Manisha Kumari
Manisha Kumari October 10, 2023

In a world with an app for everything (and we mean everything, from measuring your sneeze intensity to finding the nearest unicorn), it’s no surprise that many of these apps get lost or unnoticed.

Where the mobile app ecosystem continues to expand exponentially, the keyword “mobile app” has become synonymous with convenience, efficiency, and connectivity. 

These apps have made our lives convenient, from staying connected with loved ones through social media to managing our finances, tracking our health, or even ordering a hot meal with just a few taps.

However, as the mobile app market becomes saturated with new and innovative apps, a significant challenge has surfaced: Mobile App Re-engagement.

Keeping users actively engaged with your mobile app cannot be overstated. While attracting new users is undoubtedly a crucial aspect of app development, retaining and re-engaging existing users is equally, if not more, vital for sustained success.

In this blog, we’ll look closely at why getting users back to your mobile app is crucial in a competitive market. We’ll also discuss the tough challenges app makers and marketers encounter in keeping people coming back for more. 

Why does Re-Engagement Matter?

Optimizing mobile app re-engagement yields numerous benefits centered around improving user engagement, increasing revenue, and enhancing the overall user experience.

1. Retaining User Engagement in Mobile Apps

  • Reducing Churn Rate: Mobile app churn refers to the rate at which users abandon an app after downloading it. High churn rates can be detrimental to the success of an app. Businesses can significantly reduce churn rates by re-engaging users through strategic campaigns and notifications. Ensures users continue interacting with the app, preserving a loyal user base.

  • Maximizing Lifetime Value (LTV): The lifetime value of a mobile app user is a critical metric that directly impacts the profitability of the app. Re-engagement efforts, such as regular updates, new features, and relevant content, can prolong the user’s app journey and lead to a higher LTV as users continue to generate revenue through in-app purchases or subscriptions over an extended period.

2. Increasing Revenue through Mobile App Re-engagement:

  • Upselling and Cross-selling: Effective re-engagement strategies allow businesses to upsell and cross-sell their products or services within the app. By analyzing user behavior and preferences, targeted promotions and offers can be presented to users, encouraging them to make additional purchases or upgrade to premium features, thereby boosting revenue.

  • In-App Advertising: Advertising within the app is a significant revenue stream for many mobile apps. Re-engagement efforts can help maintain a large and active user base, making the app more attractive to advertisers. Advertisers are willing to pay more to reach engaged users, increasing ad revenue for the app.

Further Reading: Customer Lifecycle Engagement 101

3. Enhancing User Experience in Mobile Apps:

  • Personalization and Customization: Re-engagement campaigns enable the collection of valuable user data, which can be used to personalize the user experience. Tailoring content, recommendations, and notifications based on individual preferences keeps users engaged and creates a sense of belonging, making them more likely to continue using the app.

Learn how to Crafting Custom Experiences: Understanding Personalization through Segmentation

  • Providing Value to Users: Users return to an app when they perceive value in doing so. Mobile app re-engagement allows businesses to continually provide value to users through updates, enhancements, and exclusive content. Addressing user needs and pain points makes an app indispensable, ensuring long-term user engagement.

Find out the Effective Strategies for App User Re-Engagement

The Brands That Got it Right!

Case Study 1: S’More

S'More Case Study

S’More is a next-gen dating app that launched in 2019. The app provides people with a completely interactive way of getting to know more about a person before evaluating them based on appearance.

They sent personalized push notifications, emails, and SMS campaigns targeted to different user segments based on their behavior and preferences.


  • 65% uplift in the app engagement time.
  • 20% increase in ‘Day 1’ customer retention.
  • 15% higher onboarding completions.

Case Study 2: Duolingo

Duolingo Case Study

Duolingo is a trendy language learning app that offers over 100 different language courses. The app is known for its gamified learning, which makes it fun and engaging for users.

To keep users engaged and coming back for more, Duolingo uses a variety of re-engagement strategies, including:

  • Personalized push notifications: Duolingo sends customized push notifications to users, reminding them to practice their language lessons. The reports are tailored to each user’s learning progress and interests.

  • Streaks: Duolingo users are encouraged to complete a daily lesson streak. If a user misses a day, they receive a push notification reminding them to continue their streak.

  • Challenges: Duolingo offers a variety of challenges that users can participate in to earn rewards. These challenges can keep users engaged and motivated.


  • Duolingo has over 500 million active users.
  • The average Duolingo user completes four lessons per day,
  • And the users have learned over 100 billion words.

Case Study 3: Spotify

Spotify Case Study

Spotify is a music streaming app that overtures over 70 million songs. Spotify offers a variety of features to keep users engaged, including personalized playlists, curated radio stations, and exclusive content.

To re-engage users who have become dormant, Spotify uses a variety of strategies, including:

  • Personalized emails: Spotify sends customized emails to dormant users with new music and playlist recommendations. The emails are tailored to each user’s listening history and preferences.

  • Targeted push notifications: They send messages to inactive users about new music releases, upcoming events, and other relevant content.

  • Exclusive offers: Spotify also offers exclusive offers to dormant users, such as free trials or discounts on premium subscriptions.


  • Spotify has over 180 million active users
  • The average Spotify user spends over 2 hours per day listening to music
  • Spotify has over 100 million premium subscribers

Using personalized messaging and targeted incentives, apps can keep users engaged and returning for more.

Final Note

The necessity of mobile app re-engagement in the contemporary digital ecosystem and the difficulties that come with it are highlighted. Both consumers and corporations can benefit significantly from mobile apps. However, it is tough to keep consumers engaged with an app, given the fierce competition in the app industry and their short attention spans.

It is impossible to exaggerate the value of mobile app re-engagement. Maintaining customer attention, raising customer retention rates, and ensuring corporate success is essential. App developers and marketers may build enduring relationships with their audience by enhancing the user experience, offering insightful information, and implementing efficient re-engagement techniques.

Yet, the path to successful mobile app re-engagement is laden with challenges. App fatigue, privacy concerns, and shifting user preferences require constant adaptation and innovation. Developers must navigate a complex landscape of app stores, platforms, and devices, all while staying compliant with evolving regulations and guidelines.

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