

A/B Testing

A/B testing is the method of analyzing two or more variations of a call to action, email, segment, target groups, messages, or any other marketing asset to measure the effectiveness and performance. A/B testing lets you know what, when, and which element works best. It helps in streamlining the user journey and boosts conversions.

It is an experiment where different variants of the same asset are shown to other users, and statistical analysis is done to identify the variant which performs best for the given conversion goal.

Following the right procedure is critical to perform the A/B testing successfully. Below is the step by step guidelines that can help you with the process-

  • Define Goals

    As a first step, you would like to know what you would like to achieve with the A/B testing? Are you interested in improving conversion or feature adoption or time spent on the page? The idea is to focus on single metrics for each A/B testing.

  • Identify the element

    Once the metric is defined, you would like to focus on the asset’s specific element that you think is relevant to the metric. For example, if you want more people to open the email, you might want to focus on the subject line. If you’re testing the CTA, you can play around with the button customizations or the promoted content that comes with the CTA.

  • Set Hypothesis

    Once the key metric and the relevant element are identified, you need to define the hypothesis you would like to test with the A/B testing. A simple hypothesis could look like this-“Changing the element X to Y will improve the metric Z. Let’s consider the example of the email open rates. Here my hypothesis simply will be “Changing the subject line of the email to will improve the email open rate.”

  • Design the variants

    Once the element is identified, create the variants by tweaking the identified element but keeping everything else the same and showcasing it to different audience segments.

  • Analyze the A/B testing statistics

    Run the statistical analysis to validate the hypothesis. Once you understand which version your audience likes better, you can start this process repeatedly with a new variant.

    A/B testing is one of the most powerful ways to analyze user behavior and understand how users perceive various aspects of the design and information.

Active Users

These are the users who interact with your website or app for a given period. By tracking active users, you will see the number of visitors visiting your digital asset. Active users metric tallies the number of unique users who engage with your digital product. This metric allows you to gauge growth, churn, user engagement, and user retention.

  • Daily Active User (DAU): These are the users who visit your app/website on any specific date (e.g., June 9th)

  • Weekly Active User (WAU): These are the unique set of users who visits your app/website for seven days (e.g., June 1st-7th)

  • Monthly Active User (MAU): These are the unique set of users who visit your app/website in any given month (e.g., users opening the app in June).

The importance of DAU's, MAU'`s, and WAU's depends upon the nature of doing business and will be the key indications of an app's health.

Over time, it helps you to compare the performance of the product, including app adoption and feature stickiness, and allows you to make informed decisions.

AD Units

The area in your app where the ad is displayed is called Ad units. You need to associate an Ad Unit to a tag. You can club multiple ads into an Ad Unit or send out a single ad. Creating and using an ad unit is mandatory to push ads. There are different types of ad units, such as banner ads, video ads, and interstitial ads in varied formats.


The purpose of aggregation is to gather more information based on specific attributes such as age, gender profession, and personal interest in a particular group. Such aggregated information is likely used for website personalization to choose advertising and content to target individuals belonging to one or more groups.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In the field of computer science, Artificial intelligence(AI) is one of the branches that aims to create an intelligent machine. In the industry of technology, Artificial intelligence has become an essential part. Planning, Speech recognition, Learning, Problem Solving are the necessary activities that are designed with artificial intelligence. The core part of knowledge engineering is Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the root in the world of robotics, the ability to manipulate and move objects. When sufficient information relating to the world is provided, machines can represent and respond like humans. Artificial intelligence aims to create machines and computers that function as intelligent as human beings. AI software systems are developed based on their study as to how the human brain learns, decides, works, and thinks while trying to solve a problem.


Analytics is about putting data into action. It helps businesses track the progress over a stipulated time interval. It enables businesses to adopt a data-driven approach to formulate strategies based on past performance and certain behaviour shown by different stakeholders, including end users of their product or services. Analytics help businesses understand current trends and patterns, predict future actions, and find ways to build a valuable relationship.

Why Analytics?

  1. Know Your Audience:
    1. Who is your ideal audience
    2. What are they doing
    3. Why are they doing
  2. Personalized Targeting:
    1. Define user journey and align your communication as per the stages in the user lifecycle, which makes communication more relevant and genuine
  3. Identify KPIs and track their progress:
    1. Identify the key metrics as per the product goals such as retention, conversion, engagement, and feature usage
  4. Perform Experiments:
    1. A/B testing to measure the efficacy and effectiveness of the communication or new features introduced
    2. Identify Preferred channels, type, and ways to reach out to your users
  5. More effective strategies:
    1. Use analytics as the fuel to fire your next campaign, not to waste time and money creating campaigns that don’t work.

To get the right answers we need to ask the right questions which can be answered by taking descriptive, predictive and prescriptive approach towards analytics


Application Programming Interface (API) is an intermediate software that allows two applications to communicate. API comes into the picture when you use instant messaging, Pinterest, Facebook, or checking for stock updates on Moneycontrol.

What API does is that it exchanges information between two programs. It processes a request and returns the necessary data.

For example, if you are developing an app/site where people can order food. Instead of you asking the user to create new credentials to register with your website, you can ask them to login with their Gmail account to fetch the account details from google server as most of the apps/sites do today. That’s where API comes into the picture. What API does is when the user provides his google account details to log in to your app/website, it fetches user-provided account details from the google server and notifies you for user validation. If the details provided by the user are valid, then he can proceed with the ordering process; otherwise, the user will be asked to provide adequate information for registration.

API is essential for business as it exchanges information via the internet and cloud computing, ultimately reducing development time, cost and eliminating the risk of errors.

These are the users who are using your product or services. For the digital asses, they are the users who had at least one session with your app/website. Based on the common attributes they share, audiences are grouped together to form segments. Understanding these segments will provide keen insights about the app usage and user characteristics or behavior, which is useful in various ways.

1. Importance of Audience: As a marketing professional, it is essential to identify your target audience and accordingly plan your marketing or engagement strategies. Doing so will not only help you in improving the ROI but also help you in building good relationships with your customers by providing personalized experience.

2. Roles of Audience: Broadly, the audience plays a dual role and helps you in sustaining a digital flywheel.

3. Loyal Audience: These are the heavy users of your digital assets who love spreading positive words of mouth and can act as influencers or motivators for any new user

4. New Audience: These are the new people to your application/website and are looking for some external motivation to use your product/services. Engagement strategies around extrinsic motivation like testimonials or onboarding can be used to drive these users and convert them into loyal users.Thus, each segment of the audience needs a different strategy.

How to find a target audience: The best way to discover the target audience is to do a little research.

  • Analyse the customer needs and pain areas wherein you can pitch in your products/services

  • Analyze your competitors

  • Collect information about your existing customers to analyze the behavior and see how your product or services are fulfilling their expectations.

Can companies have more than one target audience?

The more you study and do research about your customer, the more personas you will discover. Organizations that sell more than one product or service have to create various audience profiles and segmentation. This leads to different strategies and campaigns for providing personalized experiences across the user lifecycle
Adoption Process

It is the mental process through which an individual passes from discovering about your product or services to finally adopting it. At any stage in the journey, the potential user might completely adopt the product or services, becoming a loyal user or he might exit in between, rejecting the offerings.

There are various stages through which the user has to pass through. These stages include Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action (AIDA). AIDA leverages user's cognitive behavior as they move through the adoption process for a product or a service. These stages of the Consumer Adoption Process are discussed as under:

  • 1. Product Awareness:

    The first stage of the Adoption process is introducing the product into the market and creating awareness about it. This is a critical stage for the success of any product and business. Ensuring the presence of the product eventually helps in the existence of the company. There are various techniques that can be leveraged to create awareness about the business offerings, like Teasers, video, image, and banners as an advertising tool. A strong presence for the new product will appeal to a vast segment of audience.

  • 2. Product Interest:

    The second most crucial stage in the product adoption is the product interest. During this phase, consumers become aware about the actual product, its unique features, and values. It is essential to create and maintain the interest of the customer to encourage them to research further about the product and services being offered.

  • 3. Product Desire:

    It is where you want to emotionally connect with your consumers by showing the brand personality and change their perception from “liking it” to “wanting it”

  • 4. Product Action:

    The final stage in the product’s adoption, wherein the customer is ready to purchase and shell out money for the product. At this stage, the business needs to be very careful in procuring the quantity and fulfilling the demand with promised quality and accessibility to maintain trust and brand image.
    Consumer adoption processes differ from customer to customer based on their respective behavior factor, some customers prefer to change, but some do not accept the change very quickly. Hence an appropriate and guided approach with a well defined strategy is required to reduce drop-offs at each stage of this funnel.

Today businesses rely on multiple channels and platforms to reach out to their prospects and provide a customized experience. However it presents a unique challenge to analyze the overall impact of a particular campaign on marketing ROI, and that’s where Marketing Attribution comes into the picture to evaluate these multiple touchpoints that customer encounters in their path to conversion and identify the channels, messages or events which had the most significant impact on the customer decision to convert or take the desired next step.

Marketers use various attribution models that provide insights into how, when, and where customers interact with the brand, which allows them to change or customize the campaigns, thus improving the ROI. For example, suppose a person is exposed to email campaigns and display ads but only converts after seeing a special promotion in the email. In that case, marketers can devote more resources to creating more such targeted email campaigns.

The most effective attribution models will provide insight into:

  • Which messages a consumer was exposed to and on what channel

  • Which touchpoint had the most significant impact on their decision to convert

  • The role brand perception played in the decision to convert.

  • The role of message sequencing

  • Which messaging gets the best results from each consumer

Although it could be challenging to interlink data across multiple channels and multiple platforms but when done right, it can bring myriads of benefits such as

  • Improved ROI

  • Optimized marketing spend

  • Improved Personalization

  • Optimized Creatives

  • Effective Product Enhancements
Acquisition involves implementing strategies to market products or services to new customers. It involves motivating visitors to explore product or service offerings and getting them to sign up or purchase them.

The process to convince and bring new customers to buy the products and by which a user passes through the Marketing funnel-Brand Awareness-Purchase decision is called Acquisition.

The cost incurred while acquiring a new user is called Customer acquisition cost (CAC). Once the customer is acquired, the customer might churn out or move to the next phase of customer retention and re-acquisition.

How to acquire customers?

Businesses rely on organic and inorganic promotions to reach out to new users and spread awareness about their offerings. They use marketing strategies, across various digital channels, which can involve

  • Display Advertising

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Search Marketing

  • Content Marketing

  • Affiliate Marketing

  • Email Marketing

  • Or any mix of marketing initiatives mentioned above
Asynchronous Messaging
Asynchronous messaging is a one-way communication delivery method that does not have to wait for the server to send it. Examples would be email, SMS messaging. It is a fantastic way to enhance customer service and customer experience. It enables higher flexibility to communicate and provide information immediately.
There is a shift in the behavior of the people and the way they communicate. People nowadays are shifting from computer to mobile and, with a busy lifestyle, might face difficulties while approached through traditional means. People prefer mobility and would not like to wait by their computer for a chat window message. Synchronous messaging is session-based, and the information is lost once the session is closed, which implies reiterating the information over the next subsequent follow-ups, but that is not true with Asynchronous messaging, wherein rather than waiting for an immediate response, a user can send a message and then continue with other unrelated tasks. At the same time, the responder can reply to his or her convenient time. Here are some reasons why asynchronous messaging might deliver exceptional customer service and customer experience to the end-users-

  • Async Messaging provides flexibility to the user by removing the need to wait or hold near a browser window.

  • Async Messaging prevents users from reiterating the subsequent follow-ups as conversation history and agent notes are saved.

  • With SMS as a medium of async messaging, there is an opportunity to reach out to the users 24x7 even if they hit a no wifi zone.

  • Email serves as a medium to share visual cues referred by the user at any convenient time, otherwise not possible through traditional means.

  • Async Messaging removes the need to respond immediately and gives ample opportunity to respond at a convenient time.

Messaging based service channels are an essential tool to increase customer satisfaction. They can make communication convenient, effortless, and efficient while preserving contextual consistency over time for each user.



A badge is a validated indicator device, often containing the symbol of an organization, which is presented to indicate some achievement, skill, a status, or interest earned within your app or website. Badges are rewards for accomplishing the action given to users. Badges are great engagement tools that encourage people to share knowledge about your product.

Bounce Rate

The percentage of single-page visits is known as the bounce rate. This term is widely used in marketing while analyzing web traffic. The bounce rate is calculated precisely as a session when a user triggers a single request. For example, the user opens a single page of a website and exits during that session without triggering any request to the Analytics server. In other words, rather than users continue viewing other pages on the website, he leaves the site. Since the user leaves the site, these single-page sessions have a session duration of 0 seconds as there were no further hits after the first one, which allows analytics to calculate the session length.

Buyer Personal

Profile of your product's ideal user, created based on market research and real data about its existing users. It includes customer demographics, behavioral patterns, interests, preferences, motivations, and goals. Personas help in market segmentation, content creation, sales follow up and drive traffic to acquire users and retain them.

About : is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve their product adoption and conversions. Fortune 1000 companies such as GE, UHG, Puma, Sony, ITC, Tenet healthcare are using and observed a massive increase in product adoption YoY increment in revenues.

Book a demo of the most comprehensive user engagement and gamification platform to achieve your digital product goals. Join our communities for more insights, guides, and best practices that keep you updated with proven strategies and tips to supercharge your campaigns.


Campaign Management

Campaigns are vital components for any online business that enable companies to communicate and deliver timely messages to a selective group of users based on their everyday actions, characteristics, or funnels. Campaigns are invariably built in such a way that they reach users pinpointing the time when users are most responsive to a campaign. enables its users to create customized campaigns to meet the unique requirements of the client as today's digital business view has dramatically changed customer expectations and behavior.

Customer Churn

Customer churn refers to when he stops contacting or ceases his relationship with the company. The company treats a customer churned when the customer stops interacting with the site or the service. Customer churn is also called customer attrition. Churn comes into picture when a company loses it, customers., a customer engagement platform helps businesses to reduce churn rate by enabling them to effectively communicate with their customers on time and keeping them engaged by knowing the needs of a customer.


In terms of analytics, the cohort refers to a group of users who share common characteristics. For example, users using the same platform to access your app/website belong to the same cohort. The cohort report for the same platform users helps you analyze the cohort behavior. For any business, identifying cohorts is very important as they can build up new marketing strategies over-targeting customers.


Conversion is an activity that is completed by your customer either online or offline, which is a very crucial success of your business. Conversion is also referred to as a goal. Actions performed by the user with an app or on your website is defined as a goal, and it is recorded as a conversion by analytics. For example, a transaction, purchase, or even simply sign up to email or any newsletter refers to conversion.

Customer Behaviour

Any action taken by a customer relating to your company is referred to as customer behavior. Tracking customer behavior enables companies to understand customer needs and how you can keep them engaged with your services, which ultimately benefits you to get into the minds of the customer. platform helps companies to track customer actions to learn from customer behavior and build good relationships with them.

Customer Engagement

An ongoing customer relationship with a business or organization is acknowledged as customer engagement. Without customer engagement, there is no business likely to grow. Customer engagement is an essential ingredient that results in the expansion of a business. In the growing world of business and market, obtaining more customers is not just the goal, but keeping them engaged with the product and service helps companies to build good relationships.

Customer Experience

An ongoing customer relationship with a business or organization is acknowledged as customer engagement. Without customer engagement, there is no business likely to grow. Customer engagement is an essential ingredient that results in the expansion of a business. In the growing world of business and market, obtaining more customers is not just the goal, but keeping them engaged with the product and service helps companies to build good relationships.

Customer Journey

Every touchpoint between any company and its customers makes up a customer journey. It is the complete process by which a customer interacts with the company in order to achieve the results he needs.

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer lifetime value is the metric that shows the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer during his relationship with business. This metric is used to identify significant customer segments that are the most valuable to the company.


Cross-selling is selling an added product or service to the current customer to increase the value of the sale.



Dashboard is a view used to display Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of your app, which are the indications of how you are progressing towards an intended result. The dashboard provides information that is easy to view, highlighting the key points. The resulting data dashboard helps companies to make decisions on what matters more. At a single glance, you can make out where your app/website is leading and where it is lagging. helps you make decisions on what matters most based on the resulting data on the dashboard.


Demographics refers to general information about customers such as age, gender, education level, marital status, occupation, interest in purchasing activity, etc. By tracking demographic data, customers can be grouped as it helps companies to know which group of customers should they target for the service or the offers they provide.


In any business, the discount is the reduced price offered on a product or service to its customers. Discounts are a great way for companies to attract and encourage customers to buy a product or service compared to its competitors who offer a similar product.

Drop Offs

Drop Offs refers to the lost flow of users/customers, which means either they might have left your site or simply left the flow of pages. There could be different reasons for a user to drop off. For example, the visitor of a website was unable to reach the desired content and dropped off by exiting the site before reaching the content as it depends on the site as to how the content was arranged within. Drop off is also identified as visitors flow, which intends the traffic of your website.

Dynamic Content

Dynamic content When the information is updated continuously and is personalized according to user attributes is called dynamic content.


Email Notification

Email notifications are messages that keep a customer updated regarding a product or a service where they interact, respectively. For example, a user subscribes to a cooking channel receives an email notification whenever new recipes are posted on that channel.


User Interactions with the content on your website or your app refers to events that can be tracked independently. Events include video plays, downloads, ad clicks, gadgets, flash elements, etc. Any such actions are tracked as events. Tracking events has become essential for any online business. helps businesses to track customer events to draw their behavioral information, which is used for customer segmentation or to personalize content, which improves marketing strategies.



Filters allow you to view data in smaller groups by excluding unwanted data. Simply to say, filters are used to search certain pieces of information.


A funnel is the navigation path of your app/website users to follow to achieve a goal. Funnel is a navigation path you want your customers to lead through that path to achieve a specific outcome.


Feedback is a process of getting information about a product or service to modify the next version. It is essential for survival and is valuable to make critical decisions. It helps in adapting as per the needs of the users. allows you to collect feedback within the app, which smoothens the whole process.



Geofence is a feature in software and location-based service. To simply put, the geofence is a virtual fence around a real-world location. It is used to identify the location of a device as users always carry their devices with them. Geofence uses technologies like Global Positioning System and Radio Frequency Identification to track the location of devices of the users. Tracking location with geofencing helps companies track website traffic from a particular location.


Companies need to set goals if they want to obtain results. By setting goals, you will learn more about your customers and your progress. They help you direct your efforts within the business and align everyone's goals to create uniformity.


It is a game mechanism that is used for any website, an online community, or an enterprise application to motivate participants to keep their customers engaged. Typically gamification is a marketing technique that is used to keep the customers engaged with the product and services.


Graphics Interchange Format (GIFs) refers to a file format that supports both static and animated images.



HTML Hypertext markup language( HTML) is the language used to direct the structure of the website and pages. HTML lays out the architecture of the site, from the header to the footer.


In-App Messages

In-App Messages help you engage with your users by sending them messages that trigger entirely within the app. These messages are based on their in-app behavior and interests. In-app messaging analytics tracks the user actions and provides user behavior insights.

In-App Support

In-App Support is an information delivery that is given to a user within the app to reach a support agent. It enables apps to enhance customer experience, drive higher ratings, and increase retention.


Insights are keen observations or the outcomes that are obtained after analyzing a specific context. Insights understand context at a deeper level. enables businesses the ability to understand their customers at a deeper level by earning valuable insights for further growth.



Javascript is a computer programming language used to create effects within a website or an app. It enables you to add graphics, games, forms, and much more.



KPI Key Performance indicators that demonstrate the principal business objective of a company. They show measurable values as to how effectively the company is achieving its goals. High-level KPI metrics are mainly focused on the overall performance of the organization. dashboard enables its users to track their business objectives enabling for greater decision making letting them know what is more important and where they need to focus.



Lead is a prospect or potential user that shows interest in your product or service.

Lead Generation

Lead generation includes sets of activities that are aimed at inculcating interest in your product or service through various engagement activities such as quizzes, sending personalized messages, free trials, etc.

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is the process of building relationships with your prospects users or visitors through different engagement techniques to develop their interest in your product.

Lifecycle Stages

Lifecycle stages are divided into five, i.e., reach, acquisition, conversion, retention, and loyalty. The customer lifecycle is the process where your customers go through establishing relationships with your business to become loyal customers.



Mini-games are flash games, puzzle games, or could be a quiz that could be online and offline. These mini-games are widely used to keep the customer engaged with the business process while he is on the app/website.


Machine learning is one of the branches of computer science that deals with programming. Machine learning programs systems, in a way that they automatically acquire and develop with experience. Machine learning intends to recognize and understand the input data and make wise methods based on the supplied data. With the principles of statistics, probability theory, control theory, knowledge from specific data, and experiences from the past, etc. the algorithms are built-in Machine learning. The primary aim of machine learning is to allow computers to acquire and coordinate actions accordingly without any human assistance or human intervention.


Monetization is making profits based on your assets. Today many businesses are using data and analytics for its growth and monetization. helps its users analyze data and come up with keen insights for business monetization.


New Users

Users who are using your app/website for the very first time.


Notifications are the pop-ups that you see on your mobile device. It is an alert or a message reminding or notifying about something from an app/website to keep the customer engaged.


Net Promoter Score is a metric that measures customer satisfaction and loyalty on a scale of 1-10 to understand how their customers perceive them. It is used by an organization to become more focused on improving services) from the percentage of promoters (9-10).



Offer is presenting something to a customer about a product or service which can be accepted or rejected as desired.


Onboarding is the process of preparing new users started with your product. Onboarding is a critical step as it defines your customer journey and experience. Good onboarding experience is directly linked to product adoption and growth. The goal of onboarding is to help users get familiar with all the features of the product. It involves nurturing your users by step by step tutorials and guidance. Each user will have their onboarding process as per their stage in the customer journey.


Omnichannel is a cross channel strategy, which companies leverage to streamline the user experience at their preferred channel. It could be an app or a website.


An opt-in is a consent form provided to the users to acknowledge interest in the product or service to contact them with future information.


Opt-out is withdrawing the consent or changing their decisions after the original point of approval.

Opinion Poll

Opinion Poll refers to an opportunity where customers are allowed to express their opinion on the product/service they were provided. It is a method of drawing metrics over the business from customer inputs.



Personalization is the process of tailoring a service or product to serve individual customers or a segment of customers based on information and awareness. Personalization helps businesses to focus on what actually a customer needs as they could differ from customer to customer.'s intelligence enables its users to deliver content that is specific to each customer based on their past experiences, preferences, and usage. enables publishers to create a custom experience for a different group of users.


Platform refers to a group of technologies that act as a base or support for software applications to run upon.

Push Notifications

Push notification is information that pops up on the user's device. It can be triggered or pushed from the server to the user. Push notification is an excellent communication and engagement tool. It can be sent based on user location, user activity, and in-app behavior.

Product Adoption

Product Adoption is the process where potential users adopt or purchase a product that provides a solution to their pain points. The product adoption process includes awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption. To increase product adoption rates, companies should ensure they provide a great user experience and engagement.


Plugin is an add-on software feature that is installed to enhance the digital product capabilities.


Quantitative Analysis

Qualitative Analysis is a collection of data often associated with the numeric analysis. Data is collected using a set of statistical methods classified and then computed for specific findings. Quantitative analysis is more objective in nature, which seeks to understand the occurrence of events. As and when the events occur, the data is tracked and analyzed.

Qualitative Analysis

Qualitative Analysis is all about understanding data that is subjective, descriptive, non-statistical, and exploratory in nature. For instance, if an obstacle has occurred, qualitative analysis gives you a deeper understanding of the reasons for the occurrence.



Rating is measuring the performance of a product or service. It has become very important for any business as their customer to rate the product/service they provide. By asking customers to rate the product/service used, businesses can track the performance as to how effectively they serve the customer.


Retention is staying back or continuing to be with. Customer retention is the ability or actions/measures that a company takes to make their customers hold back to the product or the services provided. For any company, customer retention is the goal as it helps to retain customers as much as possible through customer and brand loyalty. While driving towards results, it is always vital for a company to realize the importance of customer retention.

Responsive Design

Responsive design is the designing digital product that automatically reformats for all screen sizes to make the user experience easy to interact no matter what device they are using.


Revenue is the amount generated during a specific period of sales.


Remarketing is a process where you connect with a visitor who had earlier visited your digital product and has not made an immediate purchase or inquiry. It allows you to position targeted ads in front of them to

Return on Investment (ROI)

ROI measures the performance and efficiency of your investment in terms of money and efforts and compares it with other investments. ROI is the function of revenue and cost.


Screen Tip

Screen tips are small windows that appear when the mouse hovers over an icon or a ribbon. They provide small descriptive text about the item on which the mouse hovered.


System Development Kit is a set of programs that includes a visual screen builder, an editor, a compiler, and other facilities. Software Development Kit is used by a computer programmer to write application programs.


The first step in campaign management is to define and segment the target audience, which enables marketers to target campaign messages to the considerate recipients. Marketers consider various factors while defining the target audience, starting with the demographic factors like age, gender, location and ending with the customer journey mapping. Running quizzes, surveys and opinion polls helps marketers in building the personal profiles, which is a great way to avoid pitching irrelevant marketing content to these consumers


Session is a time wherein a user interacts with your digital product. Session records time and frequency of app usage. With, you can determine the average length, time, and frequency user is likely to use your app or website.


A survey is a list of questions that capture user feedback. It helps you collect insights from users. The more you understand their needs, the better it will help you to provide a user-friendly product or service. In-app surveys are a great way to reduce friction as it eliminates the need to leave the app to submit feedback, thereby increasing the possibility of user participation in the survey.


Short Message Service (SMS) is an asynchronous form of communication where the sender and receiver do not need to be present at the same time to engage. SMS helps to improve a business to remain relevant despite the technology and stay ahead of the curve.



Targeting refers to a specific group of potential users of a product or service who meet a specified set of criteria.


A trigger is an event that causes in-app automation to drive users behavior to take immediate action. Triggers help in driving sales, engaging users, etc.


Unique Visitor

Unique visitor is the one who visited your website at least once during a certain period of time.

User Interface (UI)

UI is the way that users interact with a website or an app.

User Experience (UX)

User experience is the nature of a user's interaction with the website or app. It could be emotional, practical, or experimental.

Unique selling proposition (USP)

Unique selling proposition is the value that differentiates your business from that of other companies catering in the same market.


Up-Selling an existing user and higher-end version of the product


Value Proposition

It is the statement with which a brand tells its potential users about the company, its business operations, and the value a business promises to deliver to its customers when they buy their product or service.


Web Messaging

Web messaging is the communication that takes place via web browsers (whether on desktop or mobile web). Web messaging enables companies to broaden their reach and strengthens relationships with customers.

Win/Loss Analysis

Win/loss analysis is the process of identifying why a sales opportunity was either won or lost. This analysis helps in driving strategies according to the results generated.



Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.


Year on Year (YOY)

Year on year is a significant growth metric. This measures and compares results from year to year. Yearly data depicts your highs and lows in terms of engagement, profits, and helps you visualize your average annual performance.


Zee Coins

Zee coin is a digital reward currency that can be earned and spent both online and offline. Coins can be collected when you shop at your favorite stores or even when you play online games or visit websites.

About : is an omnichannel, user engagement, and gamification platform that helps digital product owners and marketers improve their product adoption and conversions. Fortune 1000 companies such as GE, UHG, Puma, Sony, ITC, Tenet healthcare are using and observed a massive increase in product adoption YoY increment in revenues.

Book a demo of the most comprehensive user engagement and gamification platform to achieve your digital product goals. Join our communities for more insights, guides, and best practices that keep you updated with proven strategies and tips to supercharge your campaigns.

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