Likitha A
Likitha A March 2, 2023

Imagine being in a relationship where only one person talks and the other just has to listen, no matter what. It doesn’t really seem like a good relationship. Does it?

Now, also imagine continuously sending messages and notifications to your users without really asking or understanding what they want. Truly a gateway to user dissatisfaction!

The only way you can understand your users’ needs and foster a two-way relationship is by making an effort and interacting with them to know what brings them to you. In simple words, by just asking them what they want. And that is when in-app surveys come in handy!

This blog will discuss what an in-app survey is, the top five use cases, types of surveys, and tips for creating an engaging survey.

What is an In-app Survey? 

An In-app survey is a short questionnaire that pops up contextually on a user’s mobile screen when they interact with the key elements of a product.

In-app surveys help you interact with your users and get feedback at each point of the customer journey. It is a sure-shot way to gain their trust and develop a strong relationship with them. 

Well, you know how important trust is in any relationship!

So let’s take the example of Uber Eats. 

The first scenario is that a user orders food from the app and is satisfied with the experience. Then, they see a survey on their screen asking whether they are satisfied. Depending on their mood, they will either ignore or rate their experience and go back to what they were doing. 

But in the second scenario, they are not satisfied with the quality of the food. And now, when they see that survey pop up on the screen. Without hesitation, they will give the app a one-star rating and not hold back from even writing a bad review. 

Although happy customers may not leave reviews or rate your product five stars, they will always return to your product for more, eventually becoming your brand advocates. 

But when your customer is dissatisfied with your product, they have a right to voice their opinion, and you have the responsibility to listen to them and understand their concerns to improve your product. And what better than a set of short and contextual questions, a.k.a an in-app survey, to listen to their concerns and needs?

Data only tells you so much, but In-app surveys give customers the power of being heard and give you, as a product owner, scope to improve at every phase from all touchpoints. 

Download for Free: The Ultimate Guide to Customer Feedback Survey

Top 5 Use Cases of In-App Surveys

1. Product rating and user feedback 

If you are keen on finding out what current app users think of your product, use surveys designed to ask specific product questions. Ask them about the new feature updates, latest app changes, how satisfied they are with the current product, etc. 

You can also figure out the customer pain points and causes of friction if you use these surveys at the right time.

In-app survey product rating and user feedback

2. Deliver better product experiences

Although you are marketing your product to your whole customer base, remember that you are simply speaking to one person at a time. Delivering a tailor-made experience is no more a good-to-have option. It is a must-have. 

To deliver a tailor-made experience to your customers, use surveys designed to ask purpose-specific questions. Ask what they want to achieve with your product, what help they would need to understand your product better, etc. 

In-app feedback and ratings

3. Drive app store reviews

As mentioned above, surveys are the best way to push satisfied users to leave positive reviews and ratings while also giving unsatisfied users a chance to explain their frustration.

You can contextually nudge your users who give you top ratings to leave a positive app store review, as they are more likely to do it when asked in the moment. 

In-App store ratings

4. Understand your users better

The surefire way of increasing your app engagement and delivering the best user experience is by understanding your users as deeply as possible. 

Surveys can help you get answers to questions such as what users want from your app, what problem they are trying to solve, where they are from, etc.

These answers will help you segment users and personalize their experience at every step of their journey. 

In-app surveys

5. Analyse post-purchase behavior

Again taking the Uber Eats example as a reference, knowing your users’ emotions is essential after they make a purchase. 

It is difficult to improve your product if you don’t understand users’ pain points while they go through the purchasing process. Use surveys designed to ask them about their experience at each phase of the purchasing journey.

Post purchase in-app survey

Types of In-app Surveys

1. Net Promoter Score (NPS) 

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a customer satisfaction metric that measures how likely your customers are to recommend your product to their family and friends on a scale of 1-10. It indicates a customer’s satisfaction and loyalty to your brand. 

Here, based on the NPS score, customers are segmented into three categories, promoters, passives, and detractors.

Promoters are a company’s most loyal consumers, scoring 9-10 on the scale. 

Passives are less likely to actively advocate a brand, scoring 7-8. 

Detractors are unlikely to promote your business or product to others, scoring 0-6. 

Net Promoter Score Formula = %Promoters – %Detractors

Net promoter score

2. Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

Satisfied customers are the key to any successful business. Ever wondered what your customers think about your product?

CSAT is a metric used to measure customer satisfaction with your product or service. It is typically calculated by asking customers to rate their level of satisfaction on a scale of 1-5 or 1-10.

These surveys are a valuable tool for businesses to understand how customers feel about your product and to identify areas for improvement. 

Customer Satisfaction = (Number of satisfied customers / Total number of survey responses) x 100

3. Customer Effort Score (CES)

The Customer Effort Score metric gauges the level of effort that customers have put into achieving their goals while interacting with your product.

It gives you a quantitative measurement of what customers perceive when doing business with you and how hard or easy they think it is.

Customer Effort Score = Addition of all Scores ÷ Total number of Respondents

4. Star/Smiley Rating System

A star/smiley rating system is a method of collecting feedback or opinions from users by presenting a set of stars or smileys that represent a numerical or qualitative rating scale. 

Star/smiley rating system

Also read: How To Measure Customer Loyalty: 5 Important Metrics

How to Craft Engaging In-app Surveys

If you want your surveys to be the most effective and meet customer expectations, then you must be mindful of when, what, and who!

When to Conduct a Survey?

The content of the survey is important, agreed. But the timing of it is everything!

No user wants to be interrupted while they are trying to figure out how your app works or when they are trying new features. In such cases, you can leverage the power of data. Track their demographical, transactional, and behavioral data, along with where they are spending the most time and where they are getting stuck.

Tracking this data will help you tailor their experience and schedule a survey at the right time. 

Also read: 6 powerful behavioral segmentation methods to understand your customers

What to Ask in a Survey?

With the data that you have, try to ask users questions that are relevant to their experiences.

A survey is an additional task for the users. So making it as exciting as possible is essential. With such a thin human attention margin, you have to follow the principle of “less is more.”

Lengthy questionnaires will just drive users away. Hence, it’s essential to keep it short. Use simple vocabulary and syntax that clearly convey the purpose and meaning of each question. 

And don’t forget to keep the language easy to understand and relevant to the survey topic.

Who to Ask?

Take a moment to reflect on why you’re conducting this survey and who is your intended audience. 

To ensure the questions you’re asking are relevant, it’s essential to segment your users effectively. 

For example, if the survey focuses on a new feature, segment your audience to ensure that those who are surveyed have actually used or seen that feature before. 

This way, you can gather valuable feedback that is specific to the feature in question and make data-driven decisions that will benefit your users.

Make Sense of the Survey

If you are just collecting feedback and not acting on it, then it won’t make any difference, right?

It takes constant effort and a lot of work to be the best. Make sure you are doing the following!

  • Do a quick review of the user satisfaction survey results
  • Use patterns to form quick conclusions
  • Look at the results across various customer segments
  • Empower your employees with user insights


If you wish to stand out from your competitors, you must cater to the needs of each customer by listening, learning, and adapting. In-app surveys offer an effective way to build strong customer relationships and improve the overall customer experience.

To make the most of in-app surveys, it’s important to understand different types of surveys, what, when, and who to ask questions. This lets you gain a deeper understanding of your customers, support them throughout their journey, and make data-driven decisions.

The Upshot.ai Advantage

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve product adoption and conversions.

With Upshot.ai, banks, Insurance, and FinTech firms can enhance their digital experiences with pre-built gamification features. It can provide personalized insights, actionable recommendations, and contextual nudges designed to deepen its relationship with its users.

Book a demo of the most comprehensive user engagement and gamification platform to achieve your digital product goals. Join our communities for more insights, guides, and best practices that keep you updated with proven strategies and tips to supercharge your campaigns.

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