Ravi Vaka May 13, 2021

User conversion rate is a measure of business performance in many industries. Thus, no matter what strategy you adopt, the ultimate goal is to increase your conversion rate. But today, with many new brands popping up every single day, how can a business still improve its user conversion rate with ease?

So, if we have to put it in pieces, there are hundreds of scenarios that can be optimized for better conversion. But our goal is to create a sustainable competitive advantage resulting from the enhancement of user experience. There is a six-step process to achieve it, and here they are:

1. Effective user onboarding

Users should fall in love with your brand from the very first step. An effective onboarding process that swiftly gets the users invested is a perfect start. 

At a glimpse, the onboarding process should be focused on introducing the new interface to the end users. It can be a feature promotion that can educate users about the app’s capabilities, request customization of the interface by the user, or instructions about how to use the app/website.

“The first impression matters; make sure it’s fruitful.”

2. Guide towards the “aha” moment

Be it the UI design constraints or intentional at times, many features that retain users are hidden, and businesses expect users to figure them out. But, in the worst case, these mistakes can lead to uninstallation of the app.

The user’s time is precious. If you can’t impress them from time to time, you will lose to the competition. So, once the user is onboarded, design the user flow so that they explore the key features in the first visit itself. Tutorials and screen tips can be helpful in this scenario. 

“Don’t miss the pivotal moment when your first-time users realize the value of your product.”

Upshot.ai's Tutorial Screen increase user conversion rate

3. Personalize your communications

90% of marketers believe personalization is the future. Customers tend to spend more time on platforms that offer personalization. Hence, when communicating with your end-users, try to personalize the aspects they love to hear from you.

Sending irrelevant communications can do more harm than good. Choose selectively on how and what to personalize and build a strategy around the same. 

If you are opting for quick onboarding of your users, progressive personalization is worth trying. Collect bits and pieces of user interests and other relevant information to run real-time personalized campaigns.

4. Hyper-segment your users

There is nothing like one size fits all. Every user is different, and so is our interaction with them. We tend to run our messaging campaigns for all users, but most of the businesses are going wrong. We need to hyper-segment users with different conditions and rules.

By hyper, we mean more precise targeting. Hyper-segmentation enhances the user experience with a personalized touch. Users feel that your brand never spams with irrelevant messages; hence there are higher chances of retention and conversion.

Also Read: 6 Powerful Ways to Master User Retention in 2023

“Build your brand value; the cart value automatically increases.” 

5. Create a sense of urgency

Our interest in a product grows tremendously once we know that it is rare or about to go out of reach. I might think twice before adding that branded white hoodie to the cart, but after a while if I get a notification saying only 1 piece left? 

I don’t want to lose it and would buy it immediately. That’s the power of creating a sense of urgency. 

We unconsciously can’t let something go off when we love to have it. A psychological trick that never fails.

Sense of Urgency Image
Source: Freepik

6. Retarget potential customers with offers

Incentivising works wonders. Everybody likes discounts, but we can’t incentivize every user. The ultimate user purchase should generate a profit for the company. Hence incentivizing loyal customers compared to other segments is beneficial from a revenue standpoint.

Loyal customers are more likely to buy your products with little or no push at times. Hence, retargeting them with a bit of personalized messaging and sale perks would be awesome.

Source: Freepik

Wrapping up

A high user conversion rate is the ultimate goal for any business. But nowadays, it seems to be the only goal for many. The approach, especially in the digital world where human interaction is less,  should involve a personalized touch for greater conviction. It is not deep tech or rocket science, either. It’s as easy as guiding your users at each step with care and engaging them enough, so they move forward in their journey.

About Upshot.ai

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve their product adoption and conversions. Fortune 1000 companies such as GE, UHG, Puma, Sony, ITC, and Tenet Healthcare are using Upshot.ai and observed a massive increase in product adoption and YoY increment in revenues.

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