Shehnaz Abdul Jabbar
Shehnaz Abdul Jabbar April 6, 2023

Mobile app engagement starts when you build your app and continues throughout the product lifecycle through ongoing customer engagement. The journey involves adding engagement elements into the design and coding process, customer influence in the development, launching, and maintenance phases, measuring the success of your app, servicing users over time, and encouraging repeat usage.

Whether you are a pro or a novice, you should have a basic understanding of engagement in the customer lifecycle. This will help you monitor the performance of your mobile app and improve the user experience.

Every app undergoes its own product lifecycle, from user acquisition to discovery through usage and retention. User engagement must be considered at each stage of the customer lifestyle to make the app successful.

customer lifecycle stages
Customer lifecycle management 101

In order to keep your mobile app engagement at its peak, it’s essential to understand what drives customer engagement at each stage of the customer lifecycle.

In this blog, we will cover important tips to boost engagement throughout the customer lifecycle. 

1. App Awareness or Discovery Stage

Creating app awareness is all about getting your users to notice and start using your app.

Here are some engagement tips to help you get your app noticed and loved by the target audience.

  • Create an engaging and informative app description

The best way to create awareness is by providing a detailed app description. This will make people want to learn more about it and share it with others, leading to higher engagement rates throughout the customer lifecycle. You can use keywords, images, videos, or any other form of content to get people excited about what you have created!

  • Make sure your app is easy to download and use

Your goal should be for users to feel like they are getting something out of using your app—whether it’s entertainment or utility value—and that they can do so without any problems or complications associated with downloading it onto their phone devices.

Download for Free: A Quick Guide to App Store Optimization in 2023

  • Communicate with your customers on social media

Share exciting updates about what’s happening in the world of your product and engage with them on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

  • Encourage users to leave reviews

User reviews are vital on Google Play Store and other social media websites where users find out about your app (such as Facebook groups/pages) is super helpful in building credibility. Create a landing page on these sites where users can post reviews under a specific category, such as “best new apps” or “best new games.”

importance of App Store rating

  • Get involved with other businesses

Stay involved with businesses with apps so that people will recognize you as an authority on apps and want to check them out too! Make sure people know who you are so they trust you as an expert in this space!

If you’re considering creating awareness about your app, don’t just throw a few ads at people and hope they’ll click through. The first step is to ensure you create a great user experience that’s intuitive and easy to navigate.

Using customer engagement metrics, you can track engagement at each stage of the customer lifecycle.

2. User Acquisition Stage

Acquiring new users for your mobile app is a significant challenge. It requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

Many factors can affect the success of your app, including the quality of your product, the audience you target, and the marketing strategy you use to launch and promote it.

So how do you get more people from your target audience to use your app? Here are some tips to help increase your user base.

  • Create an engaging experience

Ensure the user has an enjoyable experience when using your mobile app. This includes ensuring that all features work well and that there is enough content for them to enjoy.

  • Be relevant

People will only download an app if they think it will help them with something they are interested in or want access to more information (such as news articles). Be sure to provide useful content so people will want to continue using it after downloading it!

You can acquire users for your mobile app in many ways, but the best way is to build a relationship with those who already have an audience interested in your product.

Also read: 4 Features to Boost Mobile App Engagement 

The first step is understanding what makes people want to use your product, which can help you understand their needs and what they want from you. Then, you need to find out if they’re already using another product or service that might work better for them. 

If they are, you can focus on building a relationship with them by offering them an exclusive deal or discount on your services and sharing other relevant content that appeals to their interests.

Once you’ve built up trust with these individuals, it’s time to start collecting emails from them so that when the time comes for them to buy something from you, whether it’s a monthly subscription or a one-time purchase, they’ll have no problem doing so because they trust you’ll deliver what they need when needed.

Well-written, personalized, and targeted email campaigns go a long way in engaging users during the customer acquisition phase.

3. User Engagement or Conversion Stage

App users are the backbone of your company, engaged users even more so. They are the reason you have an app in the first place, and they are the ones who need to use it regularly. Not engaging your app users is a disgrace to the app.

Here are some ways to engage your app users:

  • Make it easy for users to get started and stay logged in

This is a big one! If a user has to jump through hoops to log in or download your app, that’s a sign that they won’t return. Ensure you have a good onboarding process and encourage users to sign up for your email list to get all updates and news about your product.

  • Keep the conversation going with push notifications and in-app messages

Don’t just email when someone completes a task or reaches a goal. Make sure you provide real value throughout their experience with your app by sending push notifications or in-app messages informing them of upcoming events, updates, or new content.

Push Notification is important to boost engagement in customer lifecycle

  • Be Human

The best way to engage your mobile app users is to engage them as humans. If you can connect with them, they’ll stay engaged with your brand longer. Listen carefully to what people say about your brand and respond authentically. Personalization is the quickest way to add a human touch to your communication and pull a user to your app.

  • Offer rewards for using the app

Offer rewards such as discounts or extra features to encourage users to return frequently and engage with their apps more often. The incentive could be a discount on future purchases, redeemable points for prizes, or even free items like t-shirts or stickers if they reach certain milestones in their engagement with the application.

Rewards increase engagement in customer lifecycle

You need to understand their needs and concerns to keep customers coming back for more and build a loyal following. This can be achieved by using user engagement and analytics tools that allow you to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) in real-time to decide what actions are most effective at driving conversions and increasing revenue.

Also read: 8 Effective Ways to Boost User Engagement in 2023 

4. User Retention Stage

Mobile app users are generally more active than desktop users, meaning you have to give them more value to keep them returning. Brands must master user retention and engagement to do away with customer churn.

  • Keep the user experience simple and easy to navigate

When people are using your app, they don’t want to have to think about it too much. They want it to be as simple as possible for them to use. So, try not to make changes too often, but instead focus on keeping things simple and easy for the user. 

Users should be able to complete most tasks without reading instructions or using too many taps. The goal is for users to feel like they are getting value out of their time spent using your app.

  • Invest in user experience research 

Also, perform continuous testing to ensure your apps are easy enough for even the most inexperienced users to use confidently. This will help build trust with your customers and encourage them to return repeatedly.

  • Add new features regularly

Keep improving the app so that your users will still want to come back and use it after they’ve had a chance to explore all of its features firsthand (this is especially important for those who for brand new users).

  • Make it fun using gamification

Gamification is a technique that uses game mechanics to motivate users to complete tasks or engage with your app. It’s a way to reward users for performing certain actions within an app, and it’s been used in many different contexts—from marketing campaigns to social media posts.

In the context of apps, gamification has been used to encourage users to stay engaged with a product or service long after downloading it. Applying game mechanics (elements like points or levels) to routine tasks within an app can keep your users returning for more.

Gamification increases user engagement

Download for Free: The Complete Guide to In-App Gamification in 2023

5. User Loyalty Stage

While users may be happy with the products and services you provide, making them act upon that customer loyalty to promote your products could be difficult.

Here are some ways to boost engagement at the loyalty stage of the customer lifecycle.

  • Make social sharing easy

Providing users with buttons to share their experiences on social media allows them to show appreciation for the product or app. This strategy also performs word-of-mouth marketing as the social share gathers more organic traffic for your app.

  • Have loyalty programs in place

Loyalty programs are a great way to engage users, as users must complete tasks to be eligible for the program. This leads to increased engagement and more conversions on the platform. Reward these users with exclusive discounts, offers, and other incentives for their loyalty.

Loyalty programs improve user engagement in customer lifecycle

  • Referral programs

Referral programs reward users for their loyalty by giving them a discount on their next purchase and also help app owners as it helps in attracting and converting new customers. 

Research shows that approximately 84% of B2B buying stems from a referral, and over 90% of customers trust a brand a friend recommends.

Referral programs help in word of mouth marketing

It is a win-win situation for everyone involved.


Each stage of your app’s customer lifecycle requires a different approach to building successful mobile engagement. Overall, if you’re looking to retain users and make your app stick in the minds of mobile users, it’s important to have a plan in mind well before the launch of your app to maximize engagement at all stages of the customer lifecycle.

We hope these engagement tips kickstart your app launch, keep users coming back for more, and ultimately lead your app to success.

The Upshot.ai Advantage

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve product adoption and conversions.

With Upshot.ai, FinTech, HealthTech, Insurance, and EdTech firms can enhance their digital experiences with pre-built gamification features. It can provide personalized insights, actionable recommendations, and contextual nudges designed to deepen its relationship with its users.

Book a demo of the most comprehensive user engagement and gamification platform to achieve your digital product goals. Join our communities for more insights, guides, and best practices to stay updated with proven strategies and tips to supercharge your campaigns.

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