Kaustuv Dwivedi
Kaustuv Dwivedi October 4, 2022

Gamification is a strategy you can use to engage your audience more effectively, increase user engagement, build loyalty and help increase revenue. It’s the process of applying playful elements like leaderboards, points, and rules and rewarding the user for engagement. Gamification can be implemented in various ways. How you use it will depend on your target audience and business goals.

This article will help you incorporate game mechanics into your business strategies to increase sales and customer loyalty.

What is Gamification? 

Gamification is a method that uses game mechanics to improve users’ experiences.

Gamification is the latest trend in marketing that has been growing in popularity over the past few years. The goal of gamification is to motivate and engage people in a way that rewards them for their actions. For example, gamification can reward users who complete tasks or achieve goals. You can also use gamification to increase engagement rates and reduce abandonment rates by making your product more fun.

Don’t believe us? Check out these Gamification facts for yourself: 

  • 90% of employees say gamification makes them more productive at work.
  • Companies that use gamification are seven times more profitable than those that do not use gamified elements at work—whether with employees or consumers.
  • The global game-based products and services market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 12.9% between now and 2025.

Between 2020 and 2025, experts predict the international gamification market will grow at a compound annual growth rate, or CAGR, of 27.4%, increasing from $9.1 billion in 2020 to an estimated $30.7 billion by 2025.

Projected global gamification market value 2020 - 2025
Source: Zippia


Upshot.ai Special Access Hacks to Generate Revenue Through Gamification

1) Create a community of loyal customers 

If you’re running a business, it’s important to understand how to use gamification to build a community of loyal customers. This can be tricky, but there are some key elements you need to keep in mind.

The first thing is that you need to make sure your business is offering something people want. For example, if your business sells shoes, you’ll have an easier time convincing customers that they should buy from your store than if you were selling kitchen appliances.

Second, you must ensure that the people who join your community will use it regularly. So if you’re offering a casual game on Facebook or an online forum where people can discuss their favorite TV shows or movies, then there’s not much point in having a lot of people join this community because they won’t be using it very often anyway!

The third thing is that you need to make sure that people who join the community feel like they’re part of something bigger than just themselves. So maybe instead of just having fun playing games with other people online during your online forum where they talk about their favorite TV shows and movies (which wouldn’t have much value for anyone), try to set up some activities for everyone can do together. For example, maybe you could have a weekly trivia challenge where people playing online games on your forum try to answer questions about the latest episode of their favorite show, and then whoever wins gets a prize!

Also Read: Top 3 gamification techniques to boost your loyalty program

2) Increase brand awareness

Gamification can help increase consumer awareness of your brand by making them feel like they’re part of an experience instead of just another customer. For example, if you run a software company, you might reward users based on their performance rather than just asking them to sign up (which they may already have done).

You could also offer rewards like discounts or free products if they engage with you on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook.

You can use gamification to educate customers about your product or service, which is especially effective if you target a demographic unfamiliar with your industry. For example, if you run an eCommerce store, you could offer rewards based on how well users understand the shipping process and what to expect when placing an order.

Gamification can also help you learn more about your customers and their needs by allowing them to share feedback through surveys and polls. For example, you could ask users for feedback on a new feature in your software or ask them what they think about the new design of your website.

3) Increase customer engagement

Gamification is the way to go when it comes to increasing customer engagement. Gamification is a method of applying game-like elements to non-game contexts. It’s used to encourage user behavior that increases engagement and satisfaction.

Tips on how to do it effectively.

Know the purpose: Creating meaningless game experiences with no purpose will not get you any results. Know your objective and the user’s intent to find a suitable solution to satisfy your and the user’s needs.

Know your target audience: Identify your target audience, their interests, behavior, and requirements. Collecting and analyzing this data will help you understand what strategy can be developed to satisfy them and increase your brand loyalty.

Keep it Real: Understand the users’ psychology and deliver emotional responses. Give them what they need rather than what you want to share. Conduct surveys, take feedback, and ask questions. Keep it simple but real!

4) Increase sales by providing incentives for purchases

Incentivizing customers to purchase products or services is a common tactic many businesses use. The goal is to make purchasing more appealing, and it’s been found that providing incentives can increase sales by as much as 20%.

These incentives can be anything from free shipping on your next purchase to a Rs 500 gift card if they spend Rs. 2000 on your site. They can be simple things like free coffee every day or even free pizza if they buy a certain amount of product within a certain period. But what if you want to make it more complicated? What if you want something that stands out from the crowd?

That’s where gamification comes in. Gamifying your business not only allows you to offer exciting incentives but also helps increase customer loyalty and engagement with your brand. With the right tools and strategies, you’ll increase your business’s conversions, engagement, and satisfaction.

Some more bonus hacks  

  • Gamify existing processes and systems. This can be done by adding rewards or badges to a process or system, which will increase engagement and motivation for both staff and customers.
  • Create new revenue streams by using gamification to drive revenue online or offline – such as an online booking system that uses gamification tactics to encourage users to book online instead of calling directly (or incentivize users who take calls by giving them points).
  • Add gamification tactics to your website to increase traffic and user engagement on your site, or use gamification tactics within your social media platforms to improve the user experience when interacting with your brand (for example, giving out points on Facebook if people like or share posts, etc.). 


Gamification is a motivational design tactic businesses can use to make customers feel engaged or entertained when interacting with a brand. It’s also used to tap into the fun element of an app or website to keep users coming back and buying more of your products.

While the application of gamification techniques is still a new concept to most people, it has the potential to help various industries, companies, and even individuals make severe strides in increasing productivity, efficiency, and performance. If you are unaware of gamification, we have simplified the process for you in this article. I hope you liked it. 

The Upshot.ai Advantage

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve product adoption and conversions.

With Upshot.ai, banks, Insurance, and FinTech firms can enhance their digital experiences with pre-built gamification features. It can provide personalized insights, actionable recommendations, and contextual nudges designed to deepen its relationship with its users. 

Book a demo of the most comprehensive user engagement and gamification platform to achieve your digital product goals. Join our communities for more insights, guides, and best practices that keep you updated with proven strategies and tips to supercharge your campaigns.

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