Vibhor Dubey
Vibhor Dubey May 14, 2024

Gone are the days when you could win over consumers by promoting only your offering. As consumers’ income increases over time, tastes and preferences are evolving as well. People don’t just buy from you for the product or service that you have to offer but also for the larger purpose you have in mind. In an environment like this, brands have to ensure that their marketing isn’t product-driven but purpose-driven.

Statistics from a recent survey underscore this shift in consumer preferences. A staggering 73% of respondents expressed a desire for brands to contribute to societal and environmental betterment. Furthermore, 64% of respondents indicated a preference for companies that prioritize purpose over profit. 

So, brands must be aware of how much natural resources they are using up, how they are treating their workforce, what they are doing for society, and how they are being ethical in their business practices.

To create a purpose-driven marketing strategy that goes beyond mission and vision statements, brands must ask themselves questions like “What dream did I have to achieve?” or “How does this business make the world a better place? What impact on the world do we want to create?” or “What do we value most, and what do our customers care about most?” 

Once a purpose has been clearly defined, you can infuse this purpose into your marketing content. The key is to be assertive and honest about what you believe in.

Benefits of Purpose-Driven Marketing

1. Customer Loyalty

Customers increasingly seek brands whose beliefs, values, and attitudes align with theirs. If you can use purpose-driven marketing to show that you value things beyond the growth of your bottom line, you will create a strong connection with your customers, resulting in repeat purchases.

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2. Enhanced engagement 

Brands that do purpose-driven marketing often attract engagement and conversations on social media platforms. This is because when a customer feels connected to your brand, they are more inclined to promote your message across to people they know. They do your marketing for you, thus improving your brand image and increasing your reach. 

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3. Brand Differentiation

If you are purpose-oriented in your marketing, you position your brand distinctly compared to your competitors. This creates a superior brand image in the mental space of your target audience, ensuring that your customers consider you the best in your category.

Brands that got Purpose-Driven Marketing right!

1. Dove 

For a long time, Dove communicated to its audience the message that its soap makes people beautiful. However, with time, they realized that they were conveying the idea that there is just one version of beauty. 

Before Dove adopted Purpose-Driven Marketing:

Dove's ads before adopting purpose-driven marketing

Dove understood that it had to adapt its marketing to consumers’ changing values. So, from the mid-2000s, Dove transformed its communication and advocated for redefining beauty in the 21st century. By talking about the purpose rather than the product first and taking a purpose-driven marketing approach, Dove saw a massive improvement in its sales from $2.5 billion/year to $4 billion/year.

After Dove adopted Purpose-Driven Marketing:

Dove's ads after adopting purpose driven marketing


Ikea, the multinational conglomerate known for its affordable furniture and home goods, stresses social responsibility and sustainability. It practices purpose-driven marketing by prioritizing increasing energy efficiency, reducing waste, and having fair labor practices. 

Ikea's sustainability campaigns

The brand is also inclusive in its marketing communications. Their campaigns feature diverse individuals and families, highlighting how multicultural its customer base is. 

3. Starbucks

Starbucks performs purpose-driven marketing by ethically sourcing their coffee beans, reducing waste, employee welfare and investing in renewable energy, Starbucks emphasizes sustainability. The brand has consistently demonstrated its commitment to social responsibility and fostered trust among the customers who value these principles.

Starbucks is well-known for ethically sourcing their coffee beans


Brands must align organizational and customer values to create a deep emotional connection with customers. Large brands like Dove, Ikea & Starbucks have remained relevant  because they understand customer preferences, values, and attitudes. 

Purpose-driven marketing involves more than just promoting your products’ features and benefits. It also needs to imbibe your customers’ values so that they feel a strong reason to associate with your brand.

How can Upshot.ai help?

Upshot.ai is designed to be the ultimate toolkit for mobile app developers and marketers looking to harness the full power of app analytics. Here’s how Upshot.ai can elevate your app’s performance and user experience!

  • Comprehensive Analytics Suite: Upshot.ai offers a Robust Analytics Platform that tracks and analyzes a wide range of metrics, from user engagement and retention to revenue generation. This allows you to gain a holistic understanding of your app’s performance and user behaviors.
  • Personalization at Scale: Through its Advanced Segmentation and Personalization capabilities, Upshot.ai enables you to deliver tailored content, messages, and experiences to different user segments based on their behaviors and preferences. This customization enhances user satisfaction and engagement.
  • User Feedback and Improvement: Upshot.ai integrates tools for collecting and analyzing user feedback in real-time. This immediate insight into what users love and what they don’t, allows for quick iterations and improvements, ensuring your app continually evolves to meet user needs.
  • Segmentation and Targeted Marketing: Upshot.ai’s segmentation capabilities allow marketers to divide their user base into distinct groups based on various criteria and target them with customized marketing campaigns. This targeted approach improves the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing efforts.
  • In-App Campaign Management: The platform supports creating and managing in-app campaigns, including push notifications and personalized messages, helping to drive conversion rates and reinforce user engagement.
  • Scalability and Integration: Upshot.ai is scalable and integrates seamlessly with other tools and platforms, ensuring it can support growth and align with existing marketing ecosystems.

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