Srinivas Gurram
Srinivas Gurram January 23, 2024

Did you know? A staggering 63% of bookings in the $1.2 trillion travel market happen online. But the real shocker? Your dream customers may not use the same digital channels for research and bookings. This is because their research journey isn’t a straight line. Users are now omnipresent, absorbing information from many sources, from mobile push notifications to glowing Instagram stories, before deciding to embark on their next journey.

The call to action is clear as a brand: adopt an omnichannel marketing strategy. This involves creating an environment where customers can engage with your brand through their preferred channels, ensuring a unified and coherent brand experience. 

In this blog, we’ll discuss the power of omnichannel, the benefits of omnichannel marketing, and strategies to boost your travel and hospitality business.

Understanding Omnichannel Marketing 

Omnichannel marketing is a holistic approach that provides a seamless and integrated customer experience across all channels and touchpoints. It uses various channels such as websites, mobile apps, social media, email, and physical stores to engage with customers and deliver personalized messages and offers. The key aspect of omnichannel marketing is consistency, where customers can seamlessly switch between channels without losing their context.

The Benefits of Embracing Omnichannel

– Enhanced Customer Experience

Omnichannel offers customers the freedom to engage with a brand as they prefer. Whether it’s online booking, a physical visit to a hotel, or interaction through social media, customers can choose the channel that aligns with their preferences and convenience. 

This customer-centric approach enhances satisfaction and strengthens brand relationships with customers. Remarkably, 76% of customers expect consistent interactions across different channels.

– Increased Sales and Revenue

Expanding your presence across multiple channels can significantly enhance sales and revenue. According to a recent study by Adobe, businesses with a strong omnichannel presence witnessed 10% year-over-year growth, a 10% increase in average order value, and a 25% increase in close rates.

By being present where customers are, from the initial awareness stage to the final purchase decision, companies can capture more opportunities and drive revenue growth, achieving a strategic advantage in the competitive marketplace.

– Data-Driven Insights

The omnichannel approach gives you access to data from all touchpoints, providing analytical insights into your customers’ behavior. With this invaluable data, you can effectively engage and retain customers throughout their journey.

You can embrace the data collected from omnichannel strategy to make informed decisions, personalize your marketing efforts to individual preferences, and enhance overall business performance.

9 Strategies to Boost Your Travel and Hospitality Business 

1. Comprehensive Customer Profiling

To provide personalized experiences, start by building comprehensive customer profiles. Collect data from various touchpoints, including social media, website interactions, and booking history. Utilize this data to create detailed customer personas, allowing you to tailor marketing messages and promotions based on individual preferences.

2. Map the Traveler’s Journey

Imagine your ideal traveler. Where do they discover destinations? How do they book? What influences their decisions? Create detailed customer personas to understand their online and offline behaviors, from planning to post-trip reflection. This helps tailor your messages and engage them authentically across the entire journey.

3. Provide Seamless Cross-Channel Booking

Don’t just be present on every platform; curate your presence. Identify the channels your target audience frequents – be it Instagram for millennials or email newsletters for business travelers. Ensure that customers can easily transition from browsing social media or a mobile app to completing a reservation on your website. Implement a centralized customer database that syncs data across all channels, allowing for a consistent and hassle-free booking experience. 

4. Personalize Customer Interactions 

Utilize customer data to personalize marketing messages and offers. Leverage past booking history, preferences, and demographics to deliver tailored recommendations and promotions. Implement targeted email marketing campaigns and use dynamic content on your website and mobile app to create a personalized experience for each customer. 

5. Leverage Social Media Platforms 

Social media platforms offer many opportunities to engage with customers and build brand awareness. Create compelling content that resonates with your target audience and encourages sharing. Utilize social media advertising to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your website or booking platforms.

6. Incorporate User-Generated Content 

Encourage customers to share their experiences and reviews on your website and social media platforms. User-generated content adds authenticity and credibility to your brand, influencing potential customers’ decision-making process. Offer incentives such as discounts or rewards for customers who contribute user-generated content. 

7. Implement Location-Based Marketing

Leverage location-based marketing to target customers near your business or popular tourist attractions. Send personalized offers and recommendations based on their location to drive foot traffic and increase conversions. Utilize geofencing technology to trigger notifications and promotions when customers enter specific areas.

8. Focus on Customer Reviews and Ratings

Online reviews greatly influence travelers’ decision-making process. Encourage customers to leave reviews and promptly respond to positive and negative feedback. Monitor review platforms and address customer concerns to showcase your commitment to excellent customer service. A good reputation will not only attract new customers but also foster loyalty among existing ones.

9. Cross-Channel Analytics

Regularly analyze data from various channels to gain insights into customer behavior. Use analytics tools to understand how customers move across channels, identifying critical touchpoints in their journey. This information allows you to refine your omnichannel strategy continually, optimizing for maximum engagement and conversions.

The Modern Marketer’s Guide: Omnichannel Strategies for 2023

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Real-Time Examples

Marriott International 

Marriott International is a prime example of a travel and hospitality business that has mastered omnichannel marketing. They offer a seamless booking experience across their website, mobile app, and physical locations. Their loyalty program, Marriott Bonvoy, provides personalized offers and rewards based on customer preferences, ensuring a personalized experience across all touchpoints. 


Airbnb utilizes social media platforms effectively to engage with its audience. They leverage user-generated content by encouraging hosts and guests to share their experiences on social media, creating a sense of community and authenticity. Their mobile app offers a seamless booking experience, allowing users to search for accommodations, communicate with hosts, and manage bookings all in one place. 


Booking.com implements location-based marketing(LBM) to target customers near popular tourist destinations. They send personalized recommendations and offers based on the customer’s location, increasing the chances of conversion. Their website and mobile app provide a user-friendly interface and allow customers to modify or avail bookings, providing flexibility efficiently.


In the highly competitive travel and hospitality industry, omnichannel marketing is a game-changer. Businesses can provide a unified and personalized customer journey by seamlessly integrating various channels, from social media and mobile apps to email and in-person experiences. 

Implementing the strategies mentioned above will enhance customer satisfaction and drive long-term loyalty and sustainable growth in the dynamic world of travel and hospitality. Stay ahead of the curve by embracing omnichannel marketing and delivering exceptional customer experiences at every touchpoint.

Adopt Omnichannel Marketing with Upshot.ai:

Upshot.ai is a powerful platform that provides advanced tools and features to help you re-engage mobile app users effectively. 

With its comprehensive analytics and user engagement capabilities, Upshot.ai enables you to track user behavior, analyze user events, and create personalized re-engagement campaigns.

Omnichannel doesn’t just mean catering experiences on different platforms, every simple nudge needs lots of personalization if the communication has to be smooth and something that connects.

Below is how we strengthen brand omnichannel experiences:

Find your audience:

Every customer is unique. Every user’s interest matters if we really want them to stay longer. So the first step to take care of before you nudge the users is to find them. 

There are different ways to find and segregate users based on preferences. For example, we can use funnels as a filter to segment users at each step. Or we can segment users based on their specific condition or characteristics. 

Segmenting users based on user characteristics will create persona groups to target, and the rest is left to business preferences on how many channels and how to nudge them. 

You can segment users based on their platform, app version, or last-used timelines. Thus segmentation is at the core of an omnichannel engagement strategy.

Find their triggers:

Triggers are the user interactions (events) that kickstart the user journey. Find the right interaction point, whether it be a button click or user response, upon which the users can be qualified to be a part of the user journey or campaign. 

Build the user journey:

Once we find our audience and their triggers, we are halfway through, and the rest is to define the user journey with conditions and actions.

Know how to nudge:

Upshot.ai suit offers many user actions to nudge users at appropriate times. Via conditional flows, map different user actions so that every user journey is unique.

That’s what we call “personalized user journeys.” Based on requirements, one can create different journeys for different platforms or the same journey for users who started with the same trigger.

With the available nudges in place, everything is possible just at the click of a button. All we need is a strategy to engage users and a place to execute at ease.

That’s where Upshot.ai comes in handy. Omnichannel experiences are more to do with the integration of data across all platforms and the creation of a single user persona. 

So that a user login becomes the all-important validation irrespective of the platform he/she is using. 

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