Srinivas Gurram
Srinivas Gurram April 30, 2024

Is your mobile app gathering more cobwebs than compliments? Let’s face it—even the most captivating apps can face this. Retaining users and keeping them engaged can be challenging. Re-engagement strategies are essential for businesses to maintain a healthy user base and increase customer lifetime value. 

In this blog post, we will explore five effective ways to re-engage mobile app users in 2024.

What is Re-Engagement?

Re-engagement is an integral part of customer retention and can help businesses maintain a healthy user base and increase customer lifetime value. It is the process of reconnecting with users who have previously interacted with your product or service but have become inactive or disengaged. This could include users who have stopped using your app, visiting your website, or engaging with your emails, and other communication channels.

The goal of re-engagement is to reignite interest and encourage these users to become active again. Re-engagement strategies often involve targeted communication and offers designed to recapture the user’s attention and encourage them to take action, such as returning to the app, purchasing, or engaging with content.

Understanding User Churn and the Need for Re-engagement Strategies 

User churn, or customer attrition, is a critical metric for businesses that indicates the rate at which customers stop using a product or service over a period. High churn rates can significantly impact a business’s bottom line, making it essential to implement effective re-engagement strategies. Here, we’ll delve into the importance of understanding user churn and explore the need for a re-engagement strategy.

Impact of Churn on Revenue

  • A study by Bain & Company found that increasing customer retention rates by just 5% can increase profits by 25% to 95%.
  • Acquiring a new customer is 5 to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one.

Reasons for Churn

  • A HubSpot survey found that the top reasons for customer churn include poor onboarding experiences (23%), unmet expectations (19%), and lack of perceived value (17%).
  • 80% of customers churn due to poor customer experience, indicating the importance of providing a seamless and valuable experience.

Impact of Customer Engagement

  • Adobe’s Digital Trends report underscores the urgency of prioritizing customer experience, revealing it as the most exciting business opportunity. With 45% of businesses already reaping significant positive impact from customer engagement, the time to act is now.
  • Research by Temkin Group indicates that engaged customers are 5x more likely to buy only from the same brand in the future.

5 Ways to Re-engage Mobile App Users in 2024

1. Personalization

One of the most effective strategies for re-engaging mobile app users is personalization. By tailoring the app experience to individual users, you can make them feel valued and create a sense of connection. Personalization can be achieved through various methods, such as personalized recommendations, customized content, or notifications. 

H&M, a popular fashion retailer, leverages personalization to enhance users’ shopping experience in its mobile app. By analyzing user behavior, such as browsing history and past purchases, the app provides personalized style recommendations tailored to each user’s preferences. It also offers exclusive discounts and offers based on these insights, encouraging users to revisit the app and make purchases.

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2. Gamification

Gamification is a potent strategy for re-engaging mobile app users. By infusing game-like elements such as challenges, achievements, and rewards, you can transform the app into a more enjoyable and interactive experience. This keeps users entertained and gives them a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue using the app, boosting user engagement and retention. 

Nike Training Club (NTC), fitness app incorporates gamification to motivate users to stay active and engaged. The app offers a variety of workouts, challenges, and training programs designed by Nike trainers. Users earn rewards, such as badges and virtual trophies, for completing workouts and reaching fitness milestones. These rewards help create a sense of achievement and progress, encouraging users to continue using the app and stay committed to their fitness goals.

3. Omnichannel Marketing 

Omnichannel marketing is the practice of providing a seamless and integrated experience across multiple channels and devices. By leveraging various marketing channels such as email, social media, and SMS, you can reach out to users and remind them about your app. 

Lululemon, a popular athletic apparel brand, integrates its mobile app with the in-store experience to enhance customer engagement and shopping convenience. Through omnichannel marketing, the Lululemon app allows users to track their loyalty points, browse in-store product availability, and receive exclusive offers and promotions. This integration provides a seamless shopping experience, where users can easily transition between online and offline channels to make purchases and redeem rewards. 

4. Push and In-app Notifications 

Push and in-app notifications, the dynamic duo of mobile app re-engagement. Push notifications are messages that appear on users’ mobile devices, even when they are not actively using the app. In-app notifications, on the other hand, appear within the app while users are using it. By sending timely and relevant notifications, you can confidently remind users about your app and encourage them to take action. 

Uber, a leading ride-hailing service, utilizes push notifications to inform users about ride availability, surge pricing, and promotions. These notifications are sent directly to users’ mobile devices, providing real-time updates and encouraging them to book rides when prices are favorable or nearby drivers are available. In addition to push notifications, Uber also uses in-app notifications to communicate important updates, such as changes to its service or new features, and offer personalized promotions and discounts to users. 

5. User Feedback 

User feedback is a valuable source of information for app developers. By listening to users’ opinions, suggestions, and concerns, you can gain insights into what works well and what needs improvement. Actively seeking and responding to user feedback shows that you value their opinions and helps you make informed decisions to enhance the app experience. You can implement a feedback feature within the app or conduct user surveys to gather feedback. By acting upon user feedback, you can re-engage mobile app users and show them their voices are heard.

Duolingo, a popular language-learning app, collects user feedback through in-app surveys and user reviews to improve its app and enhance the learning experience. By regularly gathering user feedback, Duolingo can identify areas for improvement, such as content difficulty, course effectiveness, and app usability. This feedback is used to make updates and enhancements to the app, ensuring it remains engaging and effective for learners. 


In today’s competitive mobile app market, retaining users is just as crucial as acquiring them. By implementing these effective re-engagement strategies, you can reignite user interest, increase app engagement, and ultimately drive long-term success for your mobile app. Remember, the key lies in understanding your users’ needs, providing a valuable experience, and constantly innovating to keep them engaged.

By personalizing the experience, incorporating gamification elements, leveraging omnichannel marketing, sending timely notifications, and actively seeking user feedback, you can build stronger relationships with your mobile app users and foster long-term loyalty. So, what are you waiting for? Start re-engaging your users today and watch your app thrive!

How can Upshot.ai help?

Upshot.ai is designed to be the ultimate toolkit for mobile app developers and marketers looking to harness the full power of app analytics. Here’s how Upshot.ai can elevate your app’s performance and user experience!

  • Comprehensive Analytics Suite: Upshot.ai offers a Robust Analytics Platform that tracks and analyzes a wide range of metrics, from user engagement and retention to revenue generation. This allows you to gain a holistic understanding of your app’s performance and user behaviours.
  • Personalization at Scale: Through its Advanced Segmentation and Personalization capabilities, Upshot.ai enables you to deliver tailored content, messages, and experiences to different user segments based on their behaviours and preferences. This customization enhances user satisfaction and engagement.
  • User Feedback and Improvement: Upshot.ai integrates tools for collecting and analyzing user feedback in real time. This immediate insight into what users love and what they don’t allow for quick iterations and improvements, ensuring your app continually evolves to meet user needs.
  • Segmentation and Targeted Marketing: Upshot.ai’s segmentation capabilities allow marketers to divide their user base into distinct groups based on various criteria and target these groups with customized marketing campaigns. This targeted approach improves the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing efforts.
  • In-App Campaign Management: The platform supports the creation and management of in-app campaigns, including push notifications and personalized messages, helping to drive conversion rates and reinforce user engagement.
  • Scalability and Integration: Upshot.ai is scalable and integrates seamlessly with other tools and platforms, ensuring that it can support growth and align with existing marketing ecosystems.

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