Offer codes are the Promotional codes that online stores offer to encourage purchases on their website or app. The discount associated with the promocode can be applied on individual products or on an entire order.

This incentivising strategy essentially gives customers another reason to buy your products. Customers get the products they want at a lower price and ecommerce stores generate more revenue. The best thing is, these promotional scores work very well for both new and returning users.

Offers module in enables the account managers to create offers (Unique or list of offer codes) that can be used in Journeys. Offers currently cannot be run as standalone campaigns.

  1. You can create and access offers module in the Rewards & Loyalty section of the dashboard.

  2. To create a new offer , Click on “Create Offers”

  3. Name the offer and then select Offers type :

    1. “Unique code” - Unique from the list of offer codes available in the uploaded file.

    2. “Same code” - Same Offer code for all users.