Kaustuv Dwivedi
Kaustuv Dwivedi August 16, 2022

Are you wondering why customer retention is important? And how does customer acquisition work? I will help shed some light on the subject. But before we dive in, let’s first define what customer retention and customer acquisition are.

Customer retention is the process of retaining existing customers and keeping them happy. Customer acquisition is the process of getting new customers. The difference between the terms is that customer retention focuses on current customers, while customer acquisition focuses on finding new ones.

Customer retention and customer acquisition are two tactics that can boost a business. However, these changes in your business aren’t always obvious. Well, we are going to help you with that! Here’s our take on retention and acquisition and which one you might want to focus on! 

What is Customer Retention, and what are its benefits?

Customer Retention is the process of keeping a customer happy and returning to your business. It means you’re not just acquiring customers but also retaining them by keeping them happy and loyal to your brand.

But what’s the benefit of doing this? Well, it can help boost sales. When you have happy customers who are satisfied with their experience with you, they are more likely to spend more money on your products or services. That means more money for you!

Customer retention is also great for your brand’s reputation because if someone has a bad experience with your company, they’re less likely to recommend it to others.

You can use your customer retention strategy to incentivize customers to spend more money with you. One way to do this is by offering loyalty programs that reward customers for using your products or services and keep them from switching to another brand. If someone is loyal to your company, they’re more likely to buy from you again in the future.

customer retention and customer acquisition

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Also Read: 6 Effective App Retention Strategies for 2022

What is Customer Acquisition? 

Customer acquisition is the process of getting new customers who will then use your product or service. This process can be as simple as advertising on social media or as complex as building a website, employing customer support, and marketing to prospective customers.

It is a key part of your business that you can’t afford to ignore. It’s important because it allows you to build a relationship with new customers, which means they’re more likely to purchase from you in the future. It also opens your business to new revenue streams, like selling products and services or advertising on social media platforms.

Some of the benefits of customer acquisition:

  • It helps you get in front of potential customers before they’re even aware of your existence.

  • It provides you with a steady revenue stream while growing your business.

  • It provides you with a steady stream of recurring revenue that you can rely on.

Should my business focus on acquisition or retention?

We always get a question: “Should my business focus on acquisition or retention?”

The answer is: it depends! Many businesses are concerned about whether they should focus on acquiring or retaining customers.

If you’re a business looking to grow, then acquisition will be the way to go. For example, if you’re planning to open a new store, you must acquire customers to sell products and services. You want to keep as many of your current customers as possible so they’ll keep coming back and buying products from you! If you don’t have any stores, retention should be your priority.

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However, if you want your business to succeed over time (which is a good thing!), retention is more important than acquisition. You want people loyal to your brand or product, and if they’ve already bought once, they’re probably going to buy again. So while it’s important for new businesses to grow, it’s even more important for established ones to keep their customers happy!

It’s important to remember that new customers are the lifeblood of any business. It’s impossible to grow without them! But it’s also important not to lose sight of your existing customers and what makes them happy. You want loyal customers who keep coming back because they like what you’re selling, not just because they happen to be in the right place at the right time when they see your ad or hear about a promotion.

Wrapping up

Let’s look at the “perfect world” scenario in which you have an attractive product or service for new customers and can acquire it at a low cost. Then, you have high value and good margins on repeat purchases within each customer cohort. You will also have low customer churn because your customers are satisfied with your product or service. 

If you’re lucky enough to have these conditions, it may be that you should focus on retention first. On the other hand, if your company faces some of these challenges, then focusing on retention may not be enough to fix things. After all, what good is a loyal customer doing if they’re not bringing you much profit?

Everybody wants more customers when there are plenty of opportunities to make money. It’s a simple market equation: more customers = more income for your business. But will all that marketing be worth it in the long run? Can you sustain all that new business, or will it slowly whittle away? 

The Upshot.ai Advantage

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve product adoption and conversions.

With Upshot.ai, Healthtech, EdTech, and FinTech, firms can enhance their digital experiences with pre-built gamification features. It can provide personalized insights, actionable recommendations, and contextual nudges designed to deepen its relationship with its users. 

Book a demo of the most comprehensive user engagement and gamification platform to achieve your digital product goals. Join our communities for more insights, guides, and best practices that keep you updated with proven strategies and tips to supercharge your campaigns.

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