Architaa Pandey
Architaa Pandey September 7, 2023

Mobile apps have revolutionized the way we interact with technology, providing us with a vast array of services and entertainment at our fingertips. However, with millions of apps available in app stores, attracting and retaining users has become increasingly challenging. This is where the concept of app user re-engagement comes into play.

In this blog, we explore effective strategies to re-engage mobile app users and increase user retention. We dive deep into the concept of app user re-engagement, why it is important, and provide actionable strategies that have been proven to work. 

What is App User Re-engagement?

To put it in simple words, app user re-engagement is the digital equivalent of running into an old friend and rekindling your friendship over a cup of coffee.

App user re-engagement refers to the process of winning back users who have previously installed an app but have become inactive or abandoned the app. It involves implementing strategies to rekindle their interest, showcase the value of the app, and encourage them to continue using it. 

But why bother even doing it?

Importance of App User Re-engagement

– Boost Your Revenue

First, let’s hit you with some cold, hard facts. Ever heard of the 80/20 rule? It states that 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your users. Re-engaging with those 20% can have a tremendous impact on your bottom line. 

– It’s Easier to Keep Them

Acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer. Yep, you read that right—five times! In a world where budget matters, re-engagement is the cost-effective route.

– Improved User Experience

Re-engaging allows you to gather more data on user behavior. More data means better personalization, which ultimately leads to an improved user experience. A win-win situation, isn’t it?

Learn Crafting Custom Experiences and Understand Personalization through Segmentation! 

– Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value

When users remain engaged and active, they are more likely to continue using the app and make in-app purchases, and this translates to more revenue for the app. The customer lifetime value increases, which boosts your bottom line.

– Improving User Retention

It is important to not be ‘ghosted’ by users and to form long-term relationships with them. Re-engaging inactive users can help improve overall user retention metrics, reducing the churn rate and increasing the app’s user base.

– Enhancing Brand Loyalty

By reaching out to inactive users and providing them with a positive experience, you can foster brand and customer loyalty and turn them into advocates for your app.

– Increasing App Store Rankings

User engagement and retention are key factors that app stores consider when ranking apps. By re-engaging users and improving user retention, you can potentially boost your app’s visibility and rankings.

App User Re-engagement Strategies that Actually Work!

1. Personalized Push Notifications

First up, we have the king of all engagement tools: personalized push notifications. But hold on, these aren’t your run-of-the-mill, one-size-fits-all kind of notifications. We’re talking tailored messages, people! Use data analytics to understand your user’s behavior and preferences. 

Once you’ve got that data gold, craft messages that are as unique as each user; maybe they left some items in their cart, or perhaps they haven’t checked out your latest update. A well-timed, personalized message can work wonders in getting them back into the game. Don’t forget to add deep links in your push notifications to direct users to exactly where you want them in the app.

Personalized Push Notifications help with app user re-engagement

Quick Tip:

Use emojis to make your notifications more eye-catching. Research shows that using emojis can increase open rates by up to 85%!

Learn the Latest Trends and Updates in Push notifications 

2. In-App Messages

Second on our list is the underdog of re-engagement strategies: In-App Messages. Think of these as your digital concierges. They welcome users back and guide them through new features or special offers that they shouldn’t miss. 

The best part? Users are already in the app when they see these messages, making them more likely to take immediate action.

Quick Tip:

Include a strong call-to-action (CTA) and maybe even a time-sensitive offer to give them that extra push.

In-app messages help to re-engage app users.

Confused between In-App Messages and Push Notifications? 

3. Gamification

Next up is gamification—the fun way to keep users engaged. Who doesn’t love racking up points and topping leaderboards? Gamification isn’t just for games; you can use it to make any app more engaging.

Give your users goals to achieve and rewards to earn. Before you know it, they’ll be hooked.

Gamification is huge tool for engagement

Quick Tip:

Combine gamification with push notifications for reminders about goals and rewards. You’ve got yourself a powerful engagement combo.

4. Email Drip Campaigns

Emails are far from dead, folks. An expertly crafted email sequence can gently nudge inactive users back into interaction. Provide updates, offers, or just some useful content to rekindle their interest.

Emails help with re-engagement

Quick Tip:

Use catchy subject lines and high-quality visuals to make your emails stand out. Remember, the goal is to get them to open the email and take action.

Difficult to decide what’s better for customer engagement? Push Notifications or Emails?

5. Retargeting Ads

Alright, so your users have ventured out of your app. It’s cool; you can still reel them back in with retargeting ads. Show them what they’re missing through ads on social media platforms or other websites they visit. Sometimes, a little reminder is all it takes.

Quick Tip:

Tailor the ad’s message to match the reason they became inactive. Did they abandon a cart? Show them an ad about a discount on the items they left behind.

6. Implement a Loyalty Program

Last but certainly not least is the tried-and-true loyalty program. Rewarding users for sticking around? It’s a no-brainer. Special discounts, exclusive content, or early access to new features can make your users feel valued and less likely to stray.

Learn more about Customer Loyalty: Proven Strategies and Examples! 

Loyalty programs boost app user re-engagement

Quick Tip:

Use a tier-based system to make the rewards more enticing as users engage more with your app. Climbing the ranks gives them a sense of accomplishment and gives you a more engaged user base.


Re-engaging mobile app users is essential for improving user retention and maximizing the success of your app. By implementing effective strategies such as sending push notifications and in-app messages, implementing gamification, and offering rewards, you can re-engage users and encourage them to continue using your app.

Remember to continually analyze user behavior, gather feedback, and optimize your app based on user preferences. Utilize the insights gained from event tracking and user engagement data to refine your app user re-engagement strategies and ensure long-term success.

With the right approach and a deep understanding of your target audience, you can successfully re-engage mobile app users and create a loyal user base.

How can we help? Join the Revolution!

Upshot.ai is a powerful platform that provides advanced tools and features to help you re-engage mobile app users effectively. With its comprehensive analytics and user engagement capabilities, Upshot.ai enables you to track user behavior, analyze user events, and create personalized re-engagement campaigns.

With our robust analytics and customer engagement platform, you can easily:

  • Send Personalized Push Notifications and In-App Messages: Use our intuitive dashboard and User Engagement Platform to craft compelling, personalized messages that users can’t ignore.

  • Implement Gamification: Inject fun into your app without having to code from scratch. Upshot.ai’s Gamification Engine makes it a breeze.

  • Analyze User Behavior: Gain insights into what’s making your users tick and what’s ticking them off. Use Upshot.ai’s Analytics Tool to refine your re-engagement strategies further.

  • Automate Email Campaigns: Our platform seamlessly integrates with email providers, making setting up email drip campaigns as easy as pie.

Start your journey to unstoppable user engagement today with Upshot.ai. To learn more about how Upshot.ai can help you re-engage mobile app users and increase user retention, book a demo, and let’s get started! 🚀

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