Kaustuv Dwivedi
Kaustuv Dwivedi April 18, 2023

In today’s digital age, businesses constantly seek ways to engage with their customers and enhance their overall experience. Two popular methods for customer engagement are push notifications and emails. Both methods allow businesses to connect with their customers in real-time, but which is more effective? 

Push notifications and emails have their strengths and weaknesses, and it’s essential to understand them to choose the best strategy for customer engagement. This blog will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of push notifications and emails. It will also provide insights into which method best fits your business. So, let’s dive into the world of customer engagement and explore the debate of push notifications vs. emails.

We all know that Email Marketing is the best way to engage with your customers. But what about push notifications? Are they as effective as emails? We will answer these questions in this blog.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a great way to communicate with your audience in a friendly tone while at the same time creating urgency.

It can be used for any business: from B2B companies that provide software or services to small businesses that sell products online and offline, from startups that are just starting to establish businesses that need to find new ways of reaching their target market.

email marketing template
source: Eventbrite

Also Read: Email Marketing Metrics that Matter in 2023

What is Push Notification Marketing?

Push notifications, too, are a great way to engage with your customers. They can be used to communicate important updates and events and to provide exclusive discounts and promotions

For example, you could send a notification to customers when a new product is available. Or, if you are in the real estate business and want to sell a property that’s been sitting on your books for a while, you could send out a notification that offers an incentive for anyone who buys it within a specific timeframe.

Push notification message

Also Read: Push Notification Strategies to Increase App Engagement in 2023

Difference Between Push Notification Vs. Email

Push notifications and email marketing are two popular methods businesses use to reach customers. While both are effective at engaging customers, they differ in several ways.

Email and Push notification message

Push notification marketing involves sending short, concise messages to users’ mobile devices or web browsers. These messages are designed to be attention-grabbing and delivered in real time, even when the user is not actively engaging with the app or website. 

Push notifications typically include a call-to-action that encourages the user to act immediately, such as purchasing or completing a task.

Email marketing, on the other hand, involves sending longer, more detailed messages to a user’s email inbox. These campaigns often include multiple messages sent over a period of time to build a relationship with the customer. 

The messages can include images, videos, and other multimedia content and are typically used to provide more comprehensive information about products, services, or promotions.

One of the most significant differences between push notifications and email marketing is the delivery method. 

Push notifications are delivered directly to a user’s device or browser, making them ideal for time-sensitive messages or promotions. 

Email marketing, on the other hand, relies on the user actively checking their email inbox, which can sometimes result in lower open rates.

Another key difference is the level of personalization. Push notifications can be personalized based on user behavior and preferences, making them more relevant and engaging to the user. 

Email marketing can also be personalized, but it requires more information and data about the user to be effective.

Also Read: In-App Messages vs Push Notifications

Length of the Message

The length of your message should be short but not too short. It should be friendly and easy to read. For example: “Hey! Thanks for signing up for our newsletter. Here’s what we have planned for the coming months!” The goal here is to keep things simple so people can easily digest information from it in one sitting (or even less than one sitting). This also allows them time to think about what they want or need from your company before making a purchase decision later down the line.

Create Urgency

Urgency is the key to success in marketing. It’s what makes your audience care about what you have to say and how they will act on that information once they have it in their hands.

Urgency helps you get your audience’s attention in a short time with a friendly tone. When we talk about urgency, we are referring primarily to two things:

  • What’s going on right now? The world needs this product or service now! 
  • And if there’s something wrong with it (like an error), let us know immediately! We need more data points to fix whatever problem exists so that everything works as intended from now on.

Block Subscriptions

  • The purpose of the campaign
  • The message that you want to send (and why)
  • How often and for how long will the campaign be run
  • What content must be included in the message (i.e., images, video, etc.) The tone and language used in your messaging should reflect what’s happening on your website or app so people know whether they’re getting updated information or have missed an email.


Personalization is the process of tailoring the content of an email to the recipient. It’s a way to increase engagement, conversion, revenue, and sales.

Personalized emails can be used in any industry: from travel booking sites to entertainment apps like Spotify or Netflix, from fashion brands like Zara or Calvin Klein, and even the automotive industry with car dealerships using personalized marketing campaigns for their customers.

The Objectives of the Campaigns

The objectives of campaigns are not just to increase sales but to increase engagement. These objectives include increasing loyalty and awareness and building brand awareness.

When to use Push and when to use Emails?

After exploring the differences between push notifications and email marketing, it’s clear that both strategies have their strengths and drawbacks. 

Push notifications are ideal for time-sensitive messages and can be personalized based on user behavior. At the same time, email marketing allows for more comprehensive content and can be delivered over time to build a relationship with the customer.

When deciding which method to use, businesses should consider their goals, target audience, and the nature of their products or services. Some businesses may find that a combination of push notifications and email marketing is the most effective approach. In contrast, others may prefer to focus on one method.

Also Read:Creative push notifications templates that work for any app


Regardless of the chosen strategy, providing value to customers with every interaction is essential. 

Whether a push notification or an email, the content should be relevant, personalized, and valuable to the customer. By keeping the customer’s needs and preferences in mind, businesses can build stronger relationships and increase engagement with their audience.

In conclusion, the debate of push notifications vs. emails comes down to understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each method and determining which is the best fit for your business. 

By utilizing the strengths of each strategy, businesses can create a comprehensive customer engagement plan that meets their goals and satisfies their customers.

Now that you know the different features of these two channels, it’s time to figure out which one is right for your business. We hope this article has helped you understand the basics of push notifications vs. emails and what each offers.

The Upshot.ai Advantage

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve product adoption and conversions.

With Upshot.ai, banks, Insurance, and FinTech firms can enhance their digital experiences with pre-built gamification features. It can provide personalized insights, actionable recommendations, and contextual nudges designed to deepen its relationship with its users. 

Book a demo of the most comprehensive user engagement and gamification platform to achieve your digital product goals. Join our communities for more insights, guides, and best practices that keep you updated with proven strategies and tips to supercharge your campaigns.

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