Manisha Kumari
Manisha Kumari May 11, 2023

We’ve all experienced the disappointment of downloading a new app and being greeted by a bland, uninteresting onboarding process that makes us feel marooned on a dark, deserted island. So in this article, we will explain how you can greet your customers and make them feel familiar in a jiffy.

We’ll demonstrate how to design an onboarding process that makes your users feel like they’ve just stumbled onto a gold mine of awesomeness, using everything from the subtle art of gamification to the persuasive force of interactive tutorials. 

This blog will discuss why personalization is an important and effective way to personalize onboarding.

Why is Personalization Important? 

The content and features displayed in an app are customized to the unique user’s interests, preferences, and behavior. This can involve customized advice, messaging, advertising, and more. 

Users are more likely to discover value in the app and use it for extended periods if the experience is personalized. This improved involvement may result in higher retention and lower churn rates.

Personalizing an app’s user experience is crucial for several reasons, including: 

  1. Better customer engagement: An app becomes more exciting and relevant to users when tailored to their interests and behavior. This may therefore result in greater user loyalty and retention.

  1. Increased user satisfaction: Personalization enables an app to cater to each user’s unique needs and interests, improving that user’s experience.

  1. Revenue growth: By generating personalized recommendations and offers, applications can encourage users to make purchases, which boosts revenue for the app developer or company.

Read Also: 9 Customer Onboarding Metrics to prioritize in 2023

  1. Compelling user insights: Personalization necessitates gathering information on user preferences and behavior, which can be utilized to learn more about the demand and needs of the user. The data can be used to inform marketing and product development plans.

In general, app user customization is crucial because it enables an app to serve its users’ needs better, enhancing user engagement, retention, and revenue.

Ways To Personalize Your Onboarding

1. Employ account details all through the initial onboarding process.

Employing account details throughout the initial onboarding process is a powerful way to personalize the experience for your users and create a seamless journey from the moment they join your platform. 

By leveraging the information you collected during the account creation phase, you can tailor the onboarding process to their needs, preferences, and goals. Here are some key ways to employ account details effectively during the initial onboarding process:

  • Personalized welcome and introduction:

When users create an account, greet them with a warm and personalized welcome message. Address them by name and express your appreciation for their decision to join your platform.

Provide a brief overview of how their account details will be utilized to enhance their onboarding experience. This establishes a sense of connection and sets the stage for a personalized journey.

  • Customized onboarding flow

Use the account details to create a customized onboarding flow that aligns with the user’s interests, goals, or role. For instance, if you offer a project management tool and the user indicates they are a marketing professional, you can tailor the onboarding process to focus on marketing-specific features and best practices. 

This approach ensures that users receive relevant information immediately, increasing their engagement and confidence in using your platform.

  • Relevant tutorials and resources

Based on the user’s account details, provide targeted tutorials, guides, and resources catering to their needs.

For example, if a user expresses an interest in home decor, personalize their onboarding experience by showcasing curated collections and product recommendations specifically for home decor. This shows you understand their preferences and are dedicated to providing a personalized shopping experience.

  • Contextualize examples and case studies

During the onboarding process, showcase examples and case studies that are relatable to the user’s industry, location, or preferences. This helps them visualize how your platform can be applied to their context, making it more relevant and valuable. 

By highlighting success stories that resonate with their account details, you inspire confidence and provide a clear understanding of the benefits they can expect.

2. Categorize people based on their activity or use case.

Not all users are the same, and their onboarding needs may vary. Segment your user base into meaningful categories based on industry, role, or user behavior. Customize your communication accordingly. 

Send targeted emails or in-app messages that address specific pain points or offer relevant tips and resources. By providing tailored information, you show users that you understand their particular challenges and are there to support them.

  • Collect and Leverage User Data

The foundation of personalization lies in understanding your users. Collect relevant user data, such as preferences, interests, and goals, during the account creation process. Utilize this information to personalize their onboarding experience. 

For example, if a user indicates a preference for a specific feature, guide them through a tailored tutorial highlighting its benefits. By leveraging user data, you demonstrate that you value their individuality and are committed to meeting their unique needs.

  • Create Interactive Onboarding Content

Traditional onboarding materials can be overwhelming and impersonal. Incorporate interactive elements into your onboarding process to create a more engaging and personalized experience. 

Use videos, interactive tutorials, quizzes, and gamification to make the journey enjoyable and memorable. Interactive content keeps users engaged and allows them to learn at their own pace and feel more connected to your product or service.

  • Offer Guided Onboarding and Progressive Profiling

Simplify the onboarding process by offering guided tours or step-by-step walkthroughs. This helps users navigate through your platform’s key features and functionalities. Additionally, implement progressive profiling by gradually collecting more user information over time. 

Instead of bombarding users with lengthy forms upfront, request additional details strategically as they progress through the onboarding journey. This approach ensures a smoother onboarding experience while still capturing essential user data.

  • Provide Timely Support and Personalized Assistance

During onboarding, users may have questions or encounter roadblocks. Offer personalized assistance through multiple support channels. Implement live chat or chatbot features to provide instant responses to common queries. 

Assign dedicated customer success managers to guide users through the onboarding process. Personalized support demonstrates your commitment to their success and fosters a sense of trust and loyalty.

3. Utilize personalization to lessen the onboarding hassle. 

The user onboarding experience for goods that assist users in achieving a lofty, challenging goal must communicate the product’s value, inspire the user, and make the objective seem attainable.

Suppose your software aids users in achieving a challenging objective. In that case, your user onboarding experience should not only express the product’s value but also inspire confidence in the user and make the overall goal appear attainable. 

Users with varying degrees of experience and confidence might feel capable of completing the onboarding activities thanks to personalized onboarding.

 4. Use tailored onboarding emails to interact with users beyond your app.

Onboarding personalized and automated emails is a fantastic way to welcome new users or entice inactive customers to use your service again. Experian reports that tailored emails create six times greater transaction rates than generic ones, making them far more effective than many businesses use the “spray and pray” onboarding strategy.

Emails sent to new users should be timely, relevant, and based on triggers that correspond to the actions they take in your app. 

The most effective onboarding emails are timely and contextual; they should be sent in response to a user’s specific actions in your app.

For instance, a trial user who comes in after a week of inactivity might automatically receive a greeting email. Or, new users should get a cordial welcome email when they register.’

Three various types of tailored emails are included in their onboarding process:

  • A hearty thank you email: Your cordial welcome email is the first onboarding communication to be personalized. A personalized email from the CEO or head of customer success can give your welcome email a human touch and establish trust with new users. Welcome emails have some of the best open rates of any email.

  • An email (or sequence of emails) intended to re-engage: The next step is to set up a re-engagement email (or series of emails). This email is automatically sent to users who may have started a critical activation job but still need to finish it to get them to return to your app and finish it. 

  • A subsequent email (or sequence of emails): Send users a follow-up email to encourage them to progress to the next step of your sales funnel as a final but not least step. 

Also Read: Push Notifications vs. Emails: What’s Better for Customer Engagement?

You should encourage free trial or freemium users to sign up for a paid account, and you might persuade paying customers to move to annual billing rather than monthly. Whatever your objective, include a clear CTA, and don’t forget to inject some of your brand’s personality.

After viewers watch a series, re-engagement emails with personalized product recommendations are sent out. You might not have a library of movies or TV shows, but you could use advice from the blog or knowledge base for your company. 


The nice thing about personalization, if you’re just getting started, is that it compounds—each little nod to the individual adds up. It’s not necessary to begin using all five personalization strategies right away. Before moving on to the others, choose one to focus on first and master it. Your users will quickly believe that your program was created explicitly for them.

Understanding the needs of your users and assisting them in becoming more successful earlier are examples of personalizing your user onboarding. You may boost product activation and decrease time to value by customizing the user experience to each user’s demands.

In conclusion, customized app onboarding necessitates that you comprehend your consumers’ wants and assist them in becoming more effective from the outset. You can improve retention and product activation, shorten the time to value, and save costs by personalizing the UX to each user’s demands. 

Making your customers feel like the app was created just for them is the key to figuring out how to customize it.

The Upshot.ai Advantage

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, customer engagement, and gamification platform.

With Upshot.ai, banks, Insurance, and FinTech firms can enhance their digital experiences with pre-built gamification features.

It can provide personalized insights, actionable recommendations, and contextual nudges designed to deepen its relationship with its users.

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