Upshot.ai Team
Upshot.ai Team May 24, 2021

Having a website or app is pretty much similar to owning or managing a store. Your app has to be seamless in terms of experience, and from time to time, you will have to map a customer’s journey to make a sale. For SaaS companies with churn rates as high as 10 percent, it is imperative to focus on how they can optimize the app and website experience with Upshot.ai and the right strategies to enhance customer experience. 

In this blog, we shall focus on some of the key strategies companies should formulate to optimize app and website experiences, drawn from our experiences of helping global enterprises at Upshot.ai. 

Critical Tools for Higher Product Adoption and Conversion from Upshot.ai

1. Push Notifications

Modern Push notifications can have multiple options and can also be custom-made for different individuals as per their preferences. Push notifications are a great way to communicate with your audiences. Push notifications can be mobile-based or web-based, and the correct buttons and customized options can improve campaign outcomes by at least 40%.

Upshot.ai has helped many companies to increase their daily active users and, in turn, increase their revenue through push notifications. It allows you to reach your app users with real-time and high-impact notifications. Based on your requirement, you can choose from four different notification layouts detailed below. 

push notification helps to optimize app and website experience

  • Simple Text: Mostly used for communicating simple/critical information like recent purchases or reminders and have one of the highest open rates. If you are a small business and want to make sure that your customers see your promotions, reminders, or invoices, Simple text notifications will be just perfect for you. 

  • Contextual Banner: Initially used for sending alerts or rewards, contextual banner notifications are a big hit among customers these days. It gives a small gist of the information before clicking the notification. It helps to get the point across, even if the customer does not have the time to open the notification.

  • Interactive Carousel: Many brands like Amazon or Myntra use an Interactive carousel mentioning the latest deals or if something was abandoned in the cart. With the highest open rate from 60 percent to 80 percent, these have been used by almost every organization these days. 

  • Engaging Video: The basic plan of this type of notification is to engage the audience quickly with a small video or GIF. 

Upshot.ai offers a range of services like personalization at scale, A/B testing, and post-analysis of your campaigns, and many more so that companies can build their mobile push notifications, web push notifications, In-app messages, SMS, Whatsapp, and email campaigns all under one roof. GE, Amway, Panini, and Puma are just some of the companies that use it behind the scenes. 

2. Gamification

Gamification is a potent tool for user acquisition, engagement, and retention. With new apps and websites getting released every day, it becomes challenging for companies to keep up with the competitors and ultimately keep the customers hooked for a longer time. We all know that engaged customers have a significant impact on the bottom line.

Gamification also helps in increasing the customer’s lifetime value, as customer engagement can lead to an increase of up to 40% in LTV. 

gamification image

These facts and figures should not be the only reason to leverage gamification and infuse your products with game design elements. Let’s take a look at the many ways Upshot.ai can help increase your business. 

  1. Create fun contests around metrics that matter: Engage users better, resulting in product success. 

  1. Tracking Engagement and Participation: With Upshot.ai’s latest update, you can track customer progress and behavior and reward them for activities that support your business goals. 

  1. Customer engagement and Revenue Magnification: Gamification can lead to more engagement and satisfaction among the customer base using Upshot.ai’s tools and ultimately improving overall revenue maximization and growth. 

  1. Customer Loyalty: Customers get a sense of achievement with Upshot.ai’s gamified element points, leaderboards, and badges. This gets them further invested and converts them to brand advocates.

Schedule a demo today and check out how Upshot can help you with Gamification.

3. Analytical Reports and Insights

An app or website is only half the battle; the real game-changer is optimizing your app and monitoring user behavior. Reports from mobile app analytics tools like Upshot.ai enables organizations to monitor activity related to user behavior and application sessions. 

The product helps to measure downloads, mobile app open rates and locates your customer’s exit points. It can help you understand your users and make campaigns to boost conversion, retention, and product growth.  You can also track user flows and drop-off points with multiple customized funnels. 

The tool can also create reports for this data in various ways and observe critical trends and discover user engagement patterns. Marketing teams can use data to understand your organization’s regional popularity and acceptance within a certain demographic. Sales and various other departments can also utilize data provided through mobile apps and website analytics products.

Upshot.ai analytics

Sony optimized its app and website experience and integrated its mobile app with Upshot.ai, and measured user experience and behavior using Upshot.ai’s behavioral analytics and Insights to derive winning user engagement campaigns. Using this, Sony observed a steady increase of 36% in user engagement, and its average revenue per user went up by 28%.

4. Feedback and Surveys

Making an app or website from scratch is extremely critical and important work for a developer, but optimizing the app and website experience from time to time requires constant effort and patience, even though sometimes success is not guaranteed. 

So how can you fully know what to include and fix in your app or website, or what more can you provide your customers? The only solution is through listening closely to your communities and asking them for feedback. The more you will interact with your customers and try to understand their needs, the better your product or solution will become.

Many organizations, for example, OnePlus, organize events just for understanding their customers and uses feedback to revamp for fix bugs in their products. Sometimes, this feedback is a game-changer when it comes to building trust and loyalty with your customer, as it makes them feel heard. 

Feedbacks and Surveys helps optimize app and website experience
Feedbacks and Surveys

One of the greatest challenges for product owners is to get quality feedback from customers. Most of the time, it has low response rates, sometimes as low as 1-3% for mobile web surveys. Upshot.ai aims to reduce this friction and ultimately aims to target higher response rates with multiple techniques. Some of them are listed below: 

  • Real-time Insights: One of the greatest challenges is to understand how your user walks through your app or website. Upshot helps you get insights on how your users navigate and ultimately break down behavior trends, making you understand your users better and gain feedback accordingly.

  • Personalization: With Upshot.ai’s list of customizable options, you can create the perfect survey according to your user’s activities to get more of them to respond.

  • Targeting options: Even though you have optimized the best template and content for your feedback but without the right target audience, it will not create the same impact as you would have expected. With Upshot.ai’s latest update on the best targeting options, you get to understand and visualize your user’s patterns and create better campaigns.

For more information, you could check out our guide on Collecting Feedback for Product Success

5. Chatbots

One of the most recent ways in which customers browse websites and apps is with the help of AI-based chatbots. Instead of complicated browsing, users can directly ask the chatbots for help. Many websites and applications driven by chatbots and AI have helped to optimize app and website experience in multiple ways like in-app navigation, search procedures, support on the helpdesk, and so much more, making the app and website easier to manage, more customized, and less time-consuming. These chatbots help organizations achieve their goals and optimize the app and website experience.

The global chatbot market size is expected to reach USD 2,485.7 million by 2028, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 24.9% from 2021 to 2028. The chatbot industry is expected to witness significant growth over the forecast period as they enable enterprises to substantially reduce operating costs. Additionally, innovations in artificial intelligence and machine learning are likely to enhance the features of chatbots, which act as major drivers for the market.

6. A/B testing

This tool is extremely important during the testing phase, where companies can test their apps or websites on two different audiences and basically check how specific variables affect user behavior. The end goal is to arrive at the one that provides better results to optimize the app and website experience accordingly. 

The overall benefit of A/B testing is that it eliminates guesswork and focuses on data-driven conclusions. Some of the other benefits include observing the impacts of a new feature, learning what will work better with multiple audience groups, knowing how to boost conversions without risking your ad budgets, and so on. A/B testing ultimately helps marketers continuously improve their campaigns.   

About Upshot.ai

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve their product adoption and conversions. Fortune 1000 companies such as GE, UHG, Puma, Sony, ITC, and Tenet Healthcare are using Upshot.ai and observed a massive increase in product adoption and YoY increment in revenues.

Book a demo of the most comprehensive user engagement and gamification platform to achieve your digital product goals. Join our communities for more insights, guides, and best practices that keep you updated with proven strategies and tips to supercharge your campaigns.

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