Srinivas Gurram
Srinivas Gurram October 6, 2023

Dussehra is a major Indian festival that celebrates the victory of good over evil. It is a time for families and friends to come together and celebrate. This also makes it an excellent time for brands to engage with their customers and build loyalty.

eCommerce giants Amazon, with its Great Indian Festival, and Flipkart, with its Big Billion Days, are gearing up for the festive seasons of Dussehra and Diwali with enticing offers and promotions. They recognize this festive season’s immense potential in terms of sales numbers and leave no stone unturned to make the most of this lucrative period.

This is just one example from the eCommerce industry. Every sector strives to capitalize on this Dussehra season across various sectors, including travel, BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance), D2C (Direct-to-Consumer), and the Autotech industry.

In this blog post, we will explore the power of gamification for Dussehra campaigns and how brands can maximize their impact during this festive season.

What is Gamification?

Gamification is the process of applying game design elements and mechanics to non-game contexts to create fun and memorable experiences. It involves incorporating elements like points, badges, trivia, picture puzzles, spin the wheel and challenges to engage users and drive desired behaviors. By tapping into the innate human desire for competition, achievement, and rewards, gamification helps businesses create immersive and interactive experiences that captivate their target audience.

During the Dussehra season, incorporating gamification into brand campaigns can be particularly effective in capturing the attention and excitement of consumers. From interactive contests and quizzes to virtual spin the wheel and loyalty programs, there are effective ways to infuse the festive spirit into gamified experiences and amplify the impact of your Dussehra campaign.

Leveraging Gamification for Dussehra Brand Campaigns

Now, let’s explore how you can leverage gamification specifically for Dussehra brand campaigns.


Create Dussehra-themed trivia questions about the festival’s history, significance, or mythology. These questions should be designed to challenge users’ knowledge and provoke curiosity about the festival; at the same time, customers should be rewarded in the form of coupons, discounts, etc., for correct answers to encourage active participation.

You can also use trivia to educate users about the festival and its cultural importance. To make it more engaging, introduce daily or weekly trivia challenges throughout the Dussehra season to encourage customers to return to your campaign.

Dussehra Gamification Campaign

For example, an eCommerce app can introduce trivia to its engagement and retention strategies. Customers are given a specific time to answer the questions correctly from the provided options. You can set a requirement, such as participants need to answer 4 or 5 questions correctly out of 5, to avail of a reward or discount. This encourages them to test their self-knowledge by challenging themselves and adds a fun element.

Picture Puzzle

Create picture puzzles featuring iconic Dussehra imagery, such as effigies of Ravana or scenes from the Ramayana. This engaging element promotes user interaction and participation, as these puzzles demand their focus and problem-solving skills. These campaigns are presented with fragmented pieces of an image that they must reassemble to reveal the complete picture. 

The choice of Dussehra-themed imagery in these puzzles serves a dual purpose. First, it immediately captures users’ attention, drawing them into the campaign with visuals that align perfectly with the festival’s theme. Second, it adds an element of familiarity and cultural relevance, making users feel more connected to the campaign.

The competitive aspect and the possibility of winning rewards encourage users to return to your campaign regularly. You can infuse a sense of urgency and excitement by imposing a time limit for solving the puzzle, adding to the competitive thrill. 

Dussehra Gamification Campaign

For instance, a travel booking app can enhance user engagement and retention by introducing picture puzzles as a delightful feature. Customers could be presented with an image-based puzzle about a popular place icon image. They would then be challenged to solve the puzzle within a specific time frame. Completing the puzzle could earn customers discounts, loyalty points, or exclusive offers for their next desired action.

This interactive and entertaining element adds a touch of fun to the app and motivates users to engage with the app.

Spin The Wheel

Implement a virtual spin-the-wheel game with Dussehra-themed rewards. Customers can spin the wheel for a chance to win discounts, prizes, or exclusive offers. Users feel happy to spin the wheel because of the prospect of winning enticing prizes, exclusive offers, and valuable discounts. 

This element injects an exciting sense of chance into your campaign, fostering anticipation and engagement. As the wheel spins, participants experience the thrill of uncertainty, making every spin a delightful adventure that keeps them actively engaged with your Dussehra promotion.

For example, a D2C brand can implement a spin-the-wheel feature for its customers after a successful business transaction. This encourages customers to make repeat purchases and helps retain them.

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Capitalize on the festive spirit by organizing a streaks campaign. Including streaks in your Dussehra brand campaign adds an element of continuity and motivation. Users can build and maintain streaks by participating in daily or regular activities. Streaks can be displayed prominently on user profiles or in the app, creating a sense of achievement and competitiveness.

It can be a powerful tool to keep users engaged throughout the campaign and beyond.

For example, a  fintech brand can implement a ‘Savings Streak’ campaign to promote financial responsibility and loyalty.

In this campaign, users are invited to join the “Savings Streak” challenge, committing to saving a certain amount of money regularly through the fintech platform. The fintech brand can offer rewards as milestones are reached to motivate users. After maintaining a 5-day savings streak, users could receive a bonus interest rate on their savings or a cashback reward.

Dussehra Gamification Campaign

Loyalty Programs

Reward customer loyalty by implementing a loyalty program that offers points, badges, or exclusive access to Dussehra-themed products or services. This not only encourages repeat purchases but also fosters a sense of excitement and competition among your customers.

By incorporating these gamification techniques into your Dussehra brand campaigns, you can not only capture the attention and excitement of consumers but also create memorable and impactful experiences that leave a lasting impression. 

For example, an online delivery app can implement a loyalty program to incentivize and reward frequent buyers. Customers who consistently order through the app can accumulate loyalty points or rewards with each purchase. These points could be redeemable for discounts, free items, or even special privileges like priority delivery or access to exclusive menu items.


When planning a gamified brand campaign for Dussehra, there are several key considerations to keep in mind. It is essential to align the gamification elements with the festival’s theme and values. And the campaign should be interactive, challenging, and rewarding to ensure high participation and engagement. 

By carefully considering these factors and drawing inspiration from successful campaigns, brands can unleash the power of gamification to create memorable and impactful experiences during Dussehra. This not only strengthens their brand image but also connects with customers on a deeper level, resulting in long-term loyalty and success.

How can we help? The Upshot.ai Advantage

Upshot.ai, with its advanced customer engagement and gamification services, stands as a robust ally for brands looking to capitalize on Dussehra brand campaigns.

Here’s how Upshot.ai can elevate your brand campaigns during this festive season:

1. Customized Gamification

Upshot.ai can help design and implement Dussehra-themed gamification strategies like Trivia, picture puzzles, spin the wheel, quizzes, and contests within your app or website, encouraging users to interact and engage more during the festive season.

2. Customer Engagement

Utilize Upshot.ai’s engagement tools, like push notifications and in-app messages, to send out product updates, discount prices, or real-time offers, keeping your users informed and engaged.

3. Personalized Notifications

Upshot.ai’s intelligent segmentation and personalized notification services ensure that the right message reaches the right user at the right time.

4. Data-Driven Insights

Utilize the rich analytics provided by Upshot.ai to understand user behavior and preferences. These insights can be invaluable in tailoring your Dussehra-themed campaigns and offers for maximum engagement.

5. User Rewards Program

Design and manage a rewards program where users can earn points or rewards by participating in Dussehra-themed activities on your platform. Upshot.ai’s comprehensive rewards management system makes it easy to track and manage such programs.

6. Feedback Loops

Collect feedback from your users through surveys or feedback forms powered by Upshot.ai to understand their experience and expectations, helping you continually optimize your engagement strategies.

7. Omnichannel Engagement through Journey Builders

Leverage Upshot.ai’s omnichannel engagement capabilities and journey builder to provide a cohesive and engaging user experience across all digital touchpoints, be it your website, app, or social media platforms.

Ready to take the plunge? Let’s turn the ordinary into the extraordinary together. Book a demo, and let’s get started! 🚀

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