Ravi Vaka September 22, 2020
  1. In-App Surveys
  2. Ratings
  3. Push Notifications
  4. In-App messages
  5. Tutorials
  6. Screen tips
  7. Badges
  8. Emails
  9. Minigames
  10. Leaderboards

User engagement measures if users find value in your product. User engagement can be a combination of various activities, such as downloads, signup, clicks, share, and more. Often the definition of engaged users varies from product to product, but the foundation of user engagement remains the same: engaging experiences at every stage of the user lifecycle. This article will discuss user engagement tools that most successful apps in the world deploy gamification to hook users and keep them invested. After all, Engagement is the key to product success. Done right, it can drive app engagement, retention, and revenue in a big way.

Following are ten powerful tools to engage users in 2020 and beyond:

1. In-App Surveys:

Surveys are an essential tool for collecting user feedback and insights. Surveys give you a quick and cost-effective way to get valuable feedback from the minds of your users. From finding out the value proposition of a newly launched product in the market to understanding a 100-year-old business process difficulty, surveys can reach out to the available audience to find their opinion. But, one of the biggest challenges is the low response rate. In-app surveys can tackle this challenge by eliminating friction. At Upshot.ai, we believe in-app surveys are more than just a quantitative research tool. Surveys can provide valuable insights into product performance, user interaction, and satisfaction.

Surveys - Upshot.ai
Source : Freepik
2. Ratings:

App Store or play store optimization results in the organic acquisition of market strategy solely depend on ratings and reviews. Positive reviews motivate users to trust and continue with the brand for a longer run. However, one needs to figure out the knacks of inspiring the user to rate correctly in the right way. At Upshot.ai, we have divided the user rating flow according to user interests. We can redirect the user to rate on the play store. Anyone who ranks below the specified group will be asked to comment on their reason.

3. Push Notifications:

Push Notifications are messages that pop up on a device. Since users’ attention span is gradually decreasing, there is a real struggle to grab their attention. Personalized push notifications are one way to promote your product or service. At upshot.ai, we devise robust communication strategies for various user segments based on their location, active hours, past purchases, and more. We leverage geofencing and personalization to frame these contextual, real-time notifications that allow users to engage with your product. Puma increased 28% increased in daily active users by leveraging push notifications.

4. In-App messages:

In-App messages are all about broadcasting within the app. It can be congratulated popup for leveling up in a game or a product discovery message that speaks about new features within the app. In-app messages add value to the users instead of merely reminding them about the app. The objective of an in-app message is to provide information, communicate rewards, and drive monetization. Thus, in-app messages make the user experience swift across the platform for a better return on investment (ROI).

5. Tutorials:
Tutorials -  Upshot.ai
Source : Freepik

Tutorials are one such user engagement tactic that is good enough to make the first impression thoughtful and impressive. A great onboarding provides users a clear understanding of the app and features via interactive video, guide, images, and Gifs. As the app keeps on deploying new features, there is room for educating users and keeping them engaged. Tutorials are more than just a one-time takeaway.

6. Screen tips:

Screen tips is a great way to highlight or share information in the app. It is a great way to interact with users as screen tips don’t block the app display. Dynamically configured screen tips allow better product and feature adoption.

7. Badges:

Recognition creates an adrenaline rush, no matter what stage of life we are in. Badges are often considered tokens of appreciation that inculcate a sense of achievement and motivate them to engage more. At Upshot.ai, we have different badges that can cheer, award, and appreciate users based on their interaction within the app.

8. E-mails:

Email marketing is one of the best user engagement strategies for most brands across the globe. There are numerous tools out there in the market which have mastered email campaigns and earned millions of dollars every year. Nowadays, there’s a trend of personalized and segment based email campaigns that grab more attention than the same email broadcasted to all audiences.
At Upshot.ai, we leverage user behavioral segmentation that is more personalized and effective than random email campaigns. Our client, Wasel delivery, increased daily active users by 17.2% and revenue and revenue by 4% during the outbreak by leveraging personalized email campaigns.

Email campaign - Upshot.ai
Source : Freepik
9. Minigames:

Gaming is always fun. The best part is mini-games allow users to spend more time in an app. Upshot.ai has a library of 200 mini-games that encourage users to engage more with the app. Moreover, you can customize the game mechanics according to your need.

10. Leaderboards:

Dynamic leaderboards allow users to engage more with the app. Leaderboards drive the desire to compete with other users and effectively increase user retention and engagement. At upshot.ai, we deploy real-time leaderboards to keep the user motivated and invested with the app.

Also Read: What is customer lifetime value and how to improve customer lifetime value in 2021

About Upshot.ai :

Upshot.ai is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve their product adoption and conversions. Fortune 1000 companies such as GE, UHG, Puma, Sony, ITC, Tenet healthcare are using Upshot.ai and observed a massive increase in product adoption YoY increment in revenues.

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