Kaustuv Dwivedi
Kaustuv Dwivedi August 29, 2023

In today’s interconnected digital world, no application has revolutionized personal and business communication like WhatsApp. Launched in 2009, this modest messaging platform has become one of the most pivotal global communication hubs. It’s not just the sheer number of users that makes WhatsApp stand out, but the nature of its engagement. From morning greetings to crucial business decisions, from sharing a meme to confirming a bank transaction, WhatsApp is seamlessly interwoven into our daily routines.

Imagine a platform where messages are almost guaranteed to be opened, read, and acted upon. For businesses, this isn’t just a dream; it’s a potent tool waiting to be harnessed. A tool that promises immediate feedback facilitates real-time conversations and fosters a sense of intimacy that few other platforms can rival.

Businesses are constantly on the lookout for innovative ways to sustain customer engagement. Now, think about the power this tool holds when integrated with a robust customer engagement platform like Upshot.ai. We’re discussing a synergy that can redefine user engagement, making it more personal, immediate, and impactful. Here’s how Upshot.ai, with its latest integration with WhatsApp, is set to redefine the paradigms of customer interaction and engagement. 

Maintaining connections with users outside a platform has always been challenging, but Upshot.ai is transforming this narrative with its new WhatsApp integration. Let’s dive deep into understanding this feature’s sheer brilliance and utility.

Why WhatsApp?

When considering digital communication’s evolution, few platforms emerge prominently as WhatsApp. Born out of a simple idea to keep friends and family connected, this app has grown exponentially to become an indispensable tool for billions worldwide. Here’s why it stands out:

  • Global Reach: With over 2.44 billion monthly active users spanning across continents, languages, and cultures, WhatsApp’s reach is truly global. It’s one of those rare platforms that resonates equally with a college student in New York, a farmer in India, and a businessman in Tokyo.

  • Beyond Just Messaging: While it began as a messaging app, WhatsApp has evolved into a multifaceted platform. Today, it facilitates voice calls, video calls, group chats, and business transactions. This versatility makes it an integral part of many people’s daily routines.

  • Real-time Connection: In an age where immediacy is valued, WhatsApp offers real-time communication. Whether it’s a mother checking on her child or a business finalizing a deal, the assurance of instant responses is invaluable.

  • Trust & Security: One of WhatsApp’s foundational pillars is its end-to-end encryption. This ensures that users trust the platform for sharing personal stories, sensitive business information, and everything.

  • Personal Touch: WhatsApp’s most distinguishing feature is its intimacy. Unlike emails that often feel impersonal and can get lost in a crowded inbox or social media platforms where messages can get buried under heaps of content, WhatsApp messages are direct and personal. They pop up on one’s screen, beckoning immediate attention.

  • Bridging Business Gaps: WhatsApp is more than just another marketing channel for businesses. It’s a lifeline that offers a direct link to their customers. Engaging users through WhatsApp doesn’t feel like a broadcast; it feels like a conversation. This authenticity bridges the gap between brands and their audience, fostering trust and loyalty.

In essence, when we ask “Why WhatsApp?” the answer lies not just in its massive user base but in the unique nature of its engagement. It offers a blend of immediacy, security, and personal connection, making it an unmatched personal and business communication tool.

Understand how WhatsApp Marketing is a game changer for businesses in 2023!

Upshot.ai’s New Feature: Engaging Beyond Boundaries

While Upshot.ai has always been a leader in fostering customer engagement, their recent addition, allowing businesses to reach users through WhatsApp, has taken this capability to a new level. Here are the salient features:

  • Seamless Messaging: This module permits brands to design messages tailored to their user base. Whether it’s an announcement, a promotional offer, or a service reminder, the communication happens smoothly through WhatsApp, reaching users outside the app or website.

  • Integration with 3rd Party Providers: Upshot.ai understands that businesses might already have relationships with other service providers. Hence, they’ve integrated their platform with third-party providers to send messages via WhatsApp, ensuring that the transition is smooth and hassle-free.

  • Campaign Creation: Running a campaign was more complex! Brands can now create a WhatsApp notification and immediately start a campaign. This ensures that the right message reaches the right user at the right time, maximizing impact and engagement.

How to Create Whatsapp Notification in Upshot.ai?

Step 1: Navigating to WhatsApp Notification

  • You can create a WhatsApp notification module in the Engage section of the Upshot.ai dashboard.

Create WhatsApp notification module from the Upshot.ai dashboard

Upshot.ai WhatsApp Module

Step2: Whatsapp Notification Creation:

To create WhatsApp Notification, follow these steps:

  • Step1: Whatsapp Setting Setup:

Click on the WhatsApp Setting button in the top right corner of the Whatsapp Module page.          

Upshot.ai WhatsApp setting setup

It pop-ups with the following params(Upshot.ai is flexible to integrate any Third-party provider)

Type: Haptik | Gupshup (third-party providers for now)

  • Depending on your integrated third-party provider, select either Haptik or Gupshup.
  • Based on the provider selected, It asks the authentication details.
  • After entering the required credentials, confirm by clicking the ‘Save’ button.

  • Step2: Creating Template

Note: Template creation in the Upshot.ai dashboard means giving template-related details configured in the 3rd party provider. 

  • Click on Whatsapp Template and then click on +Create at the top right panel.

Upshot.ai WhatsApp Templates

  •       The page navigates to the below-shown page.

Upshot.ai WhatsApp Template Creation Page

The steps involved in creating templates: 

  1. Set a name for the template on the top lift panel 
  2. It displays the provider name that you have chosen on the WhatsApp settings page.
  3. Select the template language.
  4. Enter the template code that you have created in the interact dashboard.
  5. Select the type of header required for the particular template code

6. Header variable count: will be enabled if the user selects “text” in the header type. The limit is not exceeded by more than 1(by default, it will be 0)

7. Body variable count: The number of variables used in the body for your template /for the template code needs to be mentioned here

8. Buttons: Below is the button template design in Upshot.ai 

Below is the button template design in Upshot.ai

  • Once your template is ready, a confirmation will appear at the top panel.
  • Users can view the list of templates created in the WhatsApp Template panel.
  • The created template is in the draft stage in the list of templates. When you want to make it active, click on draft, which changes to active.

Note: Make sure the template params created in 3rd party provider are the same as the params used in Upshot.ai of that particular template code.

Whatsapp Notification Campaign Creation

Whatsapp Notification Creation

  • Click on Whatsapp Template and then click on +Create at the top right panel.

Click on Whatsapp Template and then click on +Create at the top right panel.

  • The page navigates to the below-shown page.

Whatsapp Provider - Haptik

  1. User Needs to give a name for the notification at the top left panel.
  2. The User Needs to select the template name created earlier.
  3. Before creating the notification, the user must verify by giving their mobile number and sending a message. (It’s just for testing.)

For Personalization :

  1. Name your notification in the top-right corner.
  2. Choose a template.
  3. Specify personalization details based on variables in the header or body.
  4. Test by sending a verification message to a mobile number.

Whatsapp for Personalization

For Image and video related:

  1. Assign a name in the top-right corner.
  2. Select your desired template.
  3. Upload an approved media file (ensure compatibility with your chosen third-party provider).
  4. For verification, send a test message to a mobile number.

Upload an approved media file (ensure compatibility with your chosen third-party provider).

  • Complete the process by clicking ‘Create’ in the top-left corner.
  • Your crafted notifications will be listed in draft mode. To make them live, switch the status from ‘draft’ to ‘active.’

Complete the process by clicking 'Create' in the top-left corner.

Launch and Monitoring:

Once done, create a campaign create a campaign for your specific segment of users and run it to display the messages to the users.

Benefits of Using Upshot.ai’s WhatsApp Integration

1. Enhanced Customer Experience

  • Immediate Response: WhatsApp allows immediate communication, which enhances customer experience. With Upshot.ai’s integration, you could automate or streamline user interactions, offering real-time support or assistance.

  • Personalization: WhatsApp is a highly personal medium, and Upshot.ai’s features could allow businesses to personalize these interactions, making them more engaging and effective.

2. Operational Efficiency

  • Automation: Chatbots or automated workflows could handle routine queries, freeing up customer service reps to focus on more complex tasks.

  • Data Synchronization: All interaction data can be collected and synchronized across various platforms, helping businesses understand their customer needs better.

3. Increased Engagement

  • Convenience: Users are more likely to engage with a service if it’s available on a frequently used platform.

  • Interactive Features: The gamification features from Upshot.ai could be used within the WhatsApp platform to incentivize users to complete specific actions, thus increasing engagement and adoption.

4. Cost-Effective

  • Reduced Customer Acquisition Costs: With higher engagement rates, the customer acquisition costs might be lower compared to other platforms.

  • Consolidated Tools: By integrating Upshot.ai with WhatsApp, you’re consolidating your tools, potentially reducing the need for additional software for customer engagement and communication.

5. Improved Conversion Rates

  • Faster Decision Making: By engaging the user where they are most comfortable, and with the right incentives, you can help them make decisions faster, thus improving conversions.

6. Reach

  • Broad User Base: WhatsApp has a massive global reach, making it easier for businesses to engage with an international audience.

  • Language Support: The integration may allow you to effectively engage users in multiple languages.

7. Better Analytics

  • Tracking: Upshot.ai would likely offer detailed analytics on how your campaigns are performing on WhatsApp, allowing for more data-driven decision-making.

  • Feedback Loop: Immediate feedback can be gathered through WhatsApp interactions, helping businesses iterate and improve their strategies quickly.


The integration of WhatsApp into Upshot.ai’s already robust omnichannel user engagement and gamification platform marks a significant leap forward in customer interaction strategies. This marriage between WhatsApp’s colossal user base and Upshot.ai’s intelligent analytics and personalization features offers businesses a rare opportunity to foster meaningful connections with their audiences.

In an era where customer engagement is the linchpin of business success, adopting a solution that combines the best of both worlds, i.e., personal touch and data-driven automation, gives a considerable competitive advantage. From the ease of setting up campaigns to real-time analytics, from media-rich notifications to better conversion rates, every aspect of this integration has been designed with the goal of supercharging your user engagement, adoption, and conversions.

So, if you want to elevate your customer engagement game to the next level, Upshot.ai’s WhatsApp integration is not just an option but a game-changer. Don’t get left behind in the dynamic customer interaction landscape; seize this opportunity to create more meaningful and productive relationships with your user base.

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