Kaustuv Dwivedi
Kaustuv Dwivedi November 9, 2023

In a world where user engagement is key to success, Thanksgiving offers a golden opportunity to express gratitude and create meaningful interactions. It’s a time to give back, show appreciation, and cultivate relationships that go beyond transactional exchanges. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the art of user engagement during Thanksgiving and how you can harness the spirit of this heartwarming holiday to build lasting connections with your audience.

Beyond the delicious turkey dinners and warm get-togethers with loved ones, Thanksgiving is a great chance for businesses and organizations to make stronger connections with the people who use their products or services.

Importance of Engaging Customers During Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is more than just a holiday to give thanks for the good things in our lives. It’s also a time for businesses to connect with their customers in a special way. Imagine it as a chance to say “thank you” for choosing your products or services throughout the year.

Engaging with your customers during Thanksgiving isn’t solely about making sales or promotions. It’s about creating a sense of belonging and warmth. It’s like inviting your customers to be part of a friendly community that appreciates their support.

If you’re a business owner or marketer, this holiday season provides a perfect stage to express gratitude. You can do this by offering special deals, sending heartfelt messages, or organizing events that show your customers how much you value them. 

Thanksgiving is like a heartfelt opportunity to share your company’s values and let your customers know how much you appreciate them. It’s a chance to strengthen the bond between your business and your customers, making it a win-win for both sides.


How to Incorporate Gamification with Upshot.ai

By leveraging the capabilities of Upshot.ai, create a rich, engaging, and personalized user experience that maximizes engagement during the Thanksgiving holiday.

1. Event-Driven Challenges

Capitalize on the holiday spirit by designing event-driven gamification challenges. These challenges should be broad in scope to ensure wide appeal, inviting users to engage in a variety of tasks, such as sharing expressions of gratitude or showcasing their festive preparations to accumulate points or virtual accolades.

2. Dynamic Reward System 

Introduce a dynamic reward system where users can earn ‘Thanksgiving points’ for engaging with the platform. These points could be seasonal and exclusive to the Thanksgiving period, creating a sense of urgency. Rewards can be tiered – the more points earned, the better the rewards, which could include exclusive content, discounts, or limited-time offers.

3. Personalized Interactive Content

Launch a series of interactive content such as “Thanksgiving Trivia” or “Gratitude Journals” where users can learn and share. Upshot.ai’s personalization engine can tailor this content based on user behavior to increase relevance and engagement.

4. Community Leaderboards

Foster community by integrating leaderboards that highlight users who are leading in challenge completions or points. This encourages competition and community interaction as users can follow each other’s progress and share tips.

5. Real-Time Feedback Loops

Implement real-time feedback loops that immediately acknowledge user achievements. For example, when a user completes a challenge, they could receive a congratulatory message and a hint about how to unlock the next reward. Upshot.ai can automate these interactions to ensure timely engagement.

6. Social Sharing Mechanisms

Create mechanisms to easily share users’ progress and rewards on social media platforms. This can create a viral loop that brings more users to the platform. Upshot.ai can provide shareable graphics or messages that fit the Thanksgiving theme.

7. Data-Driven Adaptations 

Utilize Upshot.ai’s robust analytics to monitor user engagement and adjust the gamification strategy in real-time. Certain challenges can be modified or replaced if they are not performing well. Similarly, popular challenges can be extended or made more rewarding.

8. Inclusive Design

Ensure your gamification strategy is inclusive, catering to a diverse user base. For instance, not all users may celebrate Thanksgiving traditionally. Upshot.ai can help segment users and tailor culturally sensitive and inclusive challenges.

9. Interactive Seasonal Quests 

Roll out a series of engaging Thanksgiving-themed quests that involve users in activities beyond simple tasks. Introduce tutorials for crafting festive decorations or cooking holiday dishes, where users can follow along and submit photos or videos of their creations to earn rewards. 

Alongside, offer themed quizzes that test knowledge on Thanksgiving history or fun facts, with each correct answer contributing to their points tally. These quests should cater to a wide array of interests and encourage learning, creativity, and sharing.

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Impact of Upshot.ai on Thanksgiving in the US:

– The Magic of Push Notifications

Upshot.ai sent out a whopping 18.14 million push notifications through various apps. This simple yet effective method significantly caught users’ attention and drove sales during the festive season. 

Apps that made use of push notifications saw a remarkable increase in user sessions, jumping from 15.73 million in the previous months to an impressive 19.98 million during the Thanksgiving month.

– Unleashing Smart Campaigns

A total of 176 campaigns were launched across various apps. This shows that apps took proactive steps to engage their users and boost sales through well-thought-out campaigns.

– A Surge in User Engagement

An astonishing 49.33 million user interactions were recorded, demonstrating strong user engagement. The rise in the number of sessions during Thanksgiving month underscores this increased interaction.

– Harnessing Innovative Features

Apps leveraged a range of features, including push notifications, in-app messages, and custom actions, to enhance user engagement. These features proved to be popular tools, contributing significantly to increased user sessions and engagement.

Key Insights:

Using push notifications and targeted campaigns were effective strategies for engaging users and driving sales during Thanksgiving. The notable increase in user sessions and overall engagement highlights the success of these strategies in achieving desired results.

Upshot.ai’s Impact on Thanksgiving in India:

– Maximizing Engagement with Push Notifications:

An impressive 20.18 million push notifications were sent, demonstrating the importance of this channel in engaging users and boosting sales. 

Apps that utilized push notifications experienced a significant increase in user sessions during Thanksgiving month, rising from 20.61 million in the previous months to 20.18 million.

– Crafting Impactful Campaigns

A total of 264 campaigns were executed, showcasing the strategic approach of apps in connecting with their user base and driving sales.

– Capturing User Engagement:

An impressive 64.23 million user interactions were recorded, indicating a high level of user engagement.

Key Insights:

Push notifications and strategic campaigns effectively engaged users and increased sales during Thanksgiving. The consistent number of user sessions and overall engagement highlights the success of these strategies in achieving desired outcomes. Innovative features played a crucial role in boosting user engagement.

Unlocking Thanksgiving’s Full Potential with Upshot.ai

As Thanksgiving approaches, businesses face the challenge of shifting from pure product sales to creating unforgettable experiences for their customers. This is where Upshot.ai steps in, serving as the bridge that transforms Thanksgiving into a personalized and profitable venture for brands.

  • Personalized Connection: Upshot.ai’s segmentation engine empowers businesses to deliver personalized messages, offers, and heartfelt greetings in line with the Thanksgiving spirit. Whether it’s a special discount or a warm wish, each customer is made to feel truly valued.
  • Engaging through Fun: Utilize Upshot.ai’s gamification tools to create Thanksgiving-themed contests and rewards programs. This playful approach entices customers with discounts and rewards, transforming their shopping journey into a delightful and rewarding experience.
  • Valuable Insights: Leverage Upshot.ai’s robust analytics to gain insights into customer behavior and the effectiveness of your Thanksgiving campaigns. It’s all about understanding what resonates with your audience for more successful future engagements.
  • Consistency Across Platforms: Ensure a seamless customer experience across different platforms with Upshot.ai’s omnichannel user engagement. The message remains consistent and engaging whether your customers connect through mobile, web, or social media.
  • Feedback for Continuous Enhancement: Harness Upshot.ai’s feedback tools to collect and analyze customer responses to your Thanksgiving initiatives. This valuable input aids in refining your messaging and offers, aligning them with customer preferences and expectations to boost satisfaction.
  • Building Customer Loyalty: Implement loyalty programs to reward customers for their ongoing support. Offering Thanksgiving-themed rewards or points for purchases and engagements shows appreciation and encourages repeat business, enhancing customer retention and long-term profitability.

With Upshot.ai, every interaction becomes meaningful, turning the Thanksgiving season into a tapestry of engaging stories, content customers, and a thriving business outlook. It’s not just about a one-time Thanksgiving sale but about building lasting relationships beyond the holiday season.

Ready to unlock the full potential of Thanksgiving with Upshot.ai? Let’s transform the ordinary into the extraordinary together. Book a demo, and let’s get started! 🚀

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