their healthcare providers and close gaps in patient care.

Integrating push notifications is considered a best practice for healthcare apps.

HealthTech Push Notification Templates that Actually Work!

Healthcare push notifications can be used at each stage of the patient’s lifecycle. They are beneficial for hospitals and doctors, healthcare businesses, and patients. Here are some HealthTech push notifications that have proven to have a higher CTR.

Push notifications Use cases for Healthcare

1. Medicine Reminders

People who take daily medication understand the struggle of remembering to take it every day, especially when they have to take it at a specific time of the day. Sending push notifications containing medicine reminders builds trust with people as they trust the app with something as important as health.

TitleIt’s THAT time of the day! 
MessageIt’s 7 PM, time to take your 💊! Don’t forget to eat first.
CTAMark it as taken!

Medicine reminder HealthTech push notification template

2. Appointment Reminder

This is one of the most commonly used HealthTech push notification templates. Patients make doctor appointments but forget about them until it’s too late. This practice is bad for patients and doctors because they were also unable to see other patients at that time, resulting in a lost resource. 

Appointment reminders are sent via push notifications a day and 4 hours prior to the appointment so the patient has enough to visit the medical facility or get ready for online consultation. 

Title⏲️ for your appointment!
MessageTomorrow at 3 PM! Don’t forget to carry your lab results

3. Medicine Availability

Pharmaceutical apps could use push notifications to inform users when a required medication is back in stock so that they can buy them on time. This is especially necessary for patients who can’t miss even one dose of their medicines and need them available at all times. 

TitleIt’s time to refill your medicine cabinet.
MessageAll your tablets are back in stock.
CTAReorder Now!

4. Vaccine & Regular Check-up Reminders

Vaccination and regular check-up are important for the prevention and early diagnosis of diseases. Healthcare apps can remind users when their next vaccine shot is due or when they need to book an appointment for their next full-body check-up.

TitleAnnual flu shot reminder
MessageTake a shot and stay protected
CTABook a slot

HealthTech Push Notification Templates that Actually Work!

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5. Symptom Tracker

Doctors often ask users to regularly track several health parameters like blood sugar levels, blood pressure, weight, food intake, fever, etc. This data is useful for doctors as it helps them monitor their patient’s health over a span of time. Healthcare apps can use push notifications to remind users to record their data, so there is no consistency lapse.

TitleYou haven’t logged any symptoms in a while.
MessageKeep track of how you’re feeling to help us understand your condition better.
CTAAdd a record

6. Health Alert

If the healthcare app is connected to a smart wearable like a fitness tracker, then the app can also send you real-time push notifications about your health, and you can take action accordingly.

TitleAlert! Low Blood Pressure.
MessageBe sure to stay hydrated. Consult a doctor if this persists.
CTATalk to Doctor

7. Healthy Diet Recommendations

Being one of the most widely used HealthTech push notification templates, healthcare apps use push notifications to send users diet recommendations or meal plans to help them balance their diet and eat healthily. Personalize the meal plan according to the health goal the user has in mind. Deep links, when added to push notifications, could redirect users to videos or detailed recipes.

TitleTried Kale yet?
MessageTry this recipe to add Kale to your diet.

Diet recommendations push notification


By now, you must have a keen sense of the implications and smart usage of push notifications for your HealthTech app. When used in the right manner, push notifications can keep your patients informed and bridge the communication gap between doctors and patients. All this will help your app become a trusted health partner. 

With Upshot.ai, you can now send advanced push notifications that fit the bill with what your HealthTech app users want and expect. You can create, send, manage, and analyze these push notifications with the Upshot.ai dashboard. You can now manage patient communication across every channel using Upshot.ai.

The Upshot.ai Advantage

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve product adoption and conversions.

With Upshot.ai, FinTech, HealthTech, Insurance, and EdTech firms can enhance their digital experiences with pre-built gamification features. It can provide personalized insights, actionable recommendations, and contextual nudges designed to deepen its relationship with its users.

Book a demo of the most comprehensive user engagement and gamification platform to achieve your digital product goals. Join our communities for more insights, guides, and best practices that keep you updated with proven strategies and tips to supercharge your campaigns.

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