Likitha A
Likitha A April 18, 2024

Traveling by air can be exhilarating, exhausting, or exasperating—often on the same trip. To make air travel more delightful and less daunting, airlines must enhance each customer touchpoint. 

In this blog, we look at each stage with comprehensive examples from Alex, a seasoned business consultant, and a frequent traveler flying from The United States to Tokyo.

Understanding the Touchpoints in the Airline Customer Journey

Each interaction between the airline and the customer can significantly influence overall satisfaction and loyalty. From the initial browsing phase to post-flight engagement, optimizing these touchpoints is crucial for airlines aiming to improve their service and customer retention

Let’s explore these touchpoints through Alex’s experiences, highlighting the impact of effective customer journey management.

1) Pre-Booking Experience

The pre-booking stage is where the customer journey begins. It’s crucial for attracting prospective flyers. Research shows that over 80% of travelers prefer to self-serve to gain information, emphasizing the need for a robust digital pre-booking platform that supports decision-making with ease and efficiency.

Alex visited multiple airline websites to compare prices and amenities. The airline that won his booking offered a highly interactive website with virtual tours of the aircraft and detailed, transparent fare comparisons. This user-friendly experience provided him with confidence and satisfaction right from the start.

Airline Customer Journey

2. Booking and Confirmation

This stage is vital for securing the customer’s commitment. A seamless booking process reduces confusion and enhances customer satisfaction. Studies indicate clear communication during the booking process can decrease customer churn by 20%.

Alex completed his booking through an intuitive portal. The process had helpful tooltips explaining each option, such as flexible ticketing and travel insurance benefits. His confirmation email was immediate and included personalized travel tips based on his destination.

3. Pre-Flight Communication

Keeping passengers informed between booking and boarding is essential for engagement and satisfaction. 

The airline kept Alex informed with regular updates through their mobile app, including a reminder to check in, a prompt to select in-flight meals and even traffic reports to the airport on his day of departure, making his pre-flight experience as stress-free as possible.

Airline Customer Journey

4. Check-in and Baggage Handling

Efficient check-in and smooth baggage handling are crucial for a positive start to the travel experience. Automated solutions can reduce passenger wait times by up to 30%.

Alex used a self-service kiosk at the airport, which provided step-by-step instructions for check-in and baggage tagging. The process was streamlined by digital scales that instantly approved his baggage weight, ensuring he could proceed to security without delay.

Airline Customer Journey

5. Security and Boarding

This phase is often fraught with anxiety for travelers. Streamlined security and organized boarding processes can significantly reduce stress. Implementing biometric technologies has cut security waiting times by an average of 25%.

Alex experienced a swift security clearance thanks to advanced biometric scanners that quickly verified his identity without the need for extensive document checks. Grouped boarding was communicated and efficiently executed, allowing him a hassle-free boarding experience.

Airline Customer Journey

6. In-Flight Experience

The in-flight experience can make or break the perception of the airline. A survey found that enhanced cabin comfort and connectivity options are key drivers of customer satisfaction, with 75% of passengers prioritizing these features. 

During the flight, Alex enjoyed a seat in the premium economy section, which offered extra legroom and adjustable seating. The high-speed Wi-Fi allowed him to stay connected for work, and the gourmet meal options were a delightful bonus that exceeded his expectations.

7. Post-Flight Engagement

Continuing the relationship after the flight can encourage repeat business. Engaging customers post-flight with surveys and special offers can increase loyalty bookings by 25%.   

After disembarking, Alex received a personalized thank you email with a link to a survey and an exclusive offer for a discount on his next booking. This thoughtful engagement made him feel appreciated and more likely to choose the same airline for future travels.

Airline Customer Journey


By following Alex’s journey, we see how each touchpoint in the airline experience plays a crucial role in shaping customer perceptions and satisfaction. Airlines that invest in refining these touchpoints can significantly enhance the customer experience, fostering loyalty and setting themselves apart in a competitive industry. Each interaction is an opportunity to exceed expectations and transform routine travel into an extraordinary adventure.

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