Likitha A
Likitha A November 2, 2023

Diwali, the festival of lights, has always been a bustling time for shoppers and sellers alike. But with the advent of the digital age, how has the festival’s market buzz translated online? 

The forecasted online sales figure of USD 4.2 billion during Diwali 2023, marking a 25% growth from 2022, hints at a booming digital marketplace.

As the festivities usher in a spirit of prosperity, how are brands leveraging digital strategies to connect with consumers? And how are emerging trends like social commerce and influencer marketing reshaping the Diwali shopping experience?

Diwali marketing

This blog will discuss the significance of Diwali Marketing, trends and analytics in online sales, and Upshot.ai’s impact on Diwali in the US and India!

Significance of Diwali Marketing

Diwali isn’t just another festival; for many, it’s an annual highlight, a time of reunion, celebration, and spending. Businesses, recognizing this sentiment, understand the vast potential Diwali holds.

1. Consumer Mindset

During Diwali, consumers are generally willing to spend more, be it on gifts, clothes, electronics, or home renovation. It’s a time when purchasing decisions are often driven by emotions rather than just need.

2. Brand Loyalty

If businesses can strike the right chord during Diwali, they can foster brand loyalty. A successful Diwali campaign can translate to consumers associating positive festive memories with a brand, making them more likely to return.

3. Economic Boost

Diwali usually brings a significant boost to the economy. For many businesses, sales during this period can determine their annual performance.

Diwali Marketing Trends and Analytics in Online Sales 2023

Diwali Marketing Trends 2023

1. App Usage and Revenue Events

During the week of Diwali in 2023, revenue events were reported to be 35% higher than the 2022 average, with travel app sessions spiking in the weeks leading up to Diwali, showing a 16% increase above the 2022 average one week before the festival​​.

2. Marketing Campaigns

Brands like Crompton, Nokia, Tanishq, and Dettol have leveraged various marketing strategies around Diwali to boost brand awareness and sales. For instance, Crompton used Amazon DSP and sponsored ads to increase product views, while Nokia aimed to raise brand awareness for their 5.3 series on Amazon before Diwali​​.

3. Social Media Marketing

Social media is a potent tool for Diwali marketing, with strategies like creating exciting Diwali messaging, crafting compelling and motivational content, and leveraging social media collaborations for Diwali sales, effectively connecting with audiences and boosting sales​​.

4. Global Marketing Strategies

Brands like Dettol and Cadbury have conducted full-funnel marketing campaigns and used machine learning to promote new products and support small businesses during Diwali, reflecting the global reach and impact of Diwali marketing​.

5. Online Sales and Shopping

Diwali is not only a big shopping season in India but is also gaining popularity in countries with significant Indian diaspora populations. Online sales during this festive season significantly surge, with various products and services being promoted heavily.

Upshot.ai’s Impact on Diwali in the US: A Snapshot

– Pushing Boundaries with Notifications

  • A staggering 615 Million Push Notifications were sent out to users in the US.

  • Few platforms took the lead, with the top three apps accounting for over 500 Million Notifications.

– Engagement Through Campaigns

  • Over 2.7 Thousand Campaigns were activated, ensuring brands remained at the forefront of users’ minds during the festive season.

  • One particular app, launching over 1.1 Thousand Campaigns, showcasing its assertive engagement strategy, stood out.

– Capturing Moments with Events

  • An impressive 41.7 Million Events were received, highlighting user engagement and activity.

  • The significance of Diwali was evident, with the top app alone accounting for over 750 Thousand Events.

– Reaching Out with Emails

  • Upshot.ai’s email channel also played its part, sending over 14.8 Million Emails.

  • Interestingly, all these emails were sent by a single app, emphasizing its unique engagement strategy.

Key Takeaways for Diwali Marketing in the US

  • The festive period of Diwali saw immense activity on Upshot.ai, with brands using the platform to its fullest to engage with their user base.

  • Push Notifications were the most favored channel, with a few apps driving most of this engagement.

  • While most apps leveraged events to gauge user activity, a singular app utilized the Email channel prolifically, showcasing the varied engagement strategies in play.

  • The sheer volume of notifications, campaigns, and events underscores the importance of Diwali as a key engagement period for brands in the US.

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Upshot.ai’s Impact on Diwali in India: A Snapshot

Trends in Diwali

– The Power of Push Notifications

  • A substantial 503.6 Million Push Notifications resonated through devices across India.

  • A single app dominated this channel, sending out a whopping 443.6 Million Notifications, making its presence felt during the festival of lights.

– Campaigns Lighting Up Engagement

  • Over 6.8 Thousand Campaigns were sent, ensuring brands and users remained connected during Diwali.

  • An app in the retail sector stood out, activating over 2.1 Thousand Campaigns, showcasing its commitment to festive engagement.

– Events: The Heartbeat of User Activity

  • A notable 44.3 Million Events were captured, mirroring the vibrancy and activity of Diwali.

  • Leading the charge, a connectivity-focused app recorded over 31.1 Million Events, indicating its central role during the celebrations.

– Personalized Emails

  • Upshot.ai’s email outreach wasn’t left behind, dispatching over 442 Thousand Emails.

  • A single app took the exclusive route, being the sole sender of these emails.

– WhatsApp: The Familiar Messenger

  • Over 2.2 Million WhatsApp Messages were dispatched, blending the traditional with the digital.

  • A retail app embraced this channel, sending over 2.1 Million Messages and keeping significant conversations alive.

– SMS: The Classic Outreach

  • Keeping the tradition alive, 773 Thousand SMS were sent out.

  • Once again, a single app championed this channel, sending out the entirety of these messages.

Key Takeaways for Diwali Marketing in India

  • Diwali in India, synonymous with vibrancy and celebration, is reflected in the activity on Upshot.ai, with brands ramping up their engagement efforts.

  • Push notifications remained a favorite, but integrating channels like WhatsApp highlighted the blend of modern and traditional outreach strategies.

  • With a few apps driving major engagement across channels, the data underscores the significance of tailored engagement during key cultural events in India.

Trends expected to Drive Diwali sales in 2023

  • Social commerce: Social commerce is expected to play a major role in Diwali sales in 2023. Platforms like Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook make it easier for businesses to sell their products directly to consumers through social media.

  • Personalized marketing: Customers are increasingly expecting personalized experiences from brands. Businesses can use data analytics to personalize their marketing campaigns by sending customers targeted emails and personalized product recommendations.

  • Influencer marketing: Influencer marketing is another popular trend that’s going around. Businesses can partner with influencers to promote their products to their followers.

  • Live shopping: Live shopping is a new but growing trend. It allows businesses to interact with customers and sell their products in real time through live video streams.

  • Emerging categories: Emerging categories such as health and wellness, home décor, and beauty are expected to see strong growth during Diwali sales in 2023.

  • Increasing internet penetration and smartphone adoption: India is one of the fastest-growing internet markets in the world. As more and more people gain access to the internet and smartphones, they are also becoming more comfortable shopping online.

  • Attractive discounts and promotions: eCommerce platforms offer discounts and promotions during Diwali, further incentivizing consumers to shop online.


The digital fervor during the Diwali season 2023 underlines a significant blend of tradition and modern marketing maneuvers. With a noticeable growth in online sales and innovative engagement strategies, it’s evident that Diwali has become a cornerstone for digital marketing campaigns. 

Emerging trends like live shopping and social commerce are buzzwords and actionable strategies that have driven consumer engagement and sales. Reflecting on Diwali 2023, the evolving digital landscape beckons brands to adapt continually, ensuring a festive and fruitful consumer engagement.

Leveraging Upshot.ai: Your Diwali Marketing Companion

Upshot.ai, as an advanced user engagement platform, brings a plethora of tools and functionalities that can amplify Diwali marketing strategies across various industries. In the age of personalized customer experiences, leveraging Upshot.ai can transform festive campaigns into memorable user interactions. 

Here’s how businesses can utilize Upshot.ai for their Diwali marketing endeavors:

  1. Personalized User Engagement

Using Upshot.ai’s data analytics, businesses can segment their user base and send personalized Diwali greetings, offers, or content recommendations. Whether it’s a festive discount for a loyal customer or a Diwali-themed content recommendation for a new user, personalization through segmentation can significantly boost engagement.

  1. Omnichannel Engagement

Reach your audience wherever they are. With Upshot.ai, businesses can engage users across multiple platforms – be it in-app messages, emails, push notifications, or even WhatsApp. 

For instance, an eCommerce platform can send push notifications about Diwali sales, followed by email reminders with curated product recommendations.

  1. Gamified Diwali Campaigns

Using Upshot.ai’s gamification tools, businesses can create interactive Diwali-themed challenges, quizzes, or contests. This not only boosts user engagement but also drives desired user actions, like making a purchase, sharing content, or referring a friend.

  1. Actionable Insights with Real-time Analytics

Understanding user behavior during the festive season is crucial. Upshot.ai provides real-time analytics, allowing businesses to gauge the effectiveness of their Diwali campaigns, identify successful strategies, and pivot when necessary.

  1. Enhanced User Onboarding

For businesses expecting a surge in new users during Diwali, Upshot.ai’s user onboarding tools can be invaluable. Engage new users with Diwali-themed onboarding flows, guiding them seamlessly through your app or platform, ensuring they experience the festive offerings at their best.

  1. Feedback Loops

Understanding what users think about your Diwali campaigns or offerings can provide crucial insights. Use Upshot.ai’s feedback mechanisms to gather user opinions, ensuring continuous improvement in your festive strategies.

  1. Loyalty Programs and Rewards

Reward your loyal users during this festive season. With Upshot.ai, businesses can design Diwali-special loyalty programs, offering exclusive rewards or points for specific actions, ensuring users feel valued and appreciated.

In conclusion, Upshot.ai acts as the backbone of a successful Diwali marketing strategy. By integrating its advanced tools and functionalities, businesses can ensure they’re not just reaching their users but engaging them in meaningful, festive, and rewarding ways. In the world of digital engagement, Upshot.ai stands as a beacon, illuminating the path to effective Diwali marketing.

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