Ravi Vaka July 13, 2021

“App Uninstall” is a nightmare for business owners!

We are living in a world of instant gratification and high expectations. While there are plenty of opportunities to start a business,  the chances of succeeding are less than 0.1%. 

Today if we see, an 8-year-old is building an app and pushing it to the play store. On average, 955 new apps are published on the Apple store every day, which increments over 1.78 million apps already available on the Apple store.

With a wide variety of apps available, users are more cautious about their phone space/memory than ever before. Only a few qualify to be there after the first time. So the time to impress, educate, and nurture users is relatively narrow. So how to make sure that you are on the top 10 apps that qualify to be on every phone? 

why users uninstall an app

Why do users uninstall an app?

If an app fails to incorporate any of these:

  1. Usability: It all comes down to the first impression and how easy it is to navigate the app that matters during the first encounter. Usability plays a crucial role in retaining the users after that very first session.

  1. Use Case: Every app/website is built to solve a problem or fill a void. How well the users receive the app depends on how big the problem is and how well the app can solve it. 

  1. User Experience: Outcomes are a result of experience. The user experience motivates the user to choose your app against all other competitors in the space. 

  1. User Engagement: Engagements are the kind of interactions that motivate your users to navigate the app. The more the users are engaged, the better they can be retained.

  1. User Expectations: The world is at the fingertips, where everything happens at a click of a button. This has exceeded the customer expectations on how brands should serve the end-user. Failing to reach those expectations set by the user is one of the prime reasons why users leave the app. 

So the reasons can be many for an app to uninstall; sometimes, it can be as simple as running out of space for a new app. But what matters is how brands can create those reasons to stay, buy or use an app. 

Yes, you heard me right. Apps can potentially create compelling reasons for the users to stay with proper user engagements that enhance the user experiences right from the user onboarding to the point of checkouts. So, how do you plan such engagements that make users stick to your app? 

User Onboarding:

Swiftly onboard your users and educate them to get familiar with the app and its features. The user should be able to understand what problem the app is solving in the very first interaction. Use tutorials and on-screen tips to onboard them with necessary information at each touchpoint. 

Customer engagement:

Once the users are onboarded, it is time to engage them. To engage is to nurture them towards specific business goals with meaningful communications and timely triggers. Also, to engage is to motivate the users to complete a task with a free goodie or intensive. 

Users love to be nurtured. Big billion sales are hit for a reason. The brands tend to engage end-users weeks before the sale is live via ads, push notifications, Emails, In-app notifications, and internal community discussions to create all the necessary buzz around the deal. 

Once the sale is live, various triggers aim to get the users back to the app ( all the 90% off statements!!), convert the users as quickly as possible, and show the items in the cart are running out fast. The sense of urgency is also a tactic here but still works wonders for many brands. 

Thus customer engagement plays a crucial role in nurturing users towards that sweet spot that businesses always want their customers to be there. And a well-engaged user never thinks about the app uninstall.

Identifying red flags before the app uninstall

Every end-user interaction has a message to deliver. Whether it is to say they love your app and are addicted to it or they started to dislike your app with minimal usage in the last few days. All this information is tracked, and the app’s stickiness is measured via reports generated from user interactions. 

Many red flags go unnoticed before the user is wholly lost or uninstalls the app. If businesses can identify those red flags and execute a few preventive measures, those about to churn can be retained in campaigns within the app. 

Seeking feedback from those users who might be on the verge of leaving and relentlessly working on the input to get them back is essential and show, Re-engaging those users is a conscious effort but not an impossible task. Make sure you hyper-segment your users based on their needs, hyper-personalize every communication you send, and nurture them at a personal level so that users feel connected with the brand. 

That kind of connection is unbreakable, and users love to stay forever with such brands who care for them. 

Wrapping up:

It is easier said than done. While dealing with user behaviors, it all comes down to how efficiently one can track those behaviors with a system and how well the user engagements are planned with the right tools. Upshot.ai comes as an intersection of both, with more than 15+ user engagement actions that can nurture users to change their opinions about brands.

From user onboarding to user conversion at each stage, there is a need for various tools like tutorials, screen tips, push notifications, opinion polls, in-app messages, surveys, rating requests, rewards, and many more. Upshot.ai is the only tool with a comprehensive list of tools and is the only tool that consolidates everything as a single platform. There might be many reasons for app uninstalls, but with Upshot.ai, you can give more reasons for your users to stay.

About Upshot.ai:

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve their product adoption and conversions. Fortune 1000 companies such as GE, UHG, Puma, Sony, ITC, and Tenet Healthcare are using Upshot.ai and observed a massive increase in product adoption and YoY increment in revenues.

Book a demo of the most comprehensive user engagement and gamification platform to achieve your digital product goals. Join our communities for more insights, guides, and best practices that keep you updated with proven strategies and tips to supercharge your campaigns so that your user never uninstall your app.

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