Architaa Pandey
Architaa Pandey March 26, 2024

Threads, a text-based social media platform by Meta, made a remarkable entrance, with the app achieving a user base of 100 million within a week of its launch. As a new initiative by the Instagram team, Threads offered a unique space for real-time updates and public conversations, allowing users to connect over shared interests using their existing Instagram accounts. 

With a design prioritizing public dialogues, the app introduced innovative features, such as the capability to post text, photos, and videos up to 5 minutes long, aiming to enhance online interactions without the common trappings of hashtags and direct messaging.

The platform’s rapid initial growth and its closely knit relationship with Instagram, requiring users to use their Instagram handles for Threads, combined with its launch in over 100 countries in multiple languages, underscore the ambitious vision Meta harbored for Threads. 

In this blog, we discuss this rise and fall and the strategies envisaged for its revival in the digital marketing landscape. Navigate through Threads’ journey, examining the causes behind its decline, and explore actionable strategies that could potentially bring the Threads app back to prominence.

The Initial Surge of Threads

Threads and X(Twitter)

Threads by Meta exploded onto the social media scene like a rocket, capturing a staggering 100 million users in less than a week. This whirlwind success story was not just about numbers; it was a clear signal that Threads could be the next big thing, possibly giving veterans like X (formerly Twitter) a run for their money. With X, then navigating through choppy waters under Elon Musk’s new captainship, Threads’ timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Let’s dive into what made Threads the talk of the town so quickly:

The Rocket Fuel Behind Threads’ Launch

  • Buddying Up with Instagram: Threads smartly hitched a ride with Instagram’s massive user base, making sign-ups a breeze for Instagram’s 2 billion fans. It’s like walking into a party where you already know everyone—comforting and exciting.

  • Star Power: The platform quickly became the new ‘it’ spot, with celebrities from Bill Gates to Shakira and powerhouses like Netflix marking their territory. It’s the digital equivalent of having VIPs at a launch event.

What Made Threads Tick?


  • Chat Away in Real-Time: Threads was redefining social media interactions with its focus on real-time, text-based chatter, making digital conversations feel more personal and immediate.

  • Sharing is Caring: The ease with which users could share content across their networks made Threads an instant hit for those looking to keep their social circles in the loop.

  • A Work in Progress: The absence of features like a search function or hashtags might seem like a miss, but it also screams potential. Threads was just getting started, and the roadmap could be filled with exciting additions.

Threads’ stellar rise was more than just impressive—it was a glimpse into the future of social media, where real-time connections, seamless integrations, and a vibrant community converge. Despite its nascent stage and the hurdles ahead, Threads stood out as a beacon of innovation and potential in the bustling digital cosmos.

Factors Contributing to the Decline

Threads soon hit a rough patch, watching its daily active users plummet by a whopping 82% shortly after taking the stage. This wasn’t just a hiccup; the decline kept gnawing away at about 1% daily. 

Let’s understand what put the brakes on this social media sensation:

The Stumbling Blocks for Threads

  • Been There, Done That: After the novelty of the app wore out, Threads found itself in a pickle, struggling to carve out its niche. Users peered into the app only to see a reflection of Twitter. Additionally, Threads gives you the same audience that you already have on Instagram. Why would celebrities and influencers post on Threads when Instagram is so much better and well-established for audio-visual content?

  • Echo Chamber Effect: Users juggled between Threads and Instagram, only to be greeted by the same content. It was like hearing an echo in a canyon, except it wasn’t majestic, just monotonous.

  • Narrow Lanes: By steering clear of the bustling highways of news and politics, Threads inadvertently narrowed its own appeal, turning into a quiet backstreet in the vast city of social media.

Threads capitalized on the negativity surrounding X at the time and made it easy for people to have an account since it was tied to Instagram, leading to its massive surge of users.

However, once the initial hype subsided, users realized it lacked essential features, such as the ability to create actual threads like X. Also, X was offering monetization for creators, which Threads couldn’t promise. Basically, if you are already on one network and have built up a following there, it’s extremely difficult to get you to do the same on another very similar one.

Where Threads Got Tangled

  • A Limited Palette: The app’s toolbox felt a bit too light, lacking enough brushes and colors (i.e., functionalities and posting options) to keep the engagement canvas vibrant.

  • Not So User-Friendly: Without a ‘Following’ feed, desktop compatibility, or the ease of flipping between accounts, Threads felt like it was designed for a simpler, perhaps a bygone era of social media usage.

  • Where’s the Mask? In an era where anonymity can be a cloak of creativity or comfort, Threads’ insistence on transparency felt out of step, especially for those who relish the shadows.

The Dwindling Flames of Engagement

  • A Quieter Crowd: The buzz and hum of user engagement dimmed significantly, with the average time spent on the app in the U.S. dropping off the charts.

  • A Smaller Party: When compared to Twitter’s bustling community, Threads seemed to host a more intimate gathering, missing out on the roar of the larger crowd.

  • Brand Withdrawals: Big names like Wendy’s and Anthropologie quietly exited, their silence on the platform echoing a broader sentiment of disinterest and disenchantment.

  • Social Fatigue: The prospect of nurturing yet another social media plant in their already crowded digital gardens felt daunting to users and brands alike.

Further Reading: Decoding Netflix: How the OTT Giant Slays Marketing! 

The plot of Threads’ journey reveals a mix of missed steps and opportunities. While the initial launch was a spectacle, the aftermath was a sobering return to the drawing board. The app’s struggle to weave together a unique tapestry of features, an engaging user interface, and a compelling reason for brands and users to stay engaged highlighted the intricate dance of innovation, user expectations, and market dynamics in the social media realm. In the end, the narrative of Threads serves as a lesson on the importance of differentiation, user-centric design, and the ever-evolving nature of digital communities.

Lessons Learned from the Fall

Threads: Lessons Learned from the Fall

Threads offers a treasure trove of insights for navigating the ever-turbulent seas of social media. It’s a tale of ambition, rapid rise, and a stumbling block that left many pondering: Where did Threads veer off course? Let’s unravel some pivotal lessons and chart a course for potential revival or, indeed, a blueprint for future platforms.

Cultivating a Culture of Innovation and Self-expression

To breathe new life into Threads, or to steer any new platform towards the limelight, innovation shouldn’t just be a buzzword; it needs to be the engine driving the platform forward. Carving out a distinct identity in a crowded marketplace demands bold steps—think unique features that aren’t just shiny but deeply resonate with the craving for new ways to connect and express. It’s about crafting a space where users don’t just visit but belong, fueled by the freedom to shape their digital footprint.

Tailoring Experiences to User Desires

The digital crowd today is discerning, with a keen eye for platforms that do more than just exist; they seek spaces that understand and adapt to their evolving needs. This calls for:

  • A Niche Approach: Identifying and filling gaps left by the giants of social media can transform a platform from an echo to a voice.

  • Rewarding Creativity: Platforms like Steemit have shown that valuing users’ contributions not only fosters content diversity but also builds a committed community.

Polishing the Gems We Have

In the rush to innovate, there’s wisdom in refining what already exists. Enhancements focusing on:

  • Reliability and Scalability: A smooth, glitch-free experience is non-negotiable for users who expect platforms to grow without losing their essence.

  • Thoughtful Monetization: Finding a balance between profitability and user satisfaction is key to long-term success.

  • Keeping Promises: Regular updates and new features can rekindle interest and loyalty among users, ensuring they stay for the journey.

Venturing Into New Domains: The Metaverse

The allure of the metaverse is undeniable, offering a canvas for creativity and interaction that stretches beyond the imagination. For platforms eyeing this space, the commitment to immersive, enriching experiences is paramount. This could mean weaving virtual and augmented realities into the social fabric, offering users not just a platform but a world to explore and inhabit.

Reflecting on Threads’ narrative, the path forward for any platform is marked by a deep understanding of user needs, an unyielding commitment to innovation, and the agility to adapt and thrive in the digital ecosystem. The story of Threads is not just a cautionary tale but a compass for navigating the future of social connectivity, where user experience, innovation, and genuine engagement hold the keys to enduring success.

Strategies for a Potential Revival

To reignite the spark of Threads and propel it into the limelight of social media platforms, a strategy that combines innovation, engaging user experiences, and powerful collaborations is crucial. Here’s a blueprint that could revive Threads from its slumber and position it as a beacon of digital engagement:

Elevating Platform Capabilities

  • Embrace the Live and Interactive: Integrating live video streaming could capture the growing thirst for in-the-moment content while infusing the platform with gamification—think badges, leaderboards, and rewards—might just be the ticket to boosting daily interactions and stickiness.

  • Speak Everyone’s Language: Expanding translation features would turn Threads into a global village square, enabling conversations that cross borders as easily as they cross streets, making the platform a melting pot of cultures and ideas.

Forging Exclusive Alliances

  • Celebrity and Brand Powerhouses: Securing exclusive partnerships with influencers and leading brands could channel their vast follower bases into Threads, generating a buzz that reverberates through the social media ecosystem.

  • Championing Content Creators and Thought Leaders: Collaborating with creators who resonate with the audience for their insightful and engaging content could ensure a continuous flow of compelling material, keeping the user base active and engaged.

Prioritizing User Interests and Security

  • A Fortress of Privacy: Elevating privacy controls and fortifying data security could rebuild trust with the user base, underscoring Threads’ commitment to safeguarding user interests.

  • Cultivating Community: Innovating around features that foster deeper interactions, from interest-led groups to live Q&A sessions with influencers, could enrich the platform’s community vibe.

  • Opening Doors to All: Enhancing accessibility features, such as adding image descriptions and video captions, ensures that Threads is not just a platform for some but a welcoming space for all, regardless of ability.

Implementing these strategies requires not just vision but a steadfast commitment to understanding and meeting the evolving needs of the social media audience. Threads has the potential not only to reclaim its place in the market but also to set new precedents for what a social media platform can be. 

With a focus on unique features, strategic partnerships, and a relentless pursuit of user satisfaction, Threads could very well paint a new picture of social media success, marked by vibrant engagement and a deeply connected global community.


Threads’ saga, from its skyrocketing launch to its unexpected downturn, highlights the unpredictable nature of social media success and the critical need for continuous innovation and user engagement. This journey underscores the importance of not just capturing users’ attention but maintaining it by consistently delivering value and novelty. For any platform aiming to make a mark or stage a comeback in the competitive social media landscape, the message is clear: innovate, engage, and evolve.

Threads needs to significantly differentiate itself from X. It can begin by capitalizing on the fact that one doesn’t have to be a paid user to enjoy all the features like X, and focusing on eradicating bots and negativity such as hate speech, which often becomes a problem for X users. It can promise high growth to creators by showing their work to more users instantly, unlike X, where growth is quite slow and hindered by the need for paid accounts. Threads can, above all, provide multiple avenues of monetizing content.

In the case of Threads, adopting a multifaceted strategy that includes enhancing features, nurturing exclusive partnerships, and prioritizing user needs could pave the way for a resurgence. This approach not only offers a blueprint for Threads but serves as valuable insight for platforms everywhere. Leveraging these lessons can help apps to not just navigate the volatile waters of social media but to thrive, creating engaging, dynamic platforms that resonate with users today and tomorrow.

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